Tourism and travel/China








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China is one of the most rich, exciting and dynamic countries in the world. The first tour to China attract tourists ancient culture and traditions, recognized throughout the world cuisine, a haven of relaxation on the beach, as well as the production of various goods and shopping.

Rapid growth and development in China every year increases interest in this country. Acquainted with the products independently verify the quality, establish partnerships with manufacturers and negotiate the terms of delivery in person without intermediaries offering business trips to China.

Shop for the best tours in China recognized neighborhood of Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Guangzhou. This visit factories, markets, theme fairs and showrooms. Clothing, footwear, sporting goods, furniture, ceramics, leather goods, cosmetics and many other products are available wholesale and retail.

Now leave the business and move on to a pleasant surprise. China is not only a shopping and excellent conditions for business, it's a great beach vacation.

Tours to China at the most picturesque resorts in China offered by "Travel Club". Acquiring + tours to China for beach holidays, travelers from Ukraine should keep heading due south. China's most famous resorts are located on the tropical island of Hainan in the five bays: Yalong Bay, Sanyavan, Sanya, and Haytavan Syaodunhay. This stretching for tens of kilometers white beaches, clear sea water and coral reefs, mysterious caves and dense forests, high mountains, coconut palms, flowering cacti, mango and pineapple plantations and the famous tea plantations.

Sanya is an international tourist destination. Located along the Gulf Sanyavan. Straight from Kiev you teleport to the garden paradise of fruit - mango, pineapple, papaya, carom, lychee, pitahaya, breadfruit, coconuts and other fruits. Summer in Hainan year round and tours to China enable savored exotic fruits at any time.

Yalong Bay water area abounds in seafood. Here, catch and eat shrimp, lobster, crab, lobster, clams and all sorts of tropical fish. Chinese skilled chefs. Seafood dish cooked on the open fire in the hot oil with herbs and spices. Just a few minutes and seafood ready to eat.

Acquainted with the centuries-old traditions and culture that has survived from ancient times, offering tours to China. Only in one Beijing you can visit the residence of emperors Ihyuean, Temple of Heaven, Beijing Opera, the Valley of the Tombs, a stroll along the Great Wall of China. Traveling along the Silk Road, the road you will find the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the temple Famensy, where according to legend stored ashes of Buddha Sakyamuni, the cave temples and scenic lakes, Bainbulsky reserve, wilderness Karamay and more. Holiday in China from Kiev is a unique opportunity to visit a Buddhist monastery Shao Lin, where permitted as a student to spend time in meditation and training.

Prices for tours to China vary depending on where the direction range of services and comfort. Almost half the cost of the tour is spent on a long flight to China. China - it's not a country, and diverse world, a mixture of history, traditions and cultures of the East. If you do not have the time Oklo two years to research and study in China, it is best to follow the beaten paths, such as the Silk Road by walking down the Yangzi River, or enjoying the scenery of Dr. Seuss, who painted area Guangx.

China - a country of great contrasts, with a picturesque rural landscape and overcrowded urban metropolitan areas, with a natural beauty, which is situated on the wild and untamed plains of the Gobi Desert and the infamous North Peak of Everest. China is a huge and wild, it will satisfy your every instinct explorer and discoverer.

China - the third largest country in the world. The north by the deserts of Mongolia in the west - with surly Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas in the east - with the Eastern and Southern Chinese Sea. Management 22 regions of China and the five autonomous regions, held in Beijing, as his command of the islands around 5000. Hong Kong and Macau be denoted as a Special Administrative Region (SAR). Also can be attributed to China and most areas along the southeast coast of China. Taiwan - a sticking point, a disputed territory, which constantly causes emerging conflicts. Also, there is a struggle for the oil-rich group of islands Spratly, which wants to get every country that borders a little bit with them. According to the statistics, all the disputed areas and population otsrovov towards China.


China through its territory is ranked third in the world after Russia and Canada, and encompasses a large part of East and Central Asia. Area of ​​the country - 9.6 million square meters. km, which is almost 1/4 areas of Asia.

