Tourism and travel/Turkey








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Turkey - the most popular tourist destination among the Ukrainians. Tours to Turkey from Kiev to the summer holidays a wonderful opportunity to relax on the beach 4 seas: the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara. The Mediterranean and the Aegean coast and Mediterranean climate is milder.

Mediterranean coast recommended tours to Turkey in the seaside resort of Antalya Province in the city of Kemer, Belek, Side, Antalya, Alanya, etc. Azure warm sea, the wide, sandy and pebble beaches, beautiful nature: mountain ranges, lush pine forests, eucalyptus groves, tangerine orchards and blooming acacia thickets. Tours of Turkey to the Mediterranean coast offers good infrastructure, a high level of service and wonderful hotels on the average to the elite class.

Holidays in Turkey on the Aegean coast of a resort - Marmaris, Kusadasi, Bodrum, Fethiye and other scenic coastline, cozy bays, mountains, snow covered, pine forests. Aegean Coast offers both active and relaxing holiday. Last minute trips to Turkey in Marmaris resort area will be of interest to young people. Bustling Marmaris to famous bars treats tourists nightlife for all tastes. Holidays in Turkey from Kiev to the resort of Bodrum, fences offer a calm and measured pastime. Here you can enjoy the peace and serenity that favors lush nature and fresh mountain air. Plus Aegean coast is considered treasure monuments of antiquity.

Turkey is a country with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Excursions in Turkey today are no less popular than the rest by the sea. Trips to Turkey from Kiev will visit the former capital of the Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman empires - the city of Istanbul, which in itself is the cultural heritage of the country. Sultan's Topkapi Palace, the Museum of Oriental Antiquities, the Museum of Turkish and Islamic art, a lot of ancient mosques, temples and old churches and other monuments will introduce you to the history of this great city.

By purchasing tickets to Turkey, be sure to visit Cappadocia, famous cave city carved in the rocks and bizarre natural formations of volcanic origin. Here is the Goreme National Park with the famous "Valley of the Fairy Chimneys". As well as a large number of ancient rock churches covered with frescoes. In the north-west of the country are the ruins of the great Troy (Ilion). And, of course, being on holiday in Turkey, possibly visit the "cotton castle" famous Pamukkale hot springs and snow-white calcareous deposits on the rocks, creating a fantastic picture. Republic of Turkey (Turkiye Cumhuriyeti) is located in West Asia and parts of Southern Europe, bordering the Black Sea to the north, in the south - the Mediterranean Sea to the west - the Aegean Sea.

Surface Area - 814,578 sq km

The state capital - Ankara (Ankara).

The largest city - Istanbul (Istanbul).

The European part of Turkey, known as Thrace and Eastern Rumelia, is an undulating plateau (1000 m above sea level), from the north it is bordered by Bulgaria, in the west - with Greece.

The Asian part of Turkey is called Anatolia, the European part of the same is only about 3% of the territory.

The country can be divided into seven physiographic regions: Thrace and Marmara

Aegean and the Mediterranean, the Black Sea region, western Anatolia, the Anatolian plateau, the eastern highlands, south-eastern Anatolia.

Thrace and Marmara - plain region, which rises in the east mountain range with Mount Ulu (Olympus) (2543 m). Aegean and Mediterranean seas narrow and hilly.

Anatolian Black Sea coast Pontskimi framed by mountains. Western Anatolia consists of rough mountain ranges and river valleys, separating the Aegean coast of Anatolia Plateau - the largest region of the country, surrounded on all sides by mountains. The highest point in the region - Mount Erciyes (3916 m).

Eastern Highlands is the most mountainous region of Turkey. There is the famous Mount Ararat (5137m), to which Noah's ark. Originate in the same place of the Tigris River (Diklo) and Euphrates (Firat).

Southeast Anatolia - a low plateau in the north, east and west, surrounded by mountains. The highest peak in Western Anatolia - Uludag Mountain (2453 m).

Almost all the rivers in Turkey and unnavigable rapids, some dry summer. The longest river in the country is the Kizil Irmak (1150 km).

