Tourism and travel/Madagascar








Sri Lanka






In the Indian Ocean laid out colorful and exotic state of Madagascar, which completely occupies the entire island of Madagascar and the adjacent, several small islands.

Tours to Madagascar - a journey like the small continent, which is saturated with unique exotic life forms that can be found only here and nowhere else on the planet. Trips to Madagascar will open for you all the bright colors of the island. Stormy lush greenery highlights bright red soil.

Tours in Madagascar will charm you by ancient mountain peaks, many kilometers of wonderful sandy beaches, lakes, swift flowing rivers, unique flora and fauna, relict forests and the local population.

Thousands of tourists come specially to vacation in Madagascar in order to make themselves personally see and feel all this color and the splendor of the State. Many tourists buy tours to Madagascar to visit the island of Nosy Be, which is a kind of calling card of all the resorts in Madagascar. Nosy Be island - is magnificent beaches, hotels and clubs.

Capital - Antananarivo

Madagascar administratively divided into six provinces.


State on about. Madagascar and adjacent small islands in the Indian Ocean (Nosy Be, Nosy Mitsiu, Nosy Vuruna, Nosy Wow, Ile Sainte Marie, Nosy Mangabe) and in the Gulf of Diego Suarez, and the islands of Nosy Lava, Radama and Barrenok. The area is about 587 thousand square meters. km. (Its area is second only to Greenland, New Guinea and Kalimantan). The relief is extremely varied but despite mostly mountainous form, total height does not exceed 2,000 m

Madagascar's climate is tropical and equatorial monsoon. Northwest coast and plateau Bemaraha - the hottest areas of the island.

History of Madagascar

It is believed that the first humans on the island of Indonesia, about two thousand years ago. This started the history of Madagascar. By the beginning of XIX century was formed Malagasy kingdom. In 1500 the Portuguese discovered the island for Europe. In 1895, when the French took over, Madagascar became their colony. In 1960, the country achieved independence.

Cuisine of Madagascar

Malagasy dishes of national cuisine: ravintutu (beef or pork, served with mashed cassava leaves and coconut), rumazava (stew of meat, including meat of zebu, tomatoes and spices). The food is usually very spicy. The basis of the Malagasy cuisine is rice. It is served with vegetables, chili peppers, corn, meat, zebu meat chicken, sliced ​​cheese and spices. Very common meat pies, sea food. All year round you can eat fruit. In March ripe soursop Scale (sugar apple), and December - the month lychee.


The population of 13.8 million people, 99% - Malagasy (Malagasies) submitted now nineteen different tribal groups, and the rest - immigrants from Europe, Africa and Asia.


Official languages ​​- gelding (a dialect of the Malagasy language) and French.


Adheres to local traditional beliefs about half the population, Christians - 40%, Muslims and Buddhists.


Kiev ahead by 1 hour. On the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October coincides with Kiev.


Malagasy franc of 100 centimes. And due to high inflation denomination in circulation currency is constantly changing. Currency can be exchanged at any bank, at the airport in exchange offices. Change money in the street is prohibited. International credit cards can be used only in the capital and in major retail outlets. To travel through the province should be reserved by the Franks in small denominations, as standard of living is low and exchange large bills unreal. Tipping is best given in the local currency, in the restaurants, they make up 10% of the total order value.


In Madagascar, an international airport, "Iwata". You can fly to Madagascar from Paris, Nairobi, Seychelles, Reunion and Mauritius. From Paris, you can use the services of Air France and Air Madagascar.

If you prefer the sea, it is possible to sail from major seaports Antsiranana, Toamasina, Mahajanga and Toliara.

On the island you can travel as air travel, and the zebu carts. If you do not want to take a taxi, between the capital and the surrounding cities go minibuses.

If you want to rent a car, you can do it in the main tourist centers and the airport. It is better to do it in advance of departure. Immediately indicate the rental period and the type of car. It's enough to credit card and driver's license.

The main road of the island in a fairly good condition, but most of them, like most of the railways in need of repair. Drive is leisurely and carefully.


March 29 Day of Remembrance of the heroes (Madagascar), established in memory of an armed uprising madagasiyskogo people against the French colonialists in 1947. Voostanie was suppressed in 1948.

January 1 - New Year's Eve.

end of March (usually March 29) - Anniversary of Uprising Day 1947

April 9 - Good Friday.

March-April - Easter and Easter Monday.

May 25 - Day of African Unity.

May 1 - Labor Day.

June 26 - Independence Day.

August 15 - Assumption.

September 27 - Day Sep-Vincent-de-Paul.

November 1 - All Saints Day.

December 25 - Christmas Day.

December 30 - The anniversary of the Republic of Madagascar (Republic Day).

