Tourism and travel/Izrael








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Israel - is the blessed place where people make pilgrimages from all over the world, are natural phenomena are not subject to scientific explanation, here are some of the best spa resorts in the world, a united culture and traditions of the three great religions.

Tours in Israel vary in purpose and subject matter. Discounted tickets to Israel is not only a great opportunity to improve your health in the best health resort planet, and spend an unforgettable holiday on the coast, a familiarity with the culture and traditions of one of the most interesting in the world of nations.

This tours to Israel to visit the holy places and cultural monuments. Jerusalem, where are the main shrine of the three religions. Christianity - Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Judaism - the Temple Mount and Western Wall.

Islam - the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock.

Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ and the Temple of Christ. Nazareth, where Jesus spent his childhood small, and where the Virgin Mary received the good news about the future of his son.

Medical Tours in Israel choose to improve health and strengthen the body. On medical tours to Israel sent for rehabilitation and treatment of skin diseases and cancer, heart disease, diseases of the joints, and nervous system. Today on flights to Israel from Kiev to the restoration sent an increasing number of tourists. Israeli medicine is famous for high level of diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases, and the cost of medical services is much lower than the clinics in the U.S. and Europe. Also in health and preventive purposes, many Ukrainians get tours to Israel to the Dead Sea.

Israel to host four seas. In the south-east is the Dead Sea, in the west of the Mediterranean, the North Sea of ​​Galilee (Lake Kinneret) and in the south - the Red Sea. Tours of Israel from the tour operator "Travel Club" - a beach holiday in the four seas.

Red Sea - a closed body of water, which is not no river flows, good visibility and transparency of the water has all the conditions for diving. Tours to Israel from Ukraine on the Red Sea offers luxurious conditions for a beach holiday in the resort of Eilat. The area also boasts many professional diving clubs. Coral reefs, which stretch along the coast, exotic fish and rare marine plants, colorful coral - a favorite picture of each diver. Holidays in Israel on the Red Sea - is gentle sunshine, beautiful beaches, emerald sea, soft sand and the beautiful underwater world.

On recreation for tourists in Israel hold the path to the waters of the Dead Sea. Dead Sea - a priceless treasure of natural mineral hot springs and healing mud. Warm water as milk, mineral evaporation, wellness and healthy air Dead Sea in combination create a remarkable effect. The most popular with tourists are the resort of Ein Bokek and Ein Gedi Nature Reserve.

Trips to Israel on the Mediterranean coast of interested surfers and kite surfing. One of the best places for kitesurfing - beaches Kiryat Yam, and Haifa.

Going on vacation to Israel from the Ukraine, you will learn what a real kosher food. "Kosher" in Hebrew means - "fit." Is an integral part of the traditions of the Jewish people. This rational, useful, and healthy food. In the food consumed only environmentally friendly products that are totally in tune with the body. Traditional dishes - hummus, falafel, tsimes, bulbelateks and others.

Certainly, for many travelers tours to Israel from Kiev is dancing in Tel Aviv, Haifa friendly, ancient and mysterious Jaffa.

Israel - The Promised Land, the land granted to the land promised. The place where "the honey and milk", where there is an abundance of happiness, which is always cheerful and easy to get a dream.

Israel - The Holy Land, a melting pot of civilizations, a place where each other Asia and Africa, a country of miracles and mirages born by the hot sun. Located at the intersection of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, this country for centuries keeps on its soil the holy places of the three great religions. This Land attracts people at all times. It is a country in which, as fervently believed the first Christians, you can really get in touch with the supernatural world and hear the call of God. Country of Abraham, King David, Christ is here committed crusades. Israel - a modern country with a rich history combined with developed tourism infrastructure, which can offer alternative holiday for everyone. Gorgeous beaches, bustling city, nature reserves, spas, religious sites, shopping centers, markets, artists' colony, concerts in the park - all at your service.

Capital. Jerusalem.

