Tourism and travel/Austria








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Austria offers a varied holiday, which will evaluate each traveler. Tour to Europe for aesthetic pleasure in the first place are encouraged to visit the capital - Vienna. Hofburg Palace, which houses the Spear of Destiny, various galleries and exhibitions of famous artists, painters and sculptors. Vienna Opera, historic sites and monuments will bring a lot of fun.

Those who want solitude and silence will surely enjoy holidays in Carinthia, Austria's lakes, which are located in the south. Highland lakes formed by the melting of glaciers. Sports on the Lakes in Austria - is a picturesque mountain scenery, beautiful scenery and clean mountain water, keeping the atmosphere of calm and relaxation. Lake Ossiacher See Weiss See a popular place for fishing. Lake Wörther See the 19th century is a favorite place to stay Austrian aristocracy. The most famous resort is Velden.

For Austria entrenched status of classical ski resort. Lovers of winter sports ski tours to Austria offers more than 800 resorts for mountain skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, tobogganing, etc. When choosing a winter holiday in Austria from Kiev, go to the Ski Amade - the largest ski area in Europe, which has 28 ski resorts, 400 ski slopes of different difficulty and length, 270 lifts. First-class hotels and infrastructure make trips to Austria extremely attractive for winter recreation. In the Tyrol Alps in the heart of a ski resort Innsbruck, which already held two Winter Olympic Games. Going to Austria on holiday, many skiers prefer Tyrol's Ziller Valley and the city of Kitzbühel, where the best track for downhill and snow park "Garden of Eden" - favorite snowboarders.

Very popular medical tours to Austria from Kiev to visit health resorts. Mineral and thermal springs enriched with useful elements, mud, combined with the fresh mountain air and beautiful nature create a unique effect. Tour to Austria will help in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and gynecological diseases, and digestive system. Each resort due to the individual composition of mineral waters and mud of the corresponding complexes of certain activities aimed at treatment and prevention of diseases.

Tour operator in Austria "Travel Club" offers an active and a busy sightseeing vacation and health-improving rest, which will raise the vitality and strengthen the immune system.

Capital: Vienna

Territory: 83 871km2

Population: 8,206,524 people.


Currency: Euro (EUR)

Religion: about 73.6% of Austrians - Catholics, 4.7% - Protestants, 6.5% of the population belongs to other religious faiths (Islam - 4.2%, Orthodox Church - 2.2%, and Judaism - 0.1% , reported a total of 12 denominations), 12% of the population consider themselves to any of the religions.

Republic of Austria - a continental country located in the southern part of Central Europe and occupies part of the Eastern Alps and the area along the Danube River. Country is quite closely adjacent to the Mediterranean region. In Austria, closely intertwined natural, climatic and vegetation zones. Due to its geographical location Austria has long been a crossroads of transport routes connecting major European centers of economy and culture.

Austria has a proud history and a rich contemporary cultural event attracts visitors from all over the world. Austrians are a friendly welcome their guests. Austrian hospitality has become a tradition.

Austria - Federal State area of ​​83,858 square kilometers, consisting of nine federal states: Burgenland, Vienna, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Carinthia, Vorarlberg.

Austria is bordered by Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Italy.

Climate: Temperate, srednekontinentalny. Temperature and rainfall varies in different regions of the country, depending on the height above sea level of the region and its geographical location.

In Austria behind Kiev for 1 hour. For the period from late March to late October, the country introduced the summer. The clock is on Saturday at 02:00 am.

Population: The Austrians are 97% of the population, but only in the country is home to six ethnic groups. For example, living in Burgenland Croats and Hungarians, Slovenes living in Southern Carinthia, in some areas of southern Styria, as well as in Vienna and Lower Austria. In Vienna and Lower Austria is also home to the Czechs and Slovaks. Ethnic Roma living in the villages of Burgenland and Vienna.

Official language - German, population speaks several dialects. Most working in the tourism industry understand and speak in English.

Political system - a democratic republic.

Austria - a country of traditional winter tourism. Along with Switzerland, this country is a kind of ski "Mecca" for Europeans. Today, Austrian tourism is the main source of income, covering traditionally negative trade balance. In this industry for 70 thousand small and medium tourism enterprises (hotels, restaurants, health resorts, swimming pools and beaches) employs 350 thousand people. The percentage of gross income from tourism to GDP (over 6%), Austria is one of the leading places in the world, and the income from the tourist sector of the economy of small countries of Europe firmly holds the leading position.

In Austria, the long-established and debugged system of services for tourists. Many towns and villages such as Milshtat, Ischgl, St Anton or Mayrhofen become the largest European resorts, and the former rural residents in the hotel business. Ski tourism changed Austria and Austrians - today for them is life and hope for the future. Vienna

Vienna - it is a rich tradition of residence of emperors, began to acquire the features of majestic elegance in the time of the Danube Monarchy. And at the same time it is a city with a modern, forward-looking architecture. Here bubbling cultural life. The city of Vienna is surrounded by a forest and a large seating area can not boast of any capital of the world.

Leopold Museum Named for its founder - the Viennese collector Professor Rudolf Leopold. In his exhibition - a collection of works by Egon Schiele painting genius of the last century. There are also presented unique works of Art Nouveau Gustav Klimt and Oskar Kokoschka, and outstanding paintings of the XIX century brush Waldmüller Ferdinand, Friedrich Gauermana and many other artists. (

Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation In its permanent exhibition has 400 exhibits, including works by Pablo Picasso, Rene Magritte, Roy Lichtenstein, Joan Miro, Andy Warhol and many other visual artists. The focus of the museum gives the best examples of the avant-garde of the XX century - works in the style of pop art, photo-realism, neo-realism and the other revolutionary trends. (

Museum of Art History Located next door to the museum quarter, it is based on the collection House of Habsburg who gathered since the Middle Ages. One of the largest in the world, he is considered the Viennese landmark first magnitude.