Emergency numbers:

• Emergency (medical center Ambatumena) - 211-70

• Police - 229-72

• Fire Antananarivo - 225-66


Open in most cases, from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00-17.30, Saturday from 8.00 to 13.00 on Sunday, most stores will not work. Grocery stores are open all week from 8.00 to 19.30 or 20.00. Supermarkets in the capital and the resort towns have a longer operation. In the southern and south-eastern parts of the country the majority of shops closed for siesta from day to 15.00-16.00 12.00-13.00. In the rest of this custom is not used anywhere.

Useful Information for Visitors:

• Madagascar - the fourth island in terms of magnitude.

• In Madagascar rather confusing situation with the money - and in the course of the Malagasy franc and ariari - they have introduced recently. One is 5 ariari malgashinskim francs.

• Madagascar is called Beautiful island, because the dominant color of the soil here - various shades of red.

• In Madagascar, many lemurs. The word "lemur" of Roman origin and the Latin for "ghost." The ancient Romans believed that lemurs - restless souls. To be safe, people spent lemuralii - Feast of the Dead, he lasted three odd nights - 9, 11 and 13 May. Each year, the head of the family at midnight, went around barefoot home, the threshold rinsed his hands and face with spring water and nine times without looking behind him threw black beans, repeating, "I give you these beans and thereby redeem their loved ones." Then he washed himself, struck nine times a copper basin on the other hand, asked the spirits to go away. It was believed that lemurs, having eaten beans and funky crash a year to leave the house alone. We perform the ritual three times.

• Vladimir Dinets, the famous traveler, who visited Madagascar in 2005, spoke about his trip to the mini-book "Moon Walk"

• In Madagascar, grows 740 varieties of orchids, there are 147 species of birds and 6,000 species of beetle is found

• Madagascar symbol of good luck and wealth - zebu.

• «Tree travelers' Raven - a national symbol of Madagascar.

• The island is growing - "Crying" blue jacaranda trees


Arrival at Antananarivo.Ekskursiya the city. In the afternoon flight to the island Wear Be. Excursion by boat in the archipelago Wear Be. First stop Komba Island Wear - the habitat of lemurs. Excursion to the fishing village. Second stop - the island Wear Tunica. where the marine reserve. Diving, swimming. Water sports for an additional fee. Flight to Diego Suarez in the north. City tour and a trip to Zhofrevill (Ambuhitra), an old garrison based Marshal Jofre and to the mountains of ambergris. Spending the night in the park. Tour of the national park, walk to the waterfall, where you can see various species of lemurs. Lunch at the camp Russet. A trip to the three bays Indian Ocean - Sakalava Bay, Dunes, Pigeon Bay. The trip ends in the biggest bay - Diego Suarez, lunch outdoors on the beach. Flight to Antananarivo, meet your guide at the airport, who will accompany you to Tulear. Drive to Antsirabe, top Malaysian Upper Plateau. Walking through the city. Moving to Ambositru, visit handicraft workshops, transfer to Fianarantsoa. Visit to a paper mill in Ambalavao. Moving to a plateau Horombo. Arrive in the afternoon in Ranohiru - park entrance Izalo. A walk through a beautiful park with a small backpack on a forest path to the pond., Where you can swim and relax. Lunch in nature. Return in the evening. Moving through the picturesque gorge through the pass in Tulear. Visit the Arboretum Antsokay. Then move along the coast in the Ifat. Where you are placed in a bungalow on the beach. Free day in Ifat. You can tour the surrounding area and enjoy the beauty of the local flora. Marine Club Hotel offers diving, walking on the sea, riding on the cake. Transfer to the airport and flight to Tulear Fort Dauphin to the extreme south of the country. Meet guide and transfer to the National Park Berent. Afternoon visit to the reserve. Overnight at the lodge. Morning walk in the park. In the afternoon, return to Fort Dauphin. On the way stop for inspection rare plant "Nepenthes" growing in this region of the country. svoobodny day in Fort Dofine.Vo afternoon flight to Antananarivo. Tour of the capital. Shopping, crafts. Meet your guide who will accompany you to the East of Madagascar. Moving to Mandraki, visiting farms butterflies and chameleons. Arrival in Andasibe National Park. Accommodation at the lodge. Perhaps the night visit to the park with a guide. Early morning visit to the park to explore the lemur Indri, the largest lemur in the world. Journey to the coast in the city of Tamatave. Overnight in Tamatave. The flight to the island of St. Marie. Transfer to the hotel on the ocean. Coastline. Additional tours. The island of St. Mary - is a former refuge of pirates. You can visit their cemetery. Cycling, boat or canoe. Diving.


