Tourism and travel/Egypt








Sri Lanka






Egypt - the oldest civilization on Earth. Fifty-five centuries ago, came here, and quickly flourished, agriculture, urban planning, writing, science, literature, geography, astronomy, art, sculpture, government and the cult of the divine ruler, Pharaoh. Countless ancient monuments - the pyramids, the colossal statues, temples and tombs - have remained since the monuments of former greatness. Under the pharaohs were built the largest (at the time) building on Earth was first dug the Suez Canal, held the first circumnavigation of Africa naval expedition (which lasted three years). In Egypt, for the first time in history, the pharaoh Akhenaten reformer trying to introduce the worship of the One God, Moses went out from Egypt, and brought out the Jewish tribes, the consequences of which humanity has not digested yet. Some of the knowledge accumulated by the Egyptian priests, went to the Jews, and others, shortly before Christ, spilled over into Greece and Rome. Thus the Egyptian civilization was the basis of our civilization, the European.

Great powers come with time to decay. The greatest power of ancient Egypt became one of the first in the provinces of the Roman Empire, then - in the Arab Caliphate. Short take-off in the Middle Ages was due to the fact that the rest of the world then took the Mongols, and in Egypt for some reason they did not. In modern times, the Nile Valley once again in decline. It becomes part of the Ottoman Empire, and later came under British control, here we introduce some of our attributes - railways, erupts again famous canal. But with the transition to independence, all starts to break down, and just tons of dollars that come from three sources (millions of foreign tourists, the Suez Canal and oil sales) support Egypt "afloat."

In the hope of building communism, and a half-century ago, the government was quick to make friends with the Soviet Union. As a "knot in memory", remained the Aswan High Dam. Egypt itself tried to turn into a kind of "Union" had annexed Syria - under the name "United Arab Republic". Friendship with the Soviet Union soon dried Syria fell off again.

Unsuccessful war with Israel was declared victorious and created a lot of monuments, heroes and grandiose myth-making.

After five thousand years, Egypt has turned into a dusty corner of the world, tearing the memories of the past, and build, a small tourist "Potemkin villages" such as Sharm el-Sheikh. But to be here is interesting, and not just for tourist show. The fate of the great, in the past, the country quirks of history, world events - all this can be felt, is only to look at the scenery. Egypt - fairly safe country, and if there is danger and trouble, they are not where they are most expected.

Thus, the imaginary danger. Terrorism is no real danger in Egypt. The hands of terrorists in the decade suffered a hundred people (out of millions of tourists) - ten times less than in the same period were drowned in a sea of ​​drunk. In Russia, the terrorists have killed more, but we're not afraid to walk the streets.

Rape, armed robbery is also extremely rare. Egypt quiet country, and even at night in any city, you can safely walk around without fear of thugs and drunks. Locals do not drink on the street money from citizens do not shoot. For street crime in Egypt all safer than in Russia or Kazakhstan, several times. This is explained as a friendly disposition of the people, and lots of policemen.

However, in poor neighborhoods is still best not to show wealth and carry your passport with you, and not in a bag or backpack. And do not pull in an easily accessible pocket large amounts.

Cholera, plague, hepatitis, yellow fever, malaria, avian influenza, syphilis and AIDS in Egypt is unlikely to prevail against the traveler, if he lives a healthy lifestyle and washing his hands before eating.

But the dangers are real. Traffic in Egypt is different from the Russian. Flow of vehicles and pedestrians pass through each other, not paying attention to traffic lights. Egyptian drivers go slowly, but do not forget that someone more - he is right. That is better to give way to a pedestrian machine, and among the two cars, who went to the crossroads, go first one that more and more expensive. Do not be surprised. Do not believe the traffic lights. Attentively and carefully look in all directions!

And still continuously bibikayut. With unaccustomed distracting. Do not be afraid. Beep! - It just means "I see you."

Going to bus or car, there is a real chance to get into an accident. Such a fate not pass sometimes organized tourists, they sometimes die in bus overturned. And sometimes the train derailment. Do not be paranoid, but remember that the greatest danger in Egypt - an accident.

The second danger - crooks. No one will rob the street with a knife, but the money will dissolve in some tourist areas, such as Hurghada and Cairo somewhere. Do not carry money and documents in a backpack, do not leave them unattended - it should be with you, apply to your body.