Geographical information. State in the south-west Asia, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Lebanon in the north-east - with Syria in the east - with Jordan, in the south-west - with Egypt. 21,596 sq km area of ​​the country, here include the territory of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, captured by Israel during the "Six Day War". The Gaza Strip and the West Bank (of the Jordan River) was also captured by Israel, but after signing a peace agreement with the PLO these territories came under the control of the Palestinians. The country can be divided into five topographical zones: the height of the Galilee, Izraelskaya Valley, Judah and Samaria hills, coastal plain and the Negev desert. In the area of ​​the heights of Galilee in Israel is the highest point - Mount Meron (1208 m), and the Sea of ​​Galilee - freshwater lake Kinneret (Sea of ​​Galilee). The main river of Israel - Jordan (one of the largest rivers in the Middle East), it originates on Mount Hermon on the Lebanese-Syrian border, flows through Lake Tiberias and empties into the Dead Sea (the largest and unique salt lake located in the deepest basin on the planet with terrestrial absolute mark of 395 m below sea level). The Dead Sea is the lowest place in the world. This is the salt lake in the world. Here proposed routes exciting excursions - trips by jeep and camel with an overview of fascinating landscapes of the Judean Desert, in combination with the blue waters of the sea and the white of the salt beaches.

Away by car from the northern border (Rosh Hanikra) to the south (the famous resort of Eilat on the Red Sea) takes 6 - 7 hours, and from west to east - at least 2 hours.

Polity. Israel - a parliamentary republic, the head of which is the President (performing, however, more representative and symbolic function), the highest legislative body - the Knesset (unicameral parliament), executive power is exercised by the government headed by the Prime Minister.

Israel - a secular state, but the Jewish Community has such a strong influence that life in many regions and cities rather strictly regulated religious traditions embodied in the Torah (the Five Books of Moses - the Old Testament). Of course, on the atheistic-minded people, and even more from the tourists no one will require strict obedience to the commandments, but the respect for the tradition - of course. On the contrary, once in the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem and other cities, the visitor should coordinate their behavior to the norms and practices of Islam. Sometimes it can bring some disadvantages: for example, in Jewish areas, many shops will be closed on Saturdays (the sacred day of the Jews, when forbidden not only to work but also to use transport, lift and carry objects of any kind, even the cook and enjoy phone), and the Arab neighborhoods - on Fridays. This, however, does not apply to resorts and areas of the city whose whole life is focused on the development of tourism.

Climate. Israel's climate is subtropical, it rains mostly in the winter months, summer - sunny and hot. Despite the small size of the country, there are also areas of moderately hot and relatively humid climate (Upper Galilee, Carmel array), hot and humid (coastal plain and the Central Highlands), dry (the Jordan Valley and the Negev Plateau) and areas with a desert climate (Dead Sea basin Arava hills pair). In Israel, from April through October are hot summer days, from June to August is very hot, especially in the south. From November to March, snow in Israel is extremely rare. In January, often rains. In winter, after the rain comes the sun immediately. In Eilat "summer continues," and in the winter months. Especially good to come here in April and May. Then in spring pleasant weather, everything is blooming, bright sun can have a swim in the Red Sea, and hotels are not clogged with tourists.

Population. Israel's population is about 7,411 million. In addition to the Jews (75.6%) is also home to Muslims, Christians, Druze and people of other faiths. Annual population growth rate is about 1.8%. The average population density - 305 people per 1 sq. km

Language. Official languages ​​- Hebrew and Arabic. Very prevalent Russian. English is widely spoken, Spanish, German, French, Polish, Yiddish.

Religion. Has the most influence in Israel, Judaism, life is strictly regulated by many Israelis, religious traditions. Quite a lot of the country's Muslim. In addition to Judaism and Islam, in Israel a lot of Christians of all denominations. In addition, the center is one of the youngest faiths - Baha'i (the center of which is located in Haifa).