This huge country stretches from north to south, from the bank of the Amur River to Siberia covered with palm islands in the South China Sea for 5500 kilometers, and from west to east, from the passes of the Pamirs to the Shandong Peninsula in the 5200 km. Land borders of China - over 20 thousand kilometers, and the length of the coastline - 18 thousand km. China shares borders with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Laos, Vietnam, North Korea, Mongolia, Myanmar.

Population and language.

China's population of 1.3 billion people. Most of the population are Chinese, and only about 8% of the "small nation": Zhuang, Miao, Tibetan ... Main language - Chinese. In the tourist centers are used in English, Japanese and Russian.


The main unit of Chinese currency - the yuan, auxiliary - Jiao and Fen. 1 yuan equals 10 jiao, 1 jiao equals 10 fenyam. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 1,2,5,10,50 and 100 yuan, jiao 1,2,5 and coins in denominations of 1 yuan, 5 jiao, and 1,2 and 5 Fenya.

The U.S. dollar (as of July 2004), the yuan is 1 to 8.3. Foreign currency and travelers checks can be exchanged for yuan in banks, hotels and some shops.

Credit Card Systems "Visa", "American express", "Master card", "Diners Clab" and "JCB" take the big hotels, department stores, and major restaurants. ATMs are installed in major hotels and department stores. If you during your stay in China, not the entire amount spent in RMB, before leaving, you can redeem them for cash back in your preferred currency to present a copy of the exchange of foreign currency to the yuan, which is valid for six months.

Customs control

Import and export of local and foreign currency is limited. Bring cash, travelers checks and payment cards can be any amount. When the trafficking cash amount over $ 5,000, you must specify the amount available in the customs declaration.

Duty levied on imported goods following: more than 1.5 liters of alcoholic beverages, and more than 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars or 500 grams. tobacco. Product containing more than 50 grams of precious metal. must be declared and taken back by the passenger at border crossings. The export of antiques and works of contemporary artists and calligraphers without permission. Flammable materials, aerosols, hair spray, lighter gas and piercing-cutting items, should be packed in checked baggage, as they will not be missed in the luggage in hand luggage.


Throughout China operates Beijing time. The time difference with Kiev in winter 6 hours, five hours in the summer.

Office hours, shops and museums

In every city of China tour program should begin early in the morning. All temples, parks, palaces, etc. work from nine in the morning till five, up to a maximum of six hours in the evening. Moreover, the sale of tickets ends one hour before closing. Shops and markets are open, usually well into the evening, until 21:00-22:00 hours. Branches of banks, where it is possible to change money in the larger cities are open until 20:00.


Selection favors from vast. A pair of chopsticks, a beautiful porcelain cup, lacquer boxes, stamps and covers for the scrolls can be bought at every turn. Hangzhou and Suzhou are famous for excellent tea and silk. There is no shortage of shops selling crafts.

Kitchen You might be surprised, to learn that the Chinese cuisine as such does not exist. Chinese culinary tradition combines a variety of dishes typical of the different regions of China, which are sometimes in a completely different climate zones. Climatic conditions affect both the culinary traditions, and the usual assortment of products, which causes a gastronomic variety.

Almost every province has its original kitchen, but conditionally culinary China can be divided into four major regions: Beijing (Beijing or northern cuisine), Sichuan (Western cuisine), Shanghai (oriental) and Canton (southern cuisine). Usually start with cold meats, then fed the fish or seafood, hot meat or poultry, vegetables and soup. Fish is served whole, and turn it should not be: it is believed that the boat fisherman caught it may tip over. Always served to the table in Fig. Forget about knives and forks. Chinese food is specially designed for sticks that are easy to pick up small pieces that are the foundation of dishes. In the north of China instead of rice noodles may apply and buns, steamed. A traditional breakfast is congee with meat (or fish) and vegetables. Lunch at noon, dinner at 18:00 - 18:30.