The two largest lakes of Turkey - Van Lake and Lake Tuz - pickled freshwater lakes Beyzegir, Egridir Burdural and in the south-west of the country.


At present, there are about 65-70 million people.

82% of the population are Turks, 10.6% - the Kurds. The rest are Arabs, Greeks (in Istanbul - about 100 thousand), Armenians, Spanish Jews, Circassians, and other small ethnic groups. In addition, this country - the birthplace of 3 million Turks living in other countries, the central role of which is Germany.


Turkey is located in a subtropical climate zone, but the relief creates a wide variety of climates of individual districts. Warm valleys interspersed with mountains and plateaus, where the weather conditions are more severe. In the west and south, dominated by the Mediterranean climate, the summer months are hot and dry and winters are mild. Therefore, these areas are often referred to as the Turkish Riviera. The average summer temperature - 35 degrees, the average water temperature - 26 degrees.

On the inland highlands dominated continental climate, with hot summers and cold, snowy winters. In the eastern areas of the country dominated by continental climate. The northern regions of Turkey and, in particular, go to the sea slopes characterizes the Black Sea climate. The summer is not as hot as in the Mediterranean region, and winters colder. Temperature sometimes drops below 0, cases fog, snowing. The main feature of the local climate - an abundance of rain in both winter and summer. Every year it falls to 2200 mm.


Trip to a Muslim country can provide you a chance to get to know the basics and customs of this interesting religion.

Despite the fact that Islam has ceased since 1928 the number of state religion, 99% of Turkey's population to be Muslim.

In worship Arabic Turkish partially replaced. The law prohibits the wearing of religious clothing, except apparel official clerics in places of worship during religious services. Muslims need to pray five times a day, fasting during the holy Ramadan. The most important religious festivals - Ramadan and Kubran Bayran.

In addition to the Muslims living in Turkey Greek, Armenian and Syrian Orthodox Christians, Jews. In general, a country characterized by religious tolerance.

Religious Holidays in Turkey:

January 10 - February 8 - Ramadan (fasting)

February 9 - February 11 - Seker Bayram

April 17 - April 21 - Kurban Bayram.


Turkish cuisine offers a wide selection of food and treats. Priority is given to beef and lamb. Typical Turkish dishes - and doner kebab. In Turkey, a very popular dolma, which uses tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, peppers and grape leaves. Restaurants throughout Turkey offer a rich assortment of appetizers ("meze"), hot dishes, salads and sweets. On the buffet in the hotel is available for unlimited food choices.

National drink is raki (anisette), which is diluted with water and get a drink called the "lion's milk".

In Anatolia drink Turkish tea time during the day, and you will probably be asked to drink it during your visit. Tea comes from the Black Sea coast. Turkish tea is served in small tulip-shaped cups with milk in the Western manner.

Turkish coffee is also served in very small cups usually together with a glass of water. Black and strong Turkish coffee is drunk without sugar, but you can always add a spoonful or two.

Particular importance is attached to the Turkish cuisine sweets. Sweets have always been a part of Turkish culture, beginning with the discovery of the legendary Delight. This traditional dish was brought to Europe in the XVIII century. Delight originally was prepared from honey, rose and jasmine and Arab spices. Fresh fruits and berries for dessert served all year round.


The monetary unit of Turkey - Turkish Lira (TRL).

In addition to the exchanges and banks can exchange money at hotels. Change to the "black market" is risky, especially as the rate does not differ much. In the exchange, pay attention to the fact that the points of exchange may charge a fee for each transaction. This should be an appropriate announcement.

Banks are open from 8.30 to 17.30, a break from 12.00 to 13.30. Weekends - Saturday and Sunday. In the resorts, banks are open seven days a week, on Saturday, some exchange offices are open until 12.00. In the summer, many state and commercial institutions do not work in the afternoon. Mode of operation is often determined by the administration of a particular region.

Areas of Istanbul

Topkapi district - Luxury Gardens and ... flea market, where the famous flea market of Paris is no good and a candle. All contrasts Istanbul - a district of Topkapi.