Thieves in Egypt and are rare but do exist. To quietly pull the bill out of your pocket, may even turn out the light on the whole street.

Diarrhea from dirty hands and poor food.

Swimming, not drown. 100 Russian tourists a year drown to death in Egypt. Was drunk, of course. Do not drink. Not knowing the ford, not poke your nose into the water. Can not swim - swim to the shore, where shallow.

In the mountains, such as Mount Sinai, you can get cold at night and then drop snot whole trip, especially if it happens in the winter. On buses and trains, too, can catch a cold: the cheapest - from the wind, the road from the air conditioner.

If you climb too far to the south, east or west of the country, the Sudan, Libya or Jewish border, you could be arrested as a spy, imprisoned and even deported for your account. To their homeland. While the bill will not - sit in jail. No border zone otocheny.

In the summer - sun stroke in gentle citizens, or sunburn women citizens, decided to show off a cool Surgut Egyptian tan.

If you go in the evening on the outskirts of Egyptian cities, there is a chance coincidence gape, fall into some ditch or gutter shit. Most organized travelers on a trip to Cairo from the coast, usually examines only the pyramids of Giza. They are closest to the center of the capital, they can pass on the town transportation. But apart from them, in the vicinity of Cairo is a lot of other pyramids and tombs that are visited by tourists is much less common. Examine them or is several times cheaper or even free of charge, there is no souvenir sellers, noisy tourists with cameras - at times less, and wildlife - sandy desert - many times more. These factors make the visit neraskruchennyh pyramid complexes rather attractive for travelers wishing to explore the scientific and Egypt, meticulously, fundamentally, really ...

Visit all or even half of the pyramids in one day - is difficult, moreover, then rush to anything - too many survey sites tedious. The most optimal - to attend one or two sets per day, going back to the early evening in the heart of Cairo. This can be done by public transport - but then have to go hiking areas several kilometers long (the Pyramids of Giza is not the case), or hire a taxi - which greatly save your time, but will reduce the amount of banknotes in the wallet. Among wealthy tourists buy fashionable tour through the desert on camels or horses from Giza to Saqqara.

It should be noted that if the pyramids close to 16 hours, it means that in 15.30 the police can initiate chase tourists from the territory. So it is better not to be lazy and go for sightseeing as early as possible to catch everything.

In Arabic, the pyramid "Al-Ahram". But often, the word 'only the Great Pyramids of Giza.

Abu Ravash (Abu Rawash / Abu Roash)

Here is the most northern, standing alone pyramid Dzhedefra (Djedefre), to Pisa from her - 8 km. Dzhedefra - son of the famous Cheops, ruled 2566-2558 BC

Abu Ravash - it is not a tourist place, officially attraction for inspection is not open, so any pointers from a line Mansuri - Kirdasa - Giza no. From the village of Abu Ravash you need to climb the hill to the west of the road, a landmark - a large tower (possibly military) mounted on the top - this is the highest point in the area. The rise takes 30-40 minutes to go through the quarry. Although it sounds ominous, do not worry - the territory of the latter is not enclosed by fences, active visible work inside is not made. It's best to get there by taxi - it is possible to drive up to the top (a dirt road).

Climbing the mountain, you will see a pyramid - it is half destroyed (up to 19. Versed Egyptians for building materials), and the outside looks like a pile of rubble - the height of the walls up to 10 meters, however, climbing up and looking at them in the middle, a sense of what he saw completely changed - the internal part of the structure remained intact: there is a corridor for the funeral boat, and the stone stairs to the tomb. We can clearly see the place where the coffin was. Main feature of Abu Ravasha is the ability to see the pyramid as a sectional like the picture in the book of history. Also from the foot opens a beautiful view of the lying beside Cairo and Giza Necropolis.

No police near the pyramids, ushers, vendors and tourists, so that the entry into by definition free.

The Great Pyramids of Giza (Giza Great Pyramids).

The most famous, iconic necropolis, which most people associate country of Egypt. Here you can see:

1. Three so-called great pyramids, which draw in school textbooks and encyclopedias in all countries of the world.

1.1. Great Pyramid of Giza (Great Pyramid, Khufu's Pyramid) - the only one of the "Seven Wonders of the World" that has survived to this day. It is the largest pyramid in Egypt, built in the 26 century. BC Its original height - 146.60 m, at present - 138.75 m was used when constructing a 2.5 million stone blocks, the total weight of the pyramid - about 6.25 million tons. The top collapsed in ancient times, now there is a small playground.