China - the birthplace of tea, it is the favorite beverage of Chinese. Most of the local restaurants and cafes allowed casual dress (usual shirt and tie, and even without a tie) for men, and free style dresses for women.

Chinese food - usually heavier than that to which the Russian people are accustomed to. It has more savory and sweet dishes. Abrupt change of food can cause an upset stomach, so should bring a remedy for such cases. Because in China there is the risk of contracting cholera, diphtheria, and other diseases, we recommend: drink juice, water, sealed in original packaging, the products passed thermal treatment, to observe good personal hygiene. Refrain from the use of ice for chilling drinks. Fruits and vegetables are always cleaned or washed thoroughly before eating. It is not recommended to buy food on the street. In street eatery clean dishes is poor. The Chinese rinse your equipment with hot tea. Bring it right away, as soon as you took a table. Napkins, usually does not happen. Be sure to wash your hands before you eat, try to do it in a hotel room because "public visitation" or toilets in China are usually not always clean.


International code of China - 86.

Codes of major cities

Beijing - 10.

Shanghai - 21.

International code of Taiwan - 886.

Codes of major cities

Taipei - 2.

International code of Hong Kong - 852.


Tension in China's electricity supply - 220 V/60Gts.


Tipping in China is not accepted. But in some cases, they can be expected, especially in places-class, or if the young attendants.

Weather and when to go?

Due to the vast territory, where you can choose the climate for the soul: to go to the central and northern China, where the chilly winter (average temperature of -5 ° C} or to the south (Macau, Hong Kong, Guilin), where summer lasts until November. At Winter Travel has its charms, for example, very romantic stroll through the snowy streets of the Summer Palace. winter cold does not happen in the south of China: Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Macau and Hainan Island. China has its "Hawaii" - the island of Hainan, where the temperature is even January does not fall below 25 ° C and can swim in the sea.

Information on the flight: At the airport you have to be 2.5 hours before departure. You yourself go through the passport, customs control and check-in, which ends 40 minutes before departure.

Free baggage allowance for different airlines may vary. Please specify the baggage rules, the airline, the flight of which is your flight.

Flight time: about 10:00

The time now is ahead of Kiev - 6:00

Customs: come to China to foreign nationals are allowed to import duty-free for personal use camera (1 pcs.), A portable tape recorder (1 pcs.), Camcorders (1 pcs.), A portable movie camera (1 pcs.), Laptop computer (1 u). In case of exceeding the established norms of import above items traveler must declare their exact number. The above items imported with the permission of the customs in China, on the way back at the border to be shipped out of China. Tourists arriving in China are allowed to import for personal use and for a reasonable amount of gold, silver and articles of these metals. If they weigh more than 50 grams, should complete the declaration and at departure from China to export them to the declared amount. The transportation or transportation abroad of gold, silver and their products purchased in China, Customs shall permit only if the owner of the "Special Invoice" issued by the People's Bank of China. Foreign nationals wishing to take out Chinese art treasures, you should get expert advice to the relevant administrative authority for culture, and then submit a detailed declaration of the exported items to Customs. Foreign nationals, arrived in China are allowed to take abroad in reasonable quantities for personal use on the medicinal product or raw materials, used in Chinese medicine, bought them for foreign currency, with the appropriate receipts and invoices, certificates of currency exchange. Communication: Usually in rooms of all Chinese hotels a telephone direct dial international calls (IDD). There are 3-star class and below a phone call is charged a 10 percent service charge, 4-and 5-star hotels - a 15-percent surcharge. Normally pay for telephone calls included in the total score. When you're in Beijing, you can call by call. Specific phone numbers with this kind of service can be found in the "Useful phone" in this handbook.

