Tourism and travel/Kenya








Sri Lanka






Kenya offers travelers a variety of tourism, exotic cuisine, unspoiled wildlife and ecology. Beauty of East Africa is located in the center of the Earth at the equator. Tourism Kenya offers tourists many opportunities. First of all, a safari and eco-tourism. 59 national parks and nature reserves cover about 8 percent of the entire country. The most famous of them Tsavo, Sibilion, Masai Mara, Amboseli, Aberder, Samburu National Park, Mount Kenya. Wild flora and fauna, where you can see elephants, wildebeests, leopards, zebras, buffalo, rhino, blue monkeys, Cape hunting dog, giraffe, impala, cheetahs, lions, pelicans, cormorants, ostriches and many other rare animals and birds. Tropical rain forest with ancient trees, noisy waterfalls, mirror lakes, majestic mountains covered with snow caps and glaciers. Safaris in Kenya from Ukraine settle for mini venah to 8 people. Duration safari takes from a few days to a few weeks. In the Masai Mara, one can travel in a balloon or light aircraft. Turkana and Samburu districts offer camel safaris.

Tours to Kenya will be of interest to climbers and mountaineers. Reserve Mount Kenya offers to win the 2nd highest mountain in Africa - Mount Kenya, which reaches a height of 5199 meters of climbing is popular Central Highlands, with peaks of more than 4000m, Mount Elgon and the dormant volcano Longonot.

Choosing beach tours to Kenya from Kiev, should go to the east of the country. The coastline stretches for 480 km. You predlagaeyutsya sandy beaches of Mombasa, just north - beaches Kenya Nyarli, Bumburi, Kelif; south - Tiwi, Deacon. The popular resorts of Malindi and Shimoni. Lamu.

Discounted tickets to Kenya interested divers. There is a Marine National Park in Kenya, a neighborhood of Mombasa, Watamu Marine Park, Muren reef, reef Drumers. It is home to a giant moray eels, dolphins, groupers, sharks, napoleon wrasses,, large turtles. In the depths of the Watamu Turtle reef and underwater caves are dark, where you can meet a rare green turtles. Also near Watamu in summer swim whales.

Tours to Kenya from Kiev besides offering all kinds of recreation try ethnic Kenyan cuisine. Gastronomic tour to Kenya offers a mix of Indian, African and European cuisines. Local exotic - antelope fillet, fried slonina, crocodile meat, flavored with banana salad, grilled ostrich a fruit sauce, fillet of buffalo meat, fried grasshoppers and termites. In addition to exotic dishes Kenya treats all kinds of dishes from seafood, grilled over charcoal - lobster, shrimp, and fish. Kenyans all meals burning add seasoning if you do not like spicy food always notify your waiter.


Area: 582, 65 km2

Population: over 33 million people.

Capital: Nairobi (over 2.5 million).

Country in East Africa. The origin of the name of this country is connected with the name of a snow-covered mountain top of extinct volcano, which the local Maasai and Samburu tribes called "Kee-niya" ("White Mountain") and was considered sacred.

Kenya is located on the East coast of Africa. The equator crosses the country right in the middle. Kenya has land borders with Ethiopia in the north, north-west - with Sudan, Uganda to the west, on the south by Tanzania, on the east by Somalia. In the south-east by the Indian Ocean (380 km).

Kenya - a multicultural country, now there are more than 50 different ethnic groups such as the Kikuyu, Luo and kalendzhin. Some of them - the nomadic pastoralists, others are engaged in farming and fishing. Approximately one fifth of the population lives in cities, where many slum on the outskirts. The level of education is quite high, but many can not find a job after graduation.

Cities: Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru

Official languages: Swahili, English

The dominant religion: Christianity (Protestant and Catholic), indigenous beliefs, Islam (mainly on the coast).

Currency: Kenyan shilling = 100 cents.

Banks are open from 09:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday. Some offices are open on Saturdays from 09:00 to 11:00. Many bank branches have ATM machines around the clock. At Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (Nairobi) and the international airport Saved (Mombasa) hour open exchange offices.

Almost everywhere, accept credit cards Visa or Mastercards. Also recommended checks, the use of which can be very practical in the sector safari. However, in private shops and stores checks accepted with great difficulty.

Shopping: Kenyan products are as individual and diverse as Kenya itself. Here you will find traditional handicrafts, excellent weaving, amazing carving wood and bone, fantastic fabrics and jewelry, and musical instruments. Do not hesitate to bargain - it is a common practice.