District Edirnekapy - Wrong Side of Istanbul: the slums, which were afraid to walk even clochard Paris. But fear not! You - safe. You will see from a safe Edirnekapy bus with reliable protection and guides.

Kasimpasa district - It's not fake dancing half-naked dancers. Kasimpasa - home of Istanbul's Roma, people of African descent, transvestites and the dregs of society. See the bottom of Istanbul is not actually touching it with the tour "Contrasts of Istanbul."

Beyoglu - Turkish Arbat, surrounded by slums. This is only possible in Istanbul! Luxury street, where you can walk on until the morning, a favorite place of Beyoğlu youth. But it is necessary to move away from the street slightly to the side ...

Nisantasi - Turkish glamor in all its glory - Nisantasi - ready to shine in front of anyone who visits it.

Area 4th Levent - Istanbul New York in one area. Skyscrapers, banks and offices - glitter glass high-rise buildings of corporations and powerful companies. This is not Wall Street, this is something more powerful. This is the fourth Levent!

Bebek district - Turkey said: beautiful, like a child. The child is "Bebek". The area, called Bebek, really - one of the most beautiful in Istanbul. The place chosen for the Sultans Guard, today famous for its institutions: cafes, bars and restaurants. Bebek lights until morning

Etiler district - one of the largest shopping centers in Europe - "Akmerkez", is located in a prestigious area of ​​Istanbul Etiler. See the splendor of Istanbul and its practical use can not everyone. You - you can.

Ulus Ulus and Park - Island of comfort and peace in the middle of a vast and ever-moving Istanbul - park district. Small and one of the most beautiful parks in the city, it is located almost on the coast of the strait. Here you will stop to rest.

Sights of Istanbul

Hippodrome - The younger brother of the Roman Hippodrome - Istanbul Hippodrome inferior in size only to him. Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and Egyptian empire - is not one area of ​​the Hippodrome.

Hagia Sofia - the main sanctuary of Orthodox Christians - the church built a thousand years before the church of San Pietro in Rome. Font, which was first Christian baptism of Rus - Princess Olga, Byzantine mosaics, and gouges in the floor of the temple from foot guards emperors - to all that you touch in the fourth-largest church in the world, the church of Hagia Sophia.

Yerebatan underground reservoir - Temple with 300 columns, built underground, the Turks had been filled with water. Now Erebatan reservoir between the head of Medusa, carved in marble in the emperors of Rome, huge carp swim ...

Blue Mosque - No one but the Sultans can not build a mosque with four minarets. In the capital of the Muslim world, Mecca, can see a mosque with five minarets. Ottoman Sultan challenge Mecca itself, and there is a mosque in Istanbul with six minarets ...! This is the Blue Mosque in Istanbul ...

Topkapi Palace - This brilliant sultans for 400 years managed space empire that stretches across Europe and Asia, East and West. Topkapi Palace - a treasure of Istanbul. Admire the majesty port today can you.

Egyptian Bazaar - Herbs, Spices and Herbs East. Abundance, from which dizzy. Unfriendliest great, but the most colorful and cheerful market of Istanbul - Egyptian Bazaar. As three hundred years ago, here brought spices and herbs from Egypt itself.

Walk along the Bosphorus - Only during this walk you, standing on the deck of a ship sailing on the most beautiful Strait of Eurasia, see houses and homes of millionaires island, castles and palaces of the sultans. In Turtsiigovoryat: "If the heart of sadness, go to the Bosphorus." Develop a sadness in the years ahead - Go to Istanbul.

The observation deck on the hill Yeditepe - far from this hill lodge millionaires. Owner's house network "Ramstore" emblazoned near the hill Yeditepe. And it really is a viewing platform from which oktryvaetsya the most beautiful view of the Bosphorus. Treat yourself to the Bosphorus, rise to Yeditepe.

Indoor wounds - Gold Market - The biggest market of Istanbul Gold Souk is - a real market town, which spreads for the whole area. There are streets, alleys and intersections: all this is dotted so kolichestvommagazinov, shops and stalls, which does not exist anywhere in the world ...