Transport: The main mode of transportation between cities in China - the railway. In passenger trains have four classes of cars: soft sleeper, hard sleeping, soft sedentary, sitting tight. Tickets are checked at the entrance to the platform, landing on the train, at the exit from the platform. If, in response to a request to sell the ticket was answered, "Mayo" (no, you can not, I can not), it sometimes helps to answer "in Sougia" (need). If there is no rail service between cities message, you have to use the long-distance buses. Many hotels have their own coaches who can deliver clients to the airport and the attractions of Beijing. Tickets are normally sold in the lobby. Taxi. In Beijing, a great many taxis. Taxis can be caught at any time of day. The money for the fare paid by the meter. Price per kilometer, depending on the class of taxi ranges from 1.40 yuan to 2.50 yuan (sticker price for 1 km is attached to the side window of the car.) The starting price on the meter - is the fee for the first 4 kilometers. While in port, at night and during movement in traffic rate increases. Installed on the roof of a taxi yellow sign with the words in English TAHI. Recently, a new type of taxi with rate of 1.2 yuan per kilometer. Subway. Beijing subway consists of two branches. The trip between the two stations takes about 4 minutes. Important stop for tourists - this Taoist Temple White Cloud (Bayyunguan), the Military Museum and the Shijingshan Amusement Park. Entrance station - gray square cement building, the ticket price - 2 yuan. Opening hours: 5.00 - 22.30.

Money: The national currency of China - Yuan. Denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100 yuan - the main means of payment in circulation as coins in denominations of 1 yuan. There are also smaller components yuan. 1/10 yuan officially called "fen" (this is evident from the Latin script on the banknote or coin) and exist in denominations of 1, 2 and 5 jiao (as banknotes and coins). More commonly, however, the informal name of "Mao." 1/10 jiao (or mao) is a fen.

Food: Chinese food is widely popular, is very diverse and is not for the squeamish. The Chinese say they eat everything that has four legs, except tables. In most cases, it's just cooking delicious meals from a limited number of ingredients. Chinese food can be divided into four regional categories: Beijing and shandonskaya (with hot biscuits and pasta in the form of clips), and katonizskaya tsyaozhou (lightly cooked meat and vegetables), Shanghai (the home of the "red" foods and meat on the ribs) and Xi'an (very spicy, with lots of chilli sauce). Tea - one of the most popular soft drinks, in addition, Coca-Cola has become increasingly popular, while beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage. The word "wine" has many meanings, ranging from drinks, infused with various herbs, finishing rice vodka and wine with lizards, bees and pickled snakes. One more drink - is Maotai, which is made from sorghum, with the smell of rubbing alcohol, successfully replace gasoline and solvent inks.

Shops: State stores are open seven days a week from 09.30 to 20.30, and private from 09.00 to 21.00, and sometimes even longer. Markets are usually open at 0700 (some - in 0400) and work up to 10.00-12.00. In China, a large state-owned stores and food shops prices are fixed. Bargaining is possible and necessary in the markets, most private shops at street stalls and even in some of the hotels, and the art of bargaining is often more important to the seller than the result, so the best bargains the buyer, the greater the chances for a good discount. Even if a product has a price tag - is nothing more than a "landmark", indicating the order of the purchase price. Sellers often on the move offers interested goods cheaper and are very obtrusive. If the "language barrier" prevents bargain, you can use a calculator, which in turn digits, or a piece of paper and a pen.

Recommendation: China - especially the millennial cultural and historical heritage, and to antiquities and traditions should be treated with care, avoiding brusque. In recent years, popular shopping tours to China, which attract foreigners from all over the world. The most famous market for shopping in Beijing - Silk Market is (mostly sell clothes, shoes, carpets, bags, luggage, or any other related and silk products) Pearl Market (upstairs which really sells pearls for every taste and budget, and where there is jade and other stones) and Market Yabolu. The last item for today fills the entire space of the former Soviet Union. 80% of the good that we see in Russia, shipped from Yabolu, and that as many as five large hangars, 2 km north of Yabolu. If you want to buy a piece, for themselves, for children, it is better to go to a new Yabolu. It immediately put real prices. The maximum that can be reset - 1-2 yuan. By visiting these three markets in Beijing, you can no longer apply to retail establishments, and to focus on more spiritual matters. The import of weapons, pornography, explosives, drugs and poisons. The export of historical documents, valuable objects and works of art as well as paintings and drawings store without a receipt confirming the legality of purchase, or an export permit from the Chinese Administrative Division of Cultural Property under the Ministry of Culture of China. In Macau, the import and export of currency values, including wins in the casino, antiques, antiques and art, gold and jewelry, and electronics is not limited