The proximity to the equator (it crosses the southernmost part of the country) defines the main features of the climate in Kenya. However, one can not speak of a single or a typical climate for the country.

Weather in East Africa is quite stable. The temperature in the night and the day is saved between 10 and 25 C, and on the coast, where the air is hot and humid - 15 to 30 C. The evening and early mornings can be quite chilly. In some areas (for example, Aberdare or Ngorongoro, located at 2,000 meters above sea level) at night is even cold and damp. East Africa is characterized by two of the rainy season, a "period of long rain" occurs from April to June, and the "period of short rains" - from November to mid-December. However, the rain may begin in the driest period. In Kenya and Tanzania, heavy rains are possible in March. The coldest months of the year are July and August, while January and February are considered the hottest. The following tables, which you can navigate by season:

Temperature Precipitation

Nairobi Mombasa Nairobi to Mombasa

January 27 32 49 17

February 28 32 36 10

March 27 33 85 30

April 26 31153108

May 25 29126149

June 24 29 32 54

July 23 28 13 34

August 23 28 18 47

September 26 29 21 46

October 27 30 48 62

November 25 31 132 66

October 25 32 75 32

Medical Requirements

The country is a zone of risk of yellow fever and malaria, tropical, so before you arrive to be vaccinated against yellow fever, and to consult with their physician to receive anti-malarial drugs. There is also a risk of diseases different types of hepatitis and dysentery due to the tropical climate, so on arrival in the country strictly advised to follow the simple rules of hygiene - especially not to drink unboiled water and use personal hygiene.

When to go

In Kenya, the rest is possible all year round, as the country is located near the equator and boasts tropical climate. Choosing a time to travel, consider the following:

- The peak of the Great Migration in July-August (book a safari in this period must be at least 2-3 months before departure)

- The best time for a beach holiday: from mid-May to March

- A period of high humidity on the coast: March-April

- Safari parks all year round possible without sacrificing quality

- Peak season for holidays in general: July-December, January and February.

- Whenever you came to Kenya to try to plan your holiday in advance, at least 2 months prior to the trip. The country is very popular and one of the most affordable travel, so use demand among tourists from all over the world.


Nairobi, Kenya can easily be called one of the largest, molodnyh, modern and fast-growing cities in East Africa.

Masai Mara - a real safari paradise

Masai Mara Mara or simply, it's more than just the most popular park in Kenya. The park itself stoittogo to come to Kenya. Enough to describe the Maasai Mara to witness that he is a specimen of the "classical" African savannah with infinite horizon and herds of grazing antelope. This is the place that can be found in the stories of Ernest Hemingway, in his "Green Hills of Africa." Mara - it is also the birthplace of Masai, with their unique culture and traditions. Mara is a natural extension of the Serengeti plains, located in Tanzania. Therefore, the Masai Mara is Kenya's border conservation area, located in the south-west of the country. Fueled by the Mara and Talek rivers, the park covers an area of ​​about 1510 square meters. km and is mostly grassy plateau surrounded by low, but very picturesque hills. Most of the animals are concentrated in the western part of the park, in the famous Esoit Oloololo.

But Safari is limited parking place impassable tourists, so most of the game drive is conducted in the central and eastern parts of the reserve.

Whenever you come to the Masai Mara - you will always be amazed at the abundance and variety of animals! Only here you can see in nature Big Five (lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo and leopard) literally for the first half hour of your safari. Not uncommon, and scenes of hunting big cats, unfolding right in front of tourists! Here one can see the huge herds of buffalo, wildebeest, topi, Thompson's gazelles and Grant's gazelles and zebras, impala and giraffe. Predators can easily see the spotted hyenas, jackals, black & brown, whole family prides of lions, cheetahs and leopards, even secretive. Also in the park are many baboons, large birds, including the endangered birds secretary, and such rare animals as the white and especially black rhinos. Black rhinos in the park is home to about 37 species, so they are not easily seen, but there is a chance.

The Great Migration of wildebeest and zebras - a very special and amazing natural phenomenon related to the Masai Mara. From July to August, the vast herds of ungulates begin annual migration from the Serengeti to the Masai Mara. On his way animals are found with many dangers. At the Mara River they await hungry crocodiles, and in thickets along the river - lurking lions, hyenas and leopards. Only this time you can see the magical movement of animals that used to happen to the entire African continent, and now preserved in just two or three places, and one of them - the unique reserve Masai Mara! Visiting the Masai Mara at any time of year, you will not be disappointed, on the contrary, will be fascinated by Africa forever.