1.2. Pyramid of Khafre (Second Pyramid, Khafre's Pyramid) - second largest pyramid in Egypt. Built in 26. BC Its original height - 143.87 m, at present - 136.5 m apex better preserved than Khufu, so it appears above his neighbor.

1.3. Pyramid of Mycerinus (Third Pyramid, Menkaure's Pyramid) - much less than the above two. Built in the 25 century. BC Its original height - 66 m, at the present time - 55.5 meters for an additional fee, you can get inside each pyramid.

2. Three pyramids satellite, built at the command of Pharaoh Menkaure near its main shrine. In one of them buried wife of Pharaoh Khufu or Khafre (to historians differ).

3. Sphinx (Sphinx) - the most. Big statue in the world, its length - 73 meters, height - 20 meters. 26. BC Face of the Sphinx ** alleged portrait of the pharaoh Khufu or Khafre (to historians differ).

4. Solar Boat of Cheops (Solar Barque) - A vessel of 43 meters, designed to deliver the resurrected Pharaoh in the sky to the sun god Ra. Made in the 26 century. BC Excavated by archaeologists, is collected and stored in a special museum - an ugly new building right at the base of the pyramid of Cheops, spoiling the impression of the area. For a fee.

Previously, the problem during the inspection of these sites had an excessive amount of souvenir sellers who blatantly pestering tourists, not letting them pass. Who protected the territory and now from all sides it is surrounded by multi-meter concrete wall on top of which is an additional barrier of metal mesh, on poles in many places video cameras. Number molested decreased significantly penetrate inside, obviously, only those who give protection at the entrance respectable baksheesh. Also, the fence was set up and in order to fight against free-riders - enter "rabbit" on the territory of the pyramids is now much more difficult.

How to get to the Giza pyramids on their own?

1. By public transport. First, you must pass on the metro to Giza. Passing the station Faisal, look out the window to the right side while moving. At the entrance to Giza you cross over the bridge highway Pyramids (Pyramids Road - Engl., Sharia Al-Ahram - Arab.). Morning left part usually costs in traffic - all go to the center, you also need to catch the bus on the right, the free side, leading to the exit of the city. Coming out of the station, cross the road and get in any transport, next to the pyramids (in Arabic asking Al-Ahram). Big bus will cost £ 0.5., Minibus / minibus - £ 0.75-1. Look carefully for the road: you'll keep going straight, the pyramids seem to the left. Once the bus swerve from the "Pyramid Highway" to the right, just get out. From this point to go up a little, until the end of the "Highway of the Pyramids," which rests on the ticket offices.

The pyramids direct buses from the center (with pl. Abd al-Riyadh Minnim near the National Museum, from Ramses train station), but in the rush hour to use them with caution - possible traffic jams.

2. By taxi. The car from the center of Cairo and the pyramids of Giza will cost you 15-20 pounds.

Opening hours: 8-17. Prices of tickets (adult / student): the entrance to the - 60/30 f., The pyramid of Cheops - 100/50 f. (So ​​as not to create a stampede in a narrow corridor, one day sell only 150 tickets), pyramid Hefrena-30/15 f., Pyramid Mikerina-25/15 f., Solar boat 50/25 f. Using the camera in not paid (and that's at the entrance into the pyramid to try to remove, so the hide). Free passage to the sphinx - a few years ago required a separate ticket.

Recommendations for visiting. Arriving at the pyramids is best to open to smaller fry in the hot sun, and have time to shoot anything until the bulk of the influx of tourists. Besides tickets inside the pyramids of Cheops and Chephren only sell to one o'clock. Purchase any souvenir in should not - be sure to overpay, shopping ride the market Khan el-Khalili. And do not take anything in hand you hold out with the words "gift" - there is no free cake is a classic technique of deception foreigners in Egypt. Also, do not sit down, "no money" for a camel - to get off it, you have to pay.