How are met at the airport upon arrival in China: The procedure appointments, contacts, and the host company transfermenov prompting the sales managers China is home to one of the oldest and most complex civilizations of the world, and perhaps the only one in which the physical type of the population did not change for 5 millennia. China has a history that spans 5,000 years of artistic, philosophical, and political development. Although regional differences create a sense of diversity, a common language, religious and ethical views combine Chinese culture, in which have been creating significant worldwide phenomenon, Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism was the official ideology of much of the history of Imperial China, and knowledge of Confucian texts was the primary criterion for entry into the imperial bureaucracy.

So far, in all areas of China remained a tradition to organize during the holiday Yuansyao exhibition lights. A lot of people come to admire the lights of different shapes and designs. On this day the children bring to the street made or bought in stores lights and having fun with them.

The shape of Chinese lanterns are very diverse. Especially popular four-and hexagonal lanterns covered with colored cloth gas lamps with different pictures.

Dragon - a symbol of the Chinese nation. A draconian lights are divided mainly into two types: with dragon lights, lights in the form of a dragon. Dance with the lights in the form of a fiery dragon is one of the traditional events in many parts of China during the meeting of the holiday, in some places even organize exhibitions and competitions for the best lantern.

Carving patterns out of paper - "Jianzhu" - a type of traditional folk arts and crafts in China, which has recently been classified by UNESCO as one of the world's cultural heritage. The art of paper cutting has a long history, it emerged during the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou and passed from generation to generation to the present. The main plot of the simple and unsophisticated products, paper is the work and life of the common people.

Paper patterns are used primarily for interior decoration, they decorated the walls, doors, windows, columns, house, mirrors, lamps and lanterns. They are also used to decorate gifts, and sometimes themselves are present.

"Chinese knot" ("chzhungotsze") - an integral part of traditional Chinese culture and art. According to archaeological data, "nodules in memory" Chinese steel tie already in the Paleolithic era. Important issues and events means more knots, minor - small.

Node - a symbol of harmony and intimacy, read the character "jie" to a certain extent consonant words "happiness", "longevity", "wealth", "joy" and "health."

Since ancient times in China, compared with nearby neighbors, is considered the country of silk. In European countries, China called seres, that ancient Greek meant silk. In Chinese silk is indicated, the word raw. Some of their most ancient specimens found silk refers to the last centuries 1st millennium BC These findings are very different kinds of silk thin gas, gentle satin, heavy and thick brocade. Even in those ancient times, there were traditional art of weaving and dyeing various technologies.

Early descriptions of silk production are known in the reign of Yin. Since ancient times, there were machines for reeling of silk cocoons (they were placed in a boiler with hot water). The first machines were equipped with a treadle and the drum for winding yarn. The performance of these machines was 1.5 kg of silk yarn per day. Silk from ancient times embroidered images of mythical animals and mythical creatures, floral and geometric designs. Variety of colors and fabric patterns formulations batik way to fully disclose the philosophical speculation and emphasize a single artistic style common in China.

Motives textile designs often repeated views of famous artists, or calligraphic writing. In the parade costumes skillfully made sure to present works of art using gold and silver threads.

Separately, it should be said about the clothes of the emperors. Served as an emblem of imperial power image of two dragons ascending and overthrows, who are fighting for a fiery gem. The emblem of the Empress was a magical bird fanhuan (somewhat reminiscent of pheasant). Its plumage differed happy combination of five colors. Yellow has long been considered the color of the emperor. That's why you have all shades of yellow, gold, orange color is very common in the wardrobes of modern Chinese.

To date, the silk production in China is lower than in ancient times. Hand embroidery

replaced the-art machines and that is why it is very expensive appreciated.

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