What to do:

• visiting Maasai villages manyatta

• balloon flight

• jeep safari and trekking tours

• Bird Watching

• specialized safari

The Great Rift Valley (Great Rift Valley)

The Great Rift Valley (or the Great African Rift) is a depression in the earth's crust, which extends for more than 5600 km from the Dead Sea (modern Palestine) to Mozambique. This is truly a unique geological formation, and so far has not been studied is influenced by what the forces were formed this valley. The only thing known for certain is that this "fault" was formed as a result of global movements of the earth's crust, and often reaches a width of 65 km and depth - up to 609 m

Most of the lakes of Kenya (including Turkana, Naivasha, Nakuru, Baringo, Bogoria, Magadi) are located along the Great African Rift and, accordingly, have a rift origin, and on the borders of the fault rises the highest mountain in Africa - Kenya and Kilimanjaro (in Tanzania).

Lake Nakuru National park

Nakuru - alkaline lake rift origin. It is located 180 km (2.5-3 hours drive from Nairobi) and the famous first large populations of pink (small) flamingos - more than 1.5 million individuals. Draws them here growing on the shallow waters of the local special type of algae that e flamingo use in food. Because of such a large number of flamingos may seem as if the lake is like a pink haze. Floor of a paradise for bird lovers, because, in addition to flamingos, contains about 450 species of birds. As for animals, there is, in the thickets of the shares can see leopard, but it is very very rare, as are rare species of black and white rhino and Rothschild giraffe.

Lake Naivasha

In contrast, Nakuru, Naivasha - freshwater lake. It is located 90 km from Nairobi (approximately 1 hour drive). The highest of all the rift lakes Naivasha lies at an altitude of 1880 m level of the lake has changed significantly - in 1926 it was 6 meters higher. Lake water is not fresh, that is, There are no rivers that flow into the lake, and which would bring "fresh" water. However, the image do the assumption that the lake is fed by underground waters brought by the rivers Malewa and Gilgil in the north.

Area adjacent to the lake, is densely populated and the inhabitants of the rainforest is a national park, which is among the most popular among tourists parks in Kenya. The park is home to 450 species of birds, among the thickets of acacia can meet giraffes, buffalo, flocks of monkeys. Permanent inhabitants of the lake and are hulking behemoths. Close by is Hell's Gate National Park, which is known as one of the places in Kenya, where possible climbing, and it's one of the few parks where authorized by walking.

What to do:

• Bird watching (over 400 species)

• Hiking in Hell's Gate National Park

• Boating on the lake

• Visit the island of Crescent Island, located in the middle of Lake Naivasha. The island has a crescent shape, hence its name, and is a protected area, where you can meet giraffes, antelopes, gazelles, zebras, and those who are lucky, might even catch the buffalo. The variety of wildlife is inherently replenished with all kinds of birds and plants. To get here from the shores of Naivasha can be on a boat.

Amboseli National Park

Amboseli National Park is located at 240 south-east of Nairobi, at the foot of the highest mountain in Africa - Kilimanjaro (5895 m). Topped with snow mountain dominates the entire area of ​​the park, and therefore, despite the fact that Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania, it is from Amboseli offers the best view of it. As Amboseli National Park was established in 1974. Its area is only 392 km2, but despite its relatively small size, the park is home to about 50 species of large mammals and 400 species of birds. Among the animals is the lion, leopard, rhino, cheetah, buffalo, etc. But perhaps the most spectacular sight is the herd of elephants - the park is home to about 650 of these gray giants.

Mount Kenya / Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya - Kenya's highest mountain (5199 m) and one of the most beautiful. The uniqueness of this mountain lies in the fact that this is the only place in the world where you can find snow on the equator! The mountain slopes are covered with dense deciduous and bamboo forests, passing just above the highland Afro-alpine meadows and glaciers. Mount Kenya has 2 main, snow capped peaks - Batian / Batian (5199 m) and Nelion / Nelion (5188 m), the second and third highest peak in Africa (above them, only one of the peaks of Kilimanjaro - Uhuru peak). According to legend, the people of the Kikuyu god Ngai, the creator of all that exists, lived on the top of Mount Kirinyaga. Kirinyaga in the language of the same Kikuyu means "mountain of light", and later the name was reduced to a modern version of Kenya.