For a modest donation here makes sense if you want to take pictures on my camera on the background of a camel or on it, in the arms of mummers in Bedouin clothes man on the pyramids, etc. You can also take a ride on the "ship of the desert" from car entry into the pyramids to the sphinx - it costs £ 20., You can try to bargain. Food and water inside will not sell - they stock up in advance. Public toilet is in a building with a solar rook - there, in theory, should start up without a ticket to inspect boats.

If you want to get into the pyramid, then buy a ticket in the morning. Inside the pyramid is a narrow low speed, at which tourists huddled crawl like worms. First stroke goes down, then up. Inside a small room with a stone sarcophagus empty, nothing to watch. And very hot! You will be completely soaked with sweat, because the ventilation is almost not working. If you suffer from claustrophobia, it is better not to climb.

To move away from the crowds, go sequentially through the entrance of the pyramid of Cheops, Chephren, Mycerinus and go up the hill for the last - where 99% of the tourists do not reach, and you can safely, in silence lay on the sand, enjoying all the necropolis above. Moreover, with the hill offers a good view of the city - you can make beautiful photo. Sphinx is to examine the last - it is not far from the exit from the territory. Cafes and restaurants are just there - go after a walk in the fresh air, "White Mystery" with gusto pounce on the food. In some places (for example, in the "Pizza Hut") can take a table with a view of the Sphinx.

In the evening, at the pyramids in different languages ​​(Spanish, English, Arabic, French, Japanese) is light and sound show daily at 18.30, 19.30, 20.30 in winter and 20.30, 21.30, 22.30 in the summer. Duration - 1 hour. Sundays seem to be one show held in Russian - check on the spot. Walk on the pyramids and the show - two completely different events, visit them on the same day is not recommended - only smazhutsya experience.


Egypt is called "baksheesh". It is divided into two parts: the desirable and optional. Desirable - for the service, usually in hotels. The salary of the staff is small, so to tip. Usually tips are left in pounds, 1-2 pounds for the service. Every day for the maids can be put in a prominent place on a pair of pounds for room cleaning, porter in the delivery of luggage to the room, the doorman, opening doors, and so on.

In cafes and restaurants do not have to leave a tip because the amount entered in the check, which you sign, indicating the room number. You pay for the check at the front desk at check out. Can be paid strictly on the account, and you can leave any part of the date the employee reception. This is the voluntary decision. Tipping is already included in the cost of service at restaurants and bars. Standard price premium menu is 22.5%, including a 10% sales tax, 12.5% ​​service tax. Sometimes add 2% of the state tax. Thus, the tip laid in 12.5% ​​tax on services. This percentage of monthly and centrally distributed as a bonus between service personnel hotels.

In the city, restaurants and cafes tipping of about 5-10 pounds, depending on the size of the account. The national cafe, which serves mainly shisha and drinks, leave a couple of pounds tip.

Optional baksheesh - will be everywhere, and often ask for a service that is often completely unnecessary. Naturally, the file should not be a baksheesh. However, to give alms or cripple British soldiers guarding the facility, the cleaner on the street, a woman selling paper napkins - just like that, without their persistent requests, it is possible, it will be of some help to them, they will accept with gratitude.

Servants of the museums and churches also expect baksheesh. For some it turns gently, they can advise something or provide the service, so they too can leave a couple of pounds. If you meet a beggar, to persistent arrogance, it is best to keep hard enough, do not take notice, not to engage in conversation. As a result, they will be left behind, but will remain an unpleasant aftertaste of their pristavuchesti. Some Egyptians demanding money for what you photograph them, so this should be abandoned.

Should not offer tips to those who by their profession, according to their social status is with you on equal terms. This can be perceived as an insult. Finally, in Egypt, all determined intuitively. Pay to those who, in your opinion, really deserve a tip. Mandatory for such cases need to bring change. Egyptians are divided into three types according to their relation to the photo.

First, most of them children, will want to be photographed, and scream when she saw an alien, "Sura! Sura ». Cries will grow, if they see a camera in your hands. If many children, there is a stampede, they all want to take a picture, and then again, and it is forever.

Second, mostly women do not want to be photographed. Especially religious women covered from head to toe. And their husbands. And the soldiers and police. If they see in your hands fotoaaparat, then lift your index finger up. This should in theory mean "There is no God but Allah", but really just means "no", "no". So shoot quickly and quietly. If a person rides and outraged, apologize, show him the photo, and if you do not like it, wipe it with him.