Kitchen. National cuisine in Israel is very diverse. Breakfast is quite abundant. Most hotels offer a buffet with a large selection of salads, cheeses, fish, olives, cheese, and eggs. At mid-day meal is light, usually meat without garnish. Large meal in the evening again: it starts with a salad and olives, and ends with a dessert, fruit. In almost every menu has hummus. This word indicates a delicious puree of yellow peas, onion, spices and garlic. His version - Tahini - boiled sesame, onion and tomatoes. Both dishes eaten with Arabic bread, pita bread. Falafel - balls of peas or soya burekas - pastry stuffed with cheese, spinach or potatoes. Of fish delicacies you can try St. Peter's fish (Mousht), roasted grilled or marinated tuna (Palamida). For the sweet tooth Israel genuine paradise: do not care about weight, coming home with excess weight, because at every step of his temptations lurk: walnut baklava cake (Baklawa), peanut cookies of various kinds of nuts (Konafa), caramel pudding (Malabi), candied fruit.

National characteristics. Hotels in Israel are divided into 4 categories: E (economic) - corresponds to the European standard, 2 *, T (tourist) - 3 *, A (First Class) - 4 *; D (deluxe) - 5 *. Hotel accommodation is significantly increased during religious holidays. Hebrew, which did not say 1700 years - the only dead language in world history, again became conversational.

Saturday - a day of rest. It begins at sunset on Friday and ends on the day after sunset. Just come all national holidays. On Saturdays and holidays all vehicles (except taxis) will stop.

According to Jewish religious law pork, hare and seafood is not. Spirits Israelis consume little, mostly - wine.

Shops. Markets. Prices. Several hundred stores located throughout the country, marked by the emblem of the Ministry of Tourism. This logo indicates that this retailer offers products and services of exceptional quality. In these stores offer a wide range of customer souvenirs and gifts.

Ceramics, copper, religious attributes, handmade products are Israeli characteristics. Israel - one of the best places in the world where to buy diamonds and other precious stones in a setting of gold and silver. Israel - number 1 supplier in the world for the production of high-quality diamonds. VAT at 15.5% is levied on all goods and services, and is included in the set price. Tourists are entitled to tax back at points of departure. Duty-free shops operate in the airport Ben Gurion, Eilat and Ovda.

Mode institutions. During Shabbat (late night Friday to Saturday) all the shops, the majority of restaurants and gas stations closed, public transport is also mostly not working. Opening hours on other days: vs.-cht. 9.00-18.00, 10.00-22.00 shopping centers, on Friday and on the eve of holidays 9.00-13.00. Bazaars and markets are closed at night. Banks: vs.-cht. 8.30-12.00, 16.30-18.30,

Tuesday just before lunch. Official Links: vs.-cht. 8.00-12.00.

Holidays. All Jewish holidays are non-working days in Israel. Date most of the Muslim and Jewish holidays from year to year are shifting. The exact dates of religious holidays can be set only for a limited time.

The three most important Jewish festival is celebrated in the autumn: Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year holiday, Yom Kippur - the most important Jewish holiday (Day of Atonement), 5 days after it comes Sukkot, seven-day harvest festival. In November and December for a week mark Hanukkah, the festival of candles dedicated to the sanctification of the Temple in Jerusalem secondary. Exodus is devoted to Passover is celebrated in the middle of spring. Yom Ha'atzmaut (April - May) - Independence Day, after him - the holiday of Shavuot, dedicated to the Torah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai.

Customs. For passing the border control at the airport must have: passport (valid at minimumum 6 months after the end of the tour), the voucher (confirmation) or at the invitation of the Israeli citizen, health insurance for the whole period and proof of ability to pay (an international credit card or money at the rate of $ 50-70 per person for each day of stay), return air ticket. Customs rules: duty-free as a gift to Israel is allowed to import goods worth up to $ 200. The category of gifts does not include televisions, cameras, camcorders, double cassette tape recorders, typewriters, PCs, cigarettes (in blocks), alcoholic beverages, cosmetics, if their number exceeds a certain rate (1 carton of cigarettes, 2 liters of wine and 1 liter of spirits , 250 gr. cosmetics). For the export of antiques requires agreement from the local department of culture. Tourists are not importing goods to Israel, which must be submitted to customs control, can go through a "green" corridor.