In 1949 was founded the Mount Kenya National Park, whose main purpose was to protect the wild mountains, including many endemic plants that grow only in its alpine slopes.

The animal world is very diverse - there you can find elephants, buffalo, lions and leopards (though the latter is very difficult because the leopard hiding in the dense vegetation of the park), as well as a rare species of antelope - Bongo antelope.

What to do:

• voskhozhenie Mount Kenya (the easiest route - to the point of Point Lenana - takes 1-2 days and does not require special training);

• walking;

• observation of wild animals;

• fishing in mountain lakes;

• Golf (at the Mount Kenya Safari Club).

National reserves Samburu, Shaba and Buffalo Springs (Samburu, Shaba & Buffalo Springs)

Located at 314 km from Nairobi in the hot and arid Northern Province, Samburu National Reserve and the adjacent Buffalo Springs are one of the most picturesque natural systems of Kenya. Reserves are on the earth colorful Samburu people, close relatives of the Maasai, and are located along the Ewaso Ngiro River («river of brown water" in the language of the tribe Samburu), covers an area of ​​over 500 km2. Samburu, Shaba and Buffalo Springs is home to a large number of animals, including a rather rare species such as the Grevy's zebra, reticulated giraffe, oryx, gerenuks (or so-called antelope, giraffe), Somali ostrich (inhabiting only VC north of the equator), and others. In addition to the usual live here other parks elephants, buffalo, cheetahs, leopards, lions, antelope, dik-dik, warthogs and crocodiles.

What to do:

• observation of the animals and birds;

• attending cultural villages and communities manyatty Samburu;

• visiting the reserve for elephants, walking with elephants.

Aberdare National Park

Aberdare is the third largest national park in Kenya, covering an area of ​​492 km2. The park is located in the central part of the country, to the west of Nairobi. This is the highest above sea level in the park across the African continent - most of it is located at an altitude of 3,000 meters in the mountains, and its two main peaks reach almost 4000 meters. To conquer these mountains is extremely difficult and risky due to frequent and heavy rains. Aberdare Mountains in the language of the Kikuyu called Nyandarua («dry skin"), the modern name of the mountain received after Lord Aberdare, who was president of the Geographical Kololeskogo community at a time when they were discovered by the geologist Joseph Thompson. Aberdare luring tourists with its unique mystery, rich flora and fauna. This is a real fantastic mountainous country with a dense highland forests, misty spaces Afro-alpine meadows, deep gorges ravines that drop in a flood of mountain rivers, forming waterfalls, such as waterfalls and Gura Karura. Aberdare is one of the few parks in Kenya where you can see the "Big Five", namely the lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino and elephant. Along with the "Big Five" in the park is home to rare species of wild animals that are hard to find in other parks, such as Bongo antelope.

Tsavo National Park

Tsavo National Park is the largest nature reserve in Kenya, an area of ​​almost 22,000 square kilometers The park was opened in 1948, and for administrative purposes has been divided into the West (9000 square kilometers) and Eastern (11,747 square kilometers) Tsavo. In both parts of Tsavo inhabit all members of the "Big Five", namely the lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino. In addition to the "Big Five" in the reserve can meet hippos, many antelopes, zebras, giraffes, hyenas and other animals. Tsavo National Park was particularly known for its large herds of elephants and rhinos set. In order to preserve and breeding of rhinos has been specially created reserve Nguliya located within the reserve. Also in Tsavo contain a large number of birds, and in the winter months, the park visited by a large number of migratory birds. Therefore Tsavo park can be called one of the best places for a safari in Kenya. It is easiest to get into the park from Mombasa, which allows perfectly combine a safari and beach holiday.

In Tsavo East almost no mountains and there are fewer plants, so observe the animals easier. In East Tsavo not much Camps and lodges, in the western part of the park, and they are concentrated near the Galana River, which is a permanent habitat for crocodiles and hippos. Of the attractions here remarks Kander marshes, which are a natural source of fresh water, which have the unique opportunity to watch the animals coming to drink, and Lugard Falls, which is worth a visit to see the beautiful stone shapes.