Land of Lower Austria Austrian Federal Province, located in the north-east. It borders with the countries of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as with the Austrian federal province of Upper Austria, Burgenland, Styria and the capital of Austria, Vienna, which is located almost in the center, there is the nearest airport. Lower Austria from north to south - 170 km from west to east - 180 km.

St. Pölten

St. Pölten - The capital of Lower Austria, Austria's oldest city and the capital of the youngest federal land, the population - 50,000 people

Hiking tour:

City Hall - City Theatre - Museum "Im Hof" (street Hessshtrasse) - Karmeliterhof (building, built in the baroque style, Historical Museum of Lower Austria and the Museum of Contemporary Art) - pedestrian zone on the street. Linzer Straße, the Baroque facade of the Institute of English - Sq. Rimerplatts - st. Wiener Straße - Sq. Herrenplatts - Sq. Domplatz (Roman-Gothic cathedral interior is designed in Baroque) - Bischofshofen (Museum of the local diocese) - Synagogue (now used for cultural events) - st. Kremser Gasse - Josef Olbrih House Art Nouveau façade.

The southeast part of the city: the new quarter of government agencies, municipal cultural center with modern architecture (Festival Hall, Tower, Exhibition Hall). Local travel agency offers players with a record of disclosures for a walk through the old town. Running route - about 1 hour 30 minutes.

Other attractions: Palace Pottenbrun (collection cups), Abbey Herzogenburg, Shallaburg palace, the museum of medieval life Nussdorf, Dinosaur Park Traismauer. Excursions in Wachau and down the mountain Foralpenland.

Tours in Munich

City tour of Munich Introduction to the Bavarian capital starts from the Royal Square (Koenigsplatz) with magnificent historical buildings of New Pinakothek and the National Opera House, further inspection of the palace Nymphenburg (Nymphenburg), the Olympic Complex, the University of the Isar (Isar), the English Garden, Schwabing district (Schwabing), Hausen district Bogen (Bogen Hausen), the famous Hofbräuhaus beer (Hofbraeuhaus), Marienplatz square and Odeonplatts, the Town Hall, the Cathedral of Our Lady (Frauenkirche) with magnificent towers, pedestrian center.

Bavarian Alps

You go to the heart of the Alps on the Autobahn at Garmisch-Partenkirchen - famous winter resort on the border of Germany and Austria. Particularly impressive view of the Zugspitze - the highest point in the German Alps. Next, you can choose (in advance or on the spot): - Ettal monastery, where the XIV century. make liqueurs with alpine herbs and special beers. All this can taste. Benedictine monastery church striking beauty and wealth. - Town of Oberammergau. It is interesting wall paintings of houses, special paint on plaster. This Bavarian art, murals depicting scenes of folk ballads and tales of the Brothers Grimm. Here you can buy rare souvenirs. Lunch break (lunch in the price is not included, organized at the request of a typical restaurant). After lunch - check "card" Bavarian castle Noyshtvanshtayn (Neuswanstein).

A walking tour through the historic center of Munich

The most important architectural monuments - episodes in the history of Bavaria and its capital. Visit the Residence, the main Catholic Bavaria - Frauenkirche Althofen, New Town Hall, etc.

Excursions in the Salzkammergut

See Wolfgang

Walk on the lake; Climb Schafberbahn.

Length of head: 5.85 km, elevation 1,190 m Best places to walk

Maximum lifting point: 1.734m - breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, the restaurant, the best place for cycling.

Romantic Lake District

A great opportunity to get acquainted with the charm of the Salzkammergut. The tour starts from Lake Mondsee Cathedral «Sound of music» - odogo of the largest Gothic cathedrals in Austria, known for his film «Sound of Music», which starred wedding ceremony. Next on the program - visit the largest lake Attersee in Austria, the town of Gmunden. Delightful Lake Traunsee with visiting "floating" castle Schloss Orth, located on the island. Visit to the cathedral «Fischermann» on the Traunsee.


Across the border in Bavaria Marktshelenberg - in Obersalzberg - Visit the charming town of Berchtesgaden and the "Eagle's Nest" - Rosfeld - Keltenshtrasse - Dyurnberg - Hallein - and a romantic

valley Vistal back to the Salzkammergut. Do not forget to bring your passport!

Obersalzberg: visit the salt mines, in which over 500let ago began to produce salt. Part of the mine is still used for the extraction of salt, but the other part is occupied by the attraction: special vintage trolley tourists descend down to the subterranean salt lake, viewing galleries, a piece of rock salt as a gift to each visitor.

"Eagle's Nest": Hitler's hideaway, was presented to him for the reception of diplomats and is on top of a cliff at a height of 1834 m building was not damaged by bombing and 1952. open to public access. The building is a museum of the history of fascism, where on display documents of the era: pictures of Hitler, menu of the first fascist, etc. There is also a cut in the rock complex of bunkers.

Mountain region of Salzkammergut The trip begins in St.Volfgange via Bad Ischl - Bad Goisern and Lake Halshtatterzee - in Gosau and delicious Dachstein mountains and the Dolomites Zaltsburgerlanda. On the way back to visit the town St.Volfgang Postalm a panoramic platform (stop for a walk and lunch).

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