Currency. The national currency - New Shekel (NIS), which is 100 agorot. Dollar as a measure of weight in the calculation of gold and silver is known about the second millennium BC. Banknotes are issued in denominations of 20, 50, 100 and 200 shekels, as well as coins of 1, 2, 5 and 10 shekels, and 5, 10 and 50 agorot. Import of currency in the country is not limited. Foreign currency can be exchanged at the airport, hotels, banks, exchange offices - Change Point (the best currency and mostly without commissions) in the mail. All major international credit cards: American Express, Diners Club, Visa, Mastercard / Eurocard.

Time. No different from the time in Ukraine

Transport within the country. The most common form of transportation in Israel is the bus. Convenient, comfortable, air-conditioned buses, let you travel around the country. Tickets can be purchased from the driver at a reasonable price. Saturdays and Jewish holidays bus companies do not work (except for the city of Haifa). Shuttle buses run between the main lines, both within cities and between them. Rate is typically less than the bus. Taxi (good and cheap) can be called by phone or hailed on the street. There are two rates: day and night (from 21.00 to 5.30 with a 25% premium). In all city taxi counters whose inclusion is mandatory. In many cities in Israel car rental.

Tipping. In Israel, tipping - 10% of the cost of service, tour guide - $ 3, a taxi driver - $ 2, support staff at the hotel - $ 1.

Voltage. Nominal line voltage is 220 V, three-prong outlet, adapter, usually available at the hotel.

Phone. Internet. Emergency phones. In Israel, an international call from any phone, including phones with street machines that operate on magnetic cards, they can be purchased at post offices and kiosks. In the small shops have telephones, working on coins. Per-minute rate, discounted rate is valid from 20.00 to 08.00. Different phone companies rates vary, sometimes quite strongly, so you should preview the rates. Call from the hotel is more expensive than a street phone box.

If you need to talk on the toll in Israeli territory, city codes are:

Jerusalem - 02;

Tel Aviv and Jaffa - 03;

Haifa-Acre, Galilee, the Golan Heights and Nazareth - 04;

coast south of Tel Aviv, Eilat and the area of ​​the Negev - 08;

coast north of Tel-Aviv - 09

Emergency numbers:

Police - 100;

Ambulance - 101;

Fire Department - 102;

urban background - 106;

Tourist police in Jerusalem - 539-12-54;

Tourist Information Office in Jerusalem:

Safra Square: 625-88-44, 629-60-41;

Jaffa Gate: 628-03-82;

Christian Information Center: 627-26-92.

Insurance and health. Israel - a modern developed country, the level of health and hygiene which correspond to Western standards. Of visitors of the country do not need to be vaccinated before coming to Israel.

If you have an urgent medical problem, you can contact or an ambulance, or in the emergency room of any Israeli hospitals - they are working around the clock. Dental care is provided only by private doctors. Their phones can be found in the reference book "Golden Pages" (this book is also in Russian). Drugs available in pharmacies. Conventional antibiotics can be purchased without a prescription. There duty pharmacies open around the clock.

Safety and behavior. At the entrance to a large shopping mall or other public places you may be asked to open the bag, which may seem tactless. Only check for suspicious objects. At the airport before the flight, the control is very strict, though courteous. Recommended to take this as a concern for your safety. Not recommended to stay in controlled areas, as well as in Arab neighborhoods, especially at night. Do not use tap water for drinking. In the Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods men should not appear without a hat, and women without a scarf on her head, shoulders must be covered. A tour of the holy places must not put on shorts and short skirts. Monday - a holiday for religious Jews, so smoking and other indiscreet actions in their environment can be perceived as an insult. It is recommended that to protect the traditions, beliefs and religious objects of Israel. Safed - the city of the Upper Galilee, the city streets, running down from the top of the mountains, old synagogues and galleries of artists, festivals, folk music and Jewish mystical teachings of Kabbalah.