Tsavo West is more developed in terms of infrastructure, there are a lot of Camps and lodges, and the vegetation is more than in the east. Every year, these places tourists come from all over the world, and here is focused a lot of attractions to see. One of them - Mzima springs. The rains have turned the mountain source in the whole lake, where settled crocodiles and hippos. Also to be here, well worth a visit: Reserve Nguliya working for the protection of endangered species of African rhinos and elephants, growling Rocks, offering panoramic views of the vast Tsavo park, cave Shetani crater Chima and other unusual places.

Taita Hills Private Reserve, Taita Hills adjacent to Tsavo National Park and covers about 100 sq km It is also the private reserve of the same name, famous for beautiful nature and rich wildlife. The reserve is home to about 50 species of animals (including elephants, lions, buffaloes, giraffes), and 300 species of birds.

If you stay in one of the lodges reserve Taita Hills, you will certainly be able to participate amazing day and night of exciting safari that the hotel offers.

Kenyan coast - Mombasa, Malindi and Watamu, about. Lama

Kenyan coast, with its white sand beaches and colorful coral reef edge extends for hundreds of miles to the border with Tanzania and Somalia. Here you will find everything you need to relax after a safari - a range of hotels to suit every taste and budget, the warm Indian Ocean, the beautiful sunny weather and white sandy beaches, beautiful with lush tropical greenery, which heard the singing of exotic birds and the cries of green monkeys. Here you will feel the beauty of the whole holiday in the tropics. Vacationing on the Kenyan coast can all year round, it is always warm and comfortable, lots of fresh fruit, a variety of dishes and exotic excursions.

Mombasa - the largest city and port of Kenya, located on an island separated from the mainland by the Straits. The population of the city is different multinational. It is home to many ethnic groups, from Hindu to as much as Indian and Chinese quarters. Mombasa - always noisy, bustling city with a unique flavor. Special attention of the attractions of the historic Old Town deserves its people Swahili architecture, beautiful streets and even the Portuguese built Fort Jesus. And, of course, special attention is paid to the main wealth of Mombasa - its beaches. To the north and south of the city stretched for miles wide beaches with hotels, resorts and offering their services to tourists. The most famous beaches - Diani, Tiwi and Gala.


- Visit the Old Town, Fort Jesus

- Cruise on the lagoon with floating restaurant Tamarind Dhow, with seafood

- Visit the golf and yacht clubs in the city

- Active Reserve Shimba Hills Natural Reserve

- Active Reserves Tsavo, Amboseli (minimum 2 days)

- Visiting elephant reserve Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary

- Visit the historic village of Shimoni

- Snorkelling and diving in the marine reserve Kisite-Mpunguti Marine NP, near the island of Vasin

- Visit the crocodile farm Mamba Village (reptiles)

- Visit to the amusement park Haller Park (visit forests Bamburi Forest, nursery giraffe, crocodile farm, reptile park, a fishing village)

- Visit the national monument since slavery Jumba La Mtwana the mosque Mosque by the Sea

- Seen Kilifi (historic village with a set sights)

Watamu and Malindi - another well-known and popular beach area, located north of the city of Mombasa. Watamu is a completely separate tourist value. Home residents are located directly next to the hotel, and tourists can observe the life of fishermen coast. Malindi is the top destination for deep sea fishing. It is the world championships are held here, and here come amateurs and professionals, fishermen from all over the world. You can catch swordfish, sailfish, various types of marlin, dorado, wahoo, tuna and sharks.


- Visiting the pristine forests Arabuko Sokoke Forest

- Visit the historic ruins Gede

- Diving and snorkelling in the marine reserve Malindi Marine Reserve

- Diving and snorkelling in the marine reserve watamu Marine National Park

- Mida Creek Bird Sanctuary

- Visit the coral islands with a picnic on a secluded beach

- Visit the nonprofit Center for the Study of snakes Bio Ken Snake Farm & Laboratory

- Visit the "turtle beach" (Turtle Bay Beach) in the period from January to April

- Visiting places of geological anomalies - caves Hell's Kitchen

Lamu Island - one of the most attractive and unusual places for tourists. A Muslim island, which 70 years even gained fame African Kathmandu. Here come those who wanted to go as far away from Western civilization and the Western way of life. Culture, architecture and way of life of the indigenous people of the island produce such a fascinating experience for many Europeans, that some of them have purchased property here and come during the holidays. In response to the impact of the civilized world, the indigenous people established themselves in the strict observance of Islamic practices, which gives a very special atmosphere detached island. The island's population - mostly Muslims, with surprisingly colorful traditional clothes (white robes khanzus, kofia men and black kangas and bui-bui women). Many women, especially young ones, you can see completely covers the face and body of purdah. Traditional transport in Lamu are local boats Dhow.