Museum of mosaics in the church choir - True beauty is always low-key. Chora Church - one of the most beautiful in Istanbul, outside is simple and unassuming. Inside the temple - the most beautiful Byzantine mosaics. Here prayed to God to his young first Christians of Constantinople.

Hagia Irene - If Hagia Sophia is the king, the church of St. Irene - chief advisor of the king. Church, from which rushed orders to all parts of the Christian world view is now available every believer.

Church of St. Mary of the Mongol - The daughter of the Emperor of Byzantium Maria was given in marriage to brutal Mongol khan. Soften the heart of a good Christian pagan minded, experienced wife Mary and after his dastardly murder returned to Constantinople. Here she took the veil, holds my life in this house ...

Church Balikli - Water bubbling out of the ground in this temple, heal hundreds of people from around the world. Church Balikli saves people for 16 centuries. Drink the miraculous water of the temple - the dream of every Christian.

Ecumenical Patriarchate - Part column, which scourged Jesus Christ - the great relic - currently stored in the Patriarchate of Constantinople (Universal). And besides him - hundreds of miraculous relics and relics. Patriarchate of the world - in Istanbul.

Pantokrator Church - Church of Jesus Vsederzhatelya - the same age as the golden age of the Byzantine Empire. Converted into a mosque by the Ottomans, it is, nevertheless, retained the grandeur and simplicity of a Greek-style church. It is the only mosque, where the walls were ... crosses.

Galata Tower - One of the few buildings of Istanbul, which is visible from all points of the city - Galata Tower. 61 meters stories on the Bay Golden Horn - Galata Tower. Istanbul with a flight altitude of seagulls - Galata Tower ...

Museum layouts outdoor Miniaturk - Istanbul ... All in one park! Park, which contains miniature models of temples, places of interest, monuments and palaces of Istanbul and Turkey.

Eyup Mosque - he carried the banner of the Prophet, and went with him to the walls of Constantinople - it seemed the city fell ... But Allah rasudil otherwise. Mohammed's standard bearer, Eyüp, died, and the city survived. Nine centuries Muslims have returned here and built a mosque Eyupa. A holy place, a mosque and cemetery Ottoman nobility - Eyupa spirit looks out of his mosque in Istanbul so far.

Blachernae Church - Protection of the Virgin and her belt - relics that are still with us. Temple, where they are - Blachernae church, open to all.

Ecumenical Patriarchate - Part column, which scourged Jesus Christ - the great relic - currently stored in the Patriarchate of Constantinople (Universal). And besides him - hundreds of miraculous relics and relics. Patriarchate of the world - in Istanbul.

The city walls - they saw glitter and decadence of Rome, Byzantium and the golden age of the Ottoman armada spears the Bosporus, the ships of the Russian Empire and the Genoese merchant ships. All of it was gone, and the walls of Constantinople remained. Leave us. But do not leave without seeing the eighth wonder of the world - the walls of Constantinople.

Suleymaniye Mosque (Tomb Roksolana and Sultan) - She was the daughter of a humble priest from western Ukraine. He - the lord of half of Eurasia. It seemed they would never meet, but fate rassudilainache. Roksolana - this is the first Slav - the beloved wife of the Turkish sultan. For her sake, Suleymaniye Mosque built - temple, which is arguing with the beauty of the church of St. Sophia.

Dolmabahce Palace - Palace, a luxury which argues against Versailles prestige - from Westminster Abbey. The last refuge of the Ottoman sultans, Dolmabahce affects its magnificence even seasoned travelers. Paintings by Aivazovsky, gold, grand pianos of the 19th century and weapons inlaid with precious stones - just a few of luxury Dolmabahce.

Yildiz Palace - Here in laurel groves, Byzantine golden youth graced head competition with each other wreaths, plucking leaves from trees. Sultans treated healthy air, and now tourists - rest in a wonderful park.Banks are open from 8.30 to 17.30, a break from 12.00 to 13.30. Weekends - Saturday and Sunday. In the resorts, banks are open seven days a week, on Saturday, some exchange offices are open until 12.00. In the summer, many state and commercial institutions do not work in the afternoon. Mode of operation is often determined by the administration of a particular region.