Banias - a nature reserve, valley of waterfalls. Ancient place of worship of pagan gods. Cave shrine Greek deity Pan.

Capernaum - fishing village in which he lived, preached and healed Jesus. "Its a city," the celebrated and cursed Jesus. Majestic synagogue 4-5 centuries. Perhaps in a place where Jesus and his disciples. Peter's Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church of the Twelve Apostles.

Tabgha - Valley "seven springs" off the coast of the Kinneret. The temple and monastery Benedict "Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes." Under the altar of the temple rock ledge, "Menza Christi" - "Table of the Lord. Here lay five loaves and two fish that Jesus fed 5,000 people.

Acre - the most important port on the "Via Maris" (the road that linked back to antiquity Egypt and Mesopotamia). City dominikiytsev and Alexander the Great, the second capital of the Kingdom of the Crusaders. Walking the streets of the Old Acre brings you to the wonderful world of the Mediterranean, with its bustling bazaars, smelling spices, coffee and sweet smoke hookah.

Haifa - city, coming down from the slopes of Mount Carmel. Upper Haifa is beautiful, well-groomed, affects the abundance of greenery and luxury villas, descending, changing rapidly and becomes fussy, boiling energy of the lower Haifa, with its ultra modern port, industrial zone and a lot of small shops and cafes and falafel shavarmoy.

Sea of ​​Galilee - Galilee, Tiberias, Genisaretskogo Sea - Pearl Israel. Lake, framed by mountains of Galilee and the Golan, on the shores of which are interspersed with date palm groves and citrus plantations with modern equipped beaches with water slides, quiet monasteries kibbutz fields.

Kibbutz - a unique community experience on the basis of goodwill and equity of distribution and income, joy and sorrow. Artificial oases, by hope, and love, and then to the ground. Tiberias - city on the Sea of ​​Galilee, named after the brand of Tiberius, the patron Antippy Herod, who founded the city. City luxury hotels and student hostels, the city of pleasure boats with night discos and restaurants of the famous fish, "St. Peter," you must try every good tourist in Israel.

Hamat Gader - hot springs at the foot of hydrogen sulfide Glanskih altitude medicinal properties have been known since ancient times. As well as the opportunity to enjoy health and beauty massage. Beit Shean - one of the oldest cities in the world, Alexander the Great called "Scythopolis". The largest archaeological park in Israel, "Egyptian temple," Rome's Cargo, baths, mosaic floors, temples and streets of the Byzantine period. The restored Roman amphitheater and today hosts. Nazareth - the city "of the Holy Family." The modern Church of the Annunciation, arresting its splendor, and near the Greek-Orthodox Church, "the Well of the Virgin Mary", where today you can collect holy water from the Well of Mary for yourself and loved ones.

Meggido - the largest city-gates to Ezraelskuyu Valley, there are 24 (!) Layer of civilizations: the city wall and the stables of King Solomon described in the Old Testament, King Ahab pylons. Complex system of water fortress. At the foot of the valley of Armageddon, mentioned in the Apocalypse of John, where the prophecy will last battle between good and evil.

Caesarea - a port city founded by Herod the Great, and named in honor of the emperor Caesar Augustus. The residence of the Roman procurator of Judea, including Pontius Pilate. The capital of Palestine in the Byzantine period. Here in Caesarea, held two years in custody, St. Paul. In Caesarea was the largest Christian library, and later, the first school of theology "church fathers." Crusader fortress city, fortress walls of which was laid by Louis IX Saints.

Netanya - a modern resort town on the Mediterranean coast. The convenient location makes possible various trips around the country.

Tel Aviv - a city-symbol of modern Israel. It was in Tel Aviv, there is the dynamism of this country, its inner freedom, a willingness to change, friendliness and cheerfulness of its people. City business centers, theaters, museums and the Israeli press, representatives of political parties and the Israeli Diamond Exchange. The city that never sleeps ...