Photos of police can not wash, they are usually stupid, no big stars on their epaulettes. If a lot of big stars, can be clever. Such a one can ask politely: "Mumken Sarah?"

Try to shoot without a flash! In Egypt the sun. Turn off the flash. To avoid attracting attention. And the colors are natural.

Third, people are craftsmen in the tourist districts, and the driver of horses and camels, may request baksheesh photo. Better not to shoot, and if asked baksheesh without pay and remove the photo.

Many museums and things shooting - for a fee. Turn off the flash, maybe not on sight. Where you need to take a camera, such as the Egyptian Museum, bring two cameras: one you will find it and you turn in the storage chamber, and the second is removed, but no flash.

Spy. Egyptians have many secrets, Bridges, military units, barracks, traffic police posts are secret. Do not shoot them or do it quickly. Can find fault, blame spying, call the cops, soldiers and even arrested. If the object is the protection, not shoot, or act covertly.

Shame on the country. Many Egyptians fear that a foreigner wonder something that will disgrace Egypt before the Western world. Markets and bazaars, and dump the garbage, broken trains, stations and railway stations, bridges, fields, farms, dams, industrial, hospital and post office - all this can disturb local activists. They can even call the police and the KGB. Making sure that you are not a Jew, you will live, but the picture will have to erase. If you have a large group, you can not do anything - the cops just stick to a small number of foreign tourists. If you shout "Know, Mr, Know," and waving a finger, remove the health, but quickly retreats, until called for help. Do not think that the modern Egyptians are the direct heirs and successors of the great works of his predecessors, who lived in the era of the pharaohs. Since the construction of the Great Pyramids, the Nile Valley was born and died two hundred generations, was replaced and the people, and language. Modern Egyptians are no longer capable of the feats of their predecessors, and are unlikely to be able to build these ancient pyramids and temples of channels, even if they equip their advanced construction equipment. Therefore, the present Suez Canal and the Aswan Dam, and a modern library of Alexandria was designed and built not Egyptian engineers and foreign. They also organized the transfer of the famous temples of Abu Simbel from the waters of the coming of the reservoir, despite the initial draft of Egyptians' flood all of the past for the future. " By the way, most of the monuments of antiquity and all the old towns from Aswan to the Sudanese border were safely hidden now flooded and mud at the bottom of an artificial lake.

Genetically most modern Egyptians are Arabs, with some admixture of local genes, and the heirs of the ancient Egyptians are Copts (usually Christians). But its Coptic language, derived from the ancient Egyptian, they successfully forgotten and use it only for Christian worship.

The only thing that remains common in modern with the ancient Egyptians - this deification of the ruler. The great ruler Hosni Mubarak, like God, eternal and unchangeable, just and omnipotent, he has ruled the country since 1981. Although the governor has over eighty years, he as always forever young, and even gray hair did not touch his portraits, because it is - a great ruler ... And how could it be otherwise in the east?

Egyptians are very docile and crushed people. Five thousand years have taught them to obey. Everyone who does not obey, are rapidly disappearing. At the disposal of the authorities - politseskih million (approximate number, the exact secret.) And the same number of soldiers. , Although they are remarkably effective, but can work their number and instantly planted all the malcontents in jail. Especially goes to those who are calling for an Islamic state, or to help fellow Palestinians. For though the government has formally and Muslim, and observes and posts and holidays - but the commercial and political interests require the friendship with Europe and the United States and even to Israel. Former President Sadat was shot in 1981 during a military parade, the current does not want to repeat his fate, and tries not to get off to the right or to the left.

Egyptians exist in nature in twenty different types - no more - and in each type are very similar. Here, people are much more dependent on others than we have in Moscow or in Europe. If in your village of one hundred people believe that life should be so, - one hundred and first person does not occur to live differently. If one street in the city for forty-sellers sell the same watch - then soon on the same street called the forty-first shop and also the clock. They can not forty people make mistakes! If in our alley thirty stores sell glasses, long wait, as will the thirty-first spectacled store. And if all of my ancestors and neighbors - such as Muslims with a bump on his forehead, or Christians with the tattooed cross on his hand - I am also getting 100% the same as they are.