In the coastal waters of Madagascar stretch coral reefs, which are very popular among divers. Diving is best addressed from April to August. Underwater visibility of the whole year is 10-30 m most interesting dive sites are located in the vicinity of Madagascar island of Nosy-Be. The main dive centers are located in the island Ambatoloaka. The local marine park Nosy Tanikeli - paradise for snorkeling and diving. Dive site, "Four Brothers" is a four underwater rock formations and caves. Diving depth ranges from 4 to 20 m very interesting place called "the Authority". This underwater mountain with many ridges, similar to the pipe organ, for which it got its name.

Nosy Be Island

"Card" holiday Madagascar - lying 150 km. south-west of the island of Antsiranana Nosy Be ("Big Island"), one of the recognized centers of international tourism. The cosmopolitan island of golden beaches, coconut trees, luxury hotels and nightclubs, Nosy Be forever filled with vacationers and is nothing like the rest of Madagascar. In the capital of the island - Anduani (Elvil) deserve attention Oceanographic Research Center, a monument to Russian soldiers, colorful market, Muslim and Christian cemeteries. No less interesting Diving Center "Ocean Dream" and a waterfall in Ambatuluake, Dzamandzari place in which to produce a first class 1900 rum, reserve Lukube, sacred volcanic lake Andzavibe, Amparihimirahavavi, Bemapaza, Antsahamanavaka, Antsidihi, Amparihibe Maintimasu and at the foot of Footstep, "Silver Falls", Preserve the island of Nosy-Kumba and National Underwater Park Island Nosy Tanikeli.

Adventure travel (north of Madagascar)

Arrival in Antananarivo. Overnight at the hotel. Flight to Diego Suarez. Dinner and overnight at Zhoffreville - old town, the garrison. A trip to the National Park of Mount Ambre. A walk along the path to the Grand Cascade. Dinner and overnight at Zhoffreville. Seen Reserve Ankaran. The three-day trip to mountains. In the center of the array tower Tsindzhi famous rocks. Deep canyons cut through the array. You will visit the huge cave with stalactites and stalagmites. Overnight camping. Drive through coffee plantations, cocoa, spices, ylang-ylanga to berth in Ankifi. Transfer by boat to the island Wear Be. Dinner and overnight at the hotel. The three-day exciting trip on the cake with a sail on the islands of the archipelago Wear Be. You feel like a real Robinson Crusoe, sleeping in a secluded campsite on the beach. (2 nights camping, 1 night in a hotel on Wear Be). Flight to Mahadzhangu - the city on the west coast of Madagascar. City tour, a visit to the market, the port. Dinner and overnight at the hotel. Moving to the south of the National Park Ankarafantika. Night visit to the park. Overnight camping at the gates of the park. All day visit to the park. Introduction to the lemurs. Overnight camping. Drive through the vast desert plateau in the center of the country. Arrival in Antananarivo in the evening.


Madagascar is remarkable in that it has been over 2 million years isolated from the mainland, so there is home to many endemic species of animals and plants. All are carefully protected in national parks and reserves of the country. Fauna of Madagascar are more than 50 species of lemurs, including the well-known large Indri and "rukonozhkoy ay-ay", tenrecs, 7 endemic genera civet, endemic species of crocodiles and one species of dwarf hippo uzkorotymi frogs gekkonovymi, iguanas, chameleons, boas, and more than 50 endemic families of birds. The biggest island is a nature reserve reserve scurvy de Bemaraha, an area of ​​152 hectares. It is located in the western part of the island on a plateau Bemaraha. Within the reserve are limestone plateau scurvy, folded karst rocks, steep cliffs 400m, which snap to the valley Manambulu, mangroves, lakes and forests in the southern part of it. It is home to 53 species of birds, 8 species of reptiles and six species of lemur.


Arrival in Antananarivo. Flight to Tulear in the south-west of Madagascar. Overnight at the hotel on the beach in Ifat. Coastline. Water sports. Drive through Tulear in the array Ranohiru Izalo, which combines magnificent rocky outcrops, unique forests and animals. Safari in the national park Izalo. Inspection of lemurs. Visit the canyon. Picnic. Moving to a plateau Horombo. Seen Ambalavao. Visiting the Park Ranomafana (huge number of lemurs) and environmental museum. Drive to Lake Sahambavi walk in the park near Ambositra Zafimaniry. Moving to Antsirabe, Hauts Plateau. Visit the thermal springs. Moving to Antananarivo. Beginning of a journey in the East of Madagascar. On the way visit to the butterfly. Transfer to the National Park Perinet. Morning visit to the park, where you can see the largest lemur in the world - Indri. After breakfast drive to Tamatave. Flight to St. Marie. Transfer to the island Nattes.

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