Tours and attractions

Festival - Old Maulid Festival (celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad)

- Architectural monuments and mosques

- Museums (Lamu Museum, Swahili House Museum, German Postal Museum)

- Fort Lamu Fort

- Village Matondoni

- Village Kipungani

- The village of Shela

- Dhow Cruise Boat

- Visit the beaches of Sheba Beach, Manda Beach

Information on the flight: At the airport you have to be up to 2 hours before departure. You yourself go through the passport, customs control and check-in, which ends 40 minutes before departure.

Free baggage allowance for different airlines may vary. Please specify the baggage rules, the airline, the flight of which is your flight.

Flight time from about 9:00

Time difference in time with Kiev in winter time there in the summer time, the Kenyan behind Kiev for 1 hour.

Useful telephone numbers:

Consulate of Ukraine in Kenya:

P.O.Box 63566,

Nairobi - 00619,

Republic of Kenya

Phone: (8 10 254 20) 374 89 22

Fax: (8 10 254 20) 375 60 28


Soon aid and fire protection - 999.

Police - 728 888

* Rates for international calls, and taxis can be changed without notice.

Currency: Kenyan shilling (KSH). One shilling = 100 cents. Kenyan shillings can not be brought into or taken out of it. In the branch of the bank at the airport you can change Kenyan shillings to the desired currency at fairly good rate. Currency can be exchanged at any bank, but with 2006. all exchange points of bill, U.S. production not earlier than 2001. Change money in the street is prohibited, and in exchange offices required to present a passport. We accept all major international credit cards. Approximate exchange rate 1USD = 60 - 70 KSH, 1 EUR = 109 KSH

Customs: Duty-free import: cigarettes - 200 pieces; Spirits - 1 bottle, perfumes and toilet water - 600g. The import of fruit, seedlings and seeds, drugs, explosives, firearms and toys imitating him. The export of ivory, the export of animal skins. The import of foreign currency is unlimited, but the declaration is required, national - is prohibited.

Electricity: Voltage 240V, British standard wall outlet. At the Lodge and Camp (on safari) electricity produced by the generator on and off for the night. The rooms have a candle.

Tipping: In Kenya tipping. It is best to tip in local currency. In restaurants, they make up 10% of the total order value. If you decide to go on a safari, the tip amount to the equivalent of 5 - $ 10 per person per day. Porters give a tip about 1 U.S. dollar, and the maids in hotels - $ 1 a day.

National currency Kenyan Shilling (KES), equal to 100 cents. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 shillings.

Almost everywhere, accept credit cards Visa or Mastercards. Also recommended checks, the use of which can be very practical in the sector, safari. However, in private shops and stores checks accepted with great difficulty.

Banks and currency exchange

Open from 9:00 to 14:00 from Monday to Friday and from 9.00 am to 11.00 am every first and last Saturday of the month. Banks at the airport around the clock.

Currency can be exchanged at any bank and exchange offices (required to present a passport but the commission is minimal). Some large supermarkets Nairobi and Mombasa to accept major international credit cards. Traveller's checks can be cashed in banks. In the interior of non-cash pay is almost impossible.

Going on safari, we recommend to carry local currency amount of approximately € 100 for per person. Please note that the cost of a private nature, gratuities, taxes collected at the airport and pay for visas are not included in the overall rate of the tour.

As a guide, we offer currency exchange rate:

1 US USD - about 75 Kenyan shillings.

1 pound - about 120 Kenyan shillings.

1 Euro - about 85 Kenyan shillings.

Money can be exchanged easily in airports, hotels, banks and exchange offices. It is more convenient to carry smaller bills nominations. We ask you to avoid changing money on the streets, from individuals, since they are making the exchange illegally.


Public transport in Kenya presented primarily a kind of route taxis, called "matatas." Drive these "taxis" are very dashing and not always safe, as opposed to the more expensive and more reliable express bus.

As there is a meeting at the airport on arrival in Kenya: the procedure of the meeting, contact the host company and transfermenov prompting the sales managers

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