Here are the main types. Farmer. Small shopkeeper. Sold in the train. Suburban proletarian, the morning traveling to work in the capital - with a look that on the background of our Russian slogger seem inhabitants of paradise. A child screaming foreigners "Hello! Wellcome idzhipt "and turning into the same adult. Taxi driver. Bicycle bread truck. Members of the mosque. Seller souvenirs, learn a few foreign words. Students actively shtudiruet textbook for English textbook and still not able to link the two words in English. Bearded religious fundamentalist (good). Fruit vendor. A police officer sitting in the subway on the urn, sitting in the booth, with the armored shield, or a soldier in a helmet on the banks of the Suez Canal, trying in vain to expect an attack Jews. Egyptian KGB agent in a robe and with a radio in his pocket. Simsar - flat bomzhevatogo agent type and Bawwab, the porter, who lives in a blanket on the couch in the entrance and proud of his own little importance. An official in public enterprises, fingering important papers or a passport in one hand, and holding in his other hand on the table, dripping sandwich with Fulham. Finally, a rare Egyptian intellectual, for example university teacher, who was in various other countries, who knows English and who can not change anything in his littered country.

Egypt is in the second half of the countries in all economic indicators. The average salary in the country - about 60 dollars a month. The school principal or the head with gold stars on their epaulettes earns up to $ 200 a month. More money are on the coast, in the resort towns, the people associated with the tourist industry. But to work, for example, in Sharm el-Sheikh, not everyone can - at the entrance to the city several times strictly check documents and residence permits, and even outside the Egyptian there will not be allowed. Only the wealthy. Foreigners - is another matter. You're welcome!

Quantitatively, the Egyptians very much - with a population of 75 million is the second populous country in Africa (after Nigeria).

Egyptian mentality. Egyptian people leisurely and not very binding. At the meeting, they are often late. In the future, many religious types razdolbab or add the word "inshallah" - "If Allah wills." Thus, they will not accept liability for the results of their actions or inactions. Love for "inshallizmu" even reaching such scenes, such as in the subway:

(Cashier): you how many tickets?

(Passenger): one, inshallah.

(Cashier): how much, how much?

(Passenger), one, one.

If Egyptian imbued your destiny and promises to help you, it promises not to be taken very seriously. Perhaps he will try to do something, but they were on the way, as it seems insurmountable obstacles. Then he gave it up inshallah thing to do other things or doing nothing. However, there is adequate binding people, but there are not many.

Further. Egyptian rather passive, to the will of fate, weather, police, government, senior in family and neighbors. Initiative and activity of it etched. If he is also active in the sale, vparke foreigner camels, papyri, hotels, etc. - but to invent something that is not included in the affairs of his family, circle of friends and the streets he obviously can not. All seeds are crushed unusual here since childhood.

Of the bad habits of Egyptians - almost to a man smoking cigarettes or water pipes, almost the entire male population, throwing litter everywhere such garbage they produced, attempts to speak to foreigners in English, though they do not know the language, but try to speak it - "Welcome to my Blog ichipt!", "Hello, mister! Verayugo? "" That's from e Gnehm! "And, in fact, the whole range of phrases. If Egyptian welcomes you not in English, but in Arabic - is a rare unique, probably a very smart and useful man, try to reply (to the best of their knowledge Arabic).

Clothes. Ordinary Egyptians, farmers, guards, workers from the villages go to galabeyah robe, slippers on his bare feet, his head somehow wound with a handkerchief. Clothing is they have quite a dirty color. Wealthier wear European clothes. Muslim activists often go in clean robes, with beards and skullcaps. Women - nearly all dressed in Muslim in robe and scarf. In large cities, many in jeans and ladies blouses and bright, but a scarf and wear them. If a woman comes with her head uncovered, it is most likely a Christian. Or foreigner.

A woman in shorts, mini-skirts and bare hands Egyptians will actively stare. This outfit, appropriate in Russia or Europe - Egypt pozvolitelen only in resort towns, and is sometimes found in the pyramids or in the center of Cairo (as distinguished our compatriots). If you're a girl and do not want to Egyptians gather around you like flies to jam - hide the maximum percentage of your body under clothes, and best of all, especially in rural areas - wear a headscarf. Will be less concerned about the stick figures.

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