Areas of Istanbul

Topkapi district - Luxury Gardens and ... flea market, where the famous flea market of Paris is no good and a candle. All contrasts Istanbul - a district of Topkapi.

District Edirnekapy - Wrong Side of Istanbul: the slums, which were afraid to walk even clochard Paris. But fear not! You - safe. You will see from a safe Edirnekapy bus with reliable protection and guides.

Kasimpasa district - It's not fake dancing half-naked dancers. Kasimpasa - home of Istanbul's Roma, people of African descent, transvestites and the dregs of society. See the bottom of Istanbul is not actually touching it with the tour "Contrasts of Istanbul."

Beyoglu - Turkish Arbat, surrounded by slums. This is only possible in Istanbul! Luxury street, where you can walk on until the morning, a favorite place of Beyoğlu youth. But it is necessary to move away from the street slightly to the side ...

Nisantasi - Turkish glamor in all its glory - Nisantasi - ready to shine in front of anyone who visits it.

Area 4th Levent - Istanbul New York in one area. Skyscrapers, banks and offices - glitter glass high-rise buildings of corporations and powerful companies. This is not Wall Street, this is something more powerful. This is the fourth Levent!

Bebek district - Turkey said: beautiful, like a child. The child is "Bebek". The area, called Bebek, really - one of the most beautiful in Istanbul. The place chosen for the Sultans Guard, today famous for its institutions: cafes, bars and restaurants. Bebek lights until morning

Etiler district - one of the largest shopping centers in Europe - "Akmerkez", is located in a prestigious area of ​​Istanbul Etiler. See the splendor of Istanbul and its practical use can not everyone. You - you can.

Ulus Ulus and Park - Island of comfort and peace in the middle of a vast and ever-moving Istanbul - park district. Small and one of the most beautiful parks in the city, it is located almost on the coast of the strait. Here you will stop to rest.

Sights of Istanbul

Hippodrome - The younger brother of the Roman Hippodrome - Istanbul Hippodrome inferior in size only to him. Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and Egyptian empire - is not one area of ​​the Hippodrome.

Hagia Sofia - the main sanctuary of Orthodox Christians - the church built a thousand years before the church of San Pietro in Rome. Font, which was first Christian baptism of Rus - Princess Olga, Byzantine mosaics, and gouges in the floor of the temple from foot guards emperors - to all that you touch in the fourth-largest church in the world, the church of Hagia Sophia.

Yerebatan underground reservoir - Temple with 300 columns, built underground, the Turks had been filled with water. Now Erebatan reservoir between the head of Medusa, carved in marble in the emperors of Rome, huge carp swim ...

Blue Mosque - No one but the Sultans can not build a mosque with four minarets. In the capital of the Muslim world, Mecca, can see a mosque with five minarets. Ottoman Sultan challenge Mecca itself, and there is a mosque in Istanbul with six minarets ...! This is the Blue Mosque in Istanbul ...

Topkapi Palace - This brilliant sultans for 400 years managed space empire that stretches across Europe and Asia, East and West. Topkapi Palace - a treasure of Istanbul. Admire the majesty port today can you.

Egyptian Bazaar - Herbs, Spices and Herbs East. Abundance, from which dizzy. Unfriendliest great, but the most colorful and cheerful market of Istanbul - Egyptian Bazaar. As three hundred years ago, here brought spices and herbs from Egypt itself.

Walk along the Bosphorus - Only during this walk you, standing on the deck of a ship sailing on the most beautiful Strait of Eurasia, see houses and homes of millionaires island, castles and palaces of the sultans. In Turtsiigovoryat: "If the heart of sadness, go to the Bosphorus." Develop a sadness in the years ahead - Go to Istanbul.

The observation deck on the hill Yeditepe - far from this hill lodge millionaires. Owner's house network "Ramstore" emblazoned near the hill Yeditepe. And it really is a viewing platform from which oktryvaetsya the most beautiful view of the Bosphorus. Treat yourself to the Bosphorus, rise to Yeditepe.