Jordan Valley - a picturesque valley along the river Jordan, connecting the Sea of ​​Galilee and the Dead Sea.

Jericho - the first signs of permanent settlements on earth. City, has been mentioned in the Old and New Testament. City destroyed by the sound of pipes under the leadership of the Israelites Joshua.

The ruins of the Hasmonean winter palace of the kings and Herod. Synagogue fourth century, in which the mosaics with the words: "Peace to the people of Israel." Karontal monastery on Mount Temptation.

Jerusalem - the center of three world religions. The beginning of the universe. Capital of Israel. Amazing city amazing destiny. Cities, inexplicable and wonderful. Someone here is religious awe, someone - curiosity, someone - pain and hope, and someone eternal search for truth.

Wadi Kelt - a picturesque canyon, which is the monastery of St. George - one of the first monasteries of the Judean Desert. In natural caves around the monastery still live hermit monks, imitating the prophet Elijah, who once held in these places for three long years.

Bethlehem - a city south of Jerusalem, the birthplace of King David. Birthplace of Jesus, whose death changed the course of human history. Today Bethlehem attracts the pilgrims around the world to worship the Church of the Nativity, Milk Grotto, Pastushechim Elysees.

Qumran - the ancient Jewish settlement on the shores of the Dead Sea at the foot of the Judean Hills. Here were found "Dead Sea Scrolls" - the main archaeological find of the XX century. Fragments of the scrolls are kept in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Ein Gedi - reserve on the site of the biblical oasis in the desert of Judea. Hiking trails to waterfalls and mountain lakes. Traces of agriculture and housing the biblical period. Kibbutz Ein Gedi, surrounded by a tropical garden planted and the unique collection of cacti.

The Dead Sea - the composition of the Dead Sea separates it from all the seas and oceans of the world. This is one of the secrets of the land, which the scientists clues do not know. The answer is given as long as only the Bible: The Dead Sea on the site burned and flooded Sodom and Gommory. Unsolved structure of water makes the Dead Sea one of the wonders of the world. Warm, rich in minerals, the water has healing properties. Those who visited this place, can boast that stepped on the bottom of the world.

Masada - the ruins of an ancient fortress on top of a mountain in the southwest of the Dead Sea, built by Herod. The city walls, palaces of Herod, baths, huge reservoirs, ancient synagogue. Place the last of the heroic resistance of the Jews by the Romans during the time of the Jewish War.

Negev - a mountainous desert, species flocks of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Today, modern cities, gardens and fields, coming to the desert, beautiful hiking trails, traveling by jeep or camel. Arad - the ancient southern boundary of Judah. Today the young city in the desert, with an amazing climate and pulmonary diseases are treated well by the mountain air and the proximity of the Dead Sea.

Mamshit - the ruins of one of the cities of the Nabataeans. Nabateans - the people of mystery, which appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into history. The people who managed in ancient times to conquer the Negev Desert, paving the trade caravan routes from the Dead to the Mediterranean.

Ein Avdat - the source at the bottom of a canyon in the Negev. Panorama of the picturesque valley.

Ramon Crater - "geological window" into the earth, a unique opportunity to trace the formation of the Earth's crust. Lunar landscape, mesmerizing beauty.

Timna Park - Nature Reserve, in whose territory the copper mines - copper mines from 13-14 centuries. BC petroglyphs Egyptian period, the pagan temple of the goddess Hathor. Rocks purple, brick-colored whimsical shapes, "King Solomon's Pillars", "arch", "mushroom" and "bell". The park filmed legendary film "King Solomon's Mines."

Eilat - the city on the Gulf coast of the Red Sea, surrounded by mountains rearing outlines Ed. Blue sea, striking colors of the underwater kingdom. Luxury hotels, swimming, water skiing and banana, jet skis and parachutes, underwater observatory and a dolphinarium. As well as evening entertainment, restaurants, boats, pubs, discos, street bands and promenade, shimmering music and lights.

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