Indoor wounds - Gold Market - The biggest market of Istanbul Gold Souk is - a real market town, which spreads for the whole area. There are streets, alleys and intersections: all this is dotted so kolichestvommagazinov, shops and stalls, which does not exist anywhere in the world ...

Museum of mosaics in the church choir - True beauty is always low-key. Chora Church - one of the most beautiful in Istanbul, outside is simple and unassuming. Inside the temple - the most beautiful Byzantine mosaics. Here prayed to God to his young first Christians of Constantinople.

Hagia Irene - If Hagia Sophia is the king, the church of St. Irene - chief advisor of the king. Church, from which rushed orders to all parts of the Christian world view is now available every believer.

Church of St. Mary of the Mongol - The daughter of the Emperor of Byzantium Maria was given in marriage to brutal Mongol khan. Soften the heart of a good Christian pagan minded, experienced wife Mary and after his dastardly murder returned to Constantinople. Here she took the veil, holds my life in this house ...

Church Balikli - Water bubbling out of the ground in this temple, heal hundreds of people from around the world. Church Balikli saves people for 16 centuries. Drink the miraculous water of the temple - the dream of every Christian.

Ecumenical Patriarchate - Part column, which scourged Jesus Christ - the great relic - currently stored in the Patriarchate of Constantinople (Universal). And besides him - hundreds of miraculous relics and relics. Patriarchate of the world - in Istanbul.

Pantokrator Church - Church of Jesus Vsederzhatelya - the same age as the golden age of the Byzantine Empire. Converted into a mosque by the Ottomans, it is, nevertheless, retained the grandeur and simplicity of a Greek-style church. It is the only mosque, where the walls were ... crosses.

Galata Tower - One of the few buildings of Istanbul, which is visible from all points of the city - Galata Tower. 61 meters stories on the Bay Golden Horn - Galata Tower. Istanbul with a flight altitude of seagulls - Galata Tower ...

Museum layouts outdoor Miniaturk - Istanbul ... All in one park! Park, which contains miniature models of temples, places of interest, monuments and palaces of Istanbul and Turkey.

Eyup Mosque - he carried the banner of the Prophet, and went with him to the walls of Constantinople - it seemed the city fell ... But Allah rasudil otherwise. Mohammed's standard bearer, Eyüp, died, and the city survived. Nine centuries Muslims have returned here and built a mosque Eyupa. A holy place, a mosque and cemetery Ottoman nobility - Eyupa spirit looks out of his mosque in Istanbul so far.

Blachernae Church - Protection of the Virgin and her belt - relics that are still with us. Temple, where they are - Blachernae church, open to all.

Ecumenical Patriarchate - Part column, which scourged Jesus Christ - the great relic - currently stored in the Patriarchate of Constantinople (Universal). And besides him - hundreds of miraculous relics and relics. Patriarchate of the world - in Istanbul.

The city walls - they saw glitter and decadence of Rome, Byzantium and the golden age of the Ottoman armada spears the Bosporus, the ships of the Russian Empire and the Genoese merchant ships. All of it was gone, and the walls of Constantinople remained. Leave us. But do not leave without seeing the eighth wonder of the world - the walls of Constantinople.

Suleymaniye Mosque (Tomb Roksolana and Sultan) - She was the daughter of a humble priest from western Ukraine. He - the lord of half of Eurasia. It seemed they would never meet, but fate rassudilainache. Roksolana - this is the first Slav - the beloved wife of the Turkish sultan. For her sake, Suleymaniye Mosque built - temple, which is arguing with the beauty of the church of St. Sophia.

Dolmabahce Palace - Palace, a luxury which argues against Versailles prestige - from Westminster Abbey. The last refuge of the Ottoman sultans, Dolmabahce affects its magnificence even seasoned travelers. Paintings by Aivazovsky, gold, grand pianos of the 19th century and weapons inlaid with precious stones - just a few of luxury Dolmabahce.

Yildiz Palace - Here in laurel groves, Byzantine golden youth graced head competition with each other wreaths, plucking leaves from trees. Sultans treated healthy air, and now tourists - rest in a wonderful park.

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