Tourism and travel/Tunisia








Sri Lanka






Tunisia is located in the north-eastern tip of Africa, in the heart of the Mediterranean basin, is the coastal plains, the eastern part of the Atlas Mountains and the northern part of the Sahara Desert. In the north and east by the Mediterranean Sea. It shares borders with Algeria and Libya.

The country is mountainous and thickly covered with greenery in the north, to the south of its terrain becomes flat and the climate is dry. There are three major regions: the O-Tell, coinciding with the northern, central Tunisia, consisting mainly of a located in the plains and plateaus of the steppes, ending on the coast of the Sahel, and finally, Southern Tunisia, bounded on the north of the salt lakes. This is a large area of ​​desert spaces and magnificent palm trees, located near sources of water.

The highest point in Tunisia, Jebel Shaambi, only reaches 1,544 meters above sea level, and two-thirds of the country - is plain. The coastline of 1,200 kilometers, and if we consider the island - much more.

Beautiful landscapes of Tunisia serve as a backdrop for many famous films, including the "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones."

Capital of Tunisia






Arabs - 98%


Tunisian Dinar


behind Moscow time by one hour in the summer, for two hours in winter (GMT + 1)

In climatically all Tunisia is classified as "warm countries." The climate in Tunisia, as well as the climate of other countries in North Africa, the Mediterranean Sea and affect the Sahara desert.

Average summer temperatures here range from +22 ° C to +32 ° C degrees and the average winter temperature - from +5 ° C to +12 ° C degrees. The difference between the average temperature of the hottest and coldest months does not exceed +15 ° C, +20 ° C.

The climate in Tunisia mainly subtropical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and relatively cool, wet winters. In the northern part of the country dominated by dry subtropical Mediterranean type climate in the south - a hot tropical climate of the deserts and semi-deserts. The direct influence of the sea on the climate is much more in the northern part of the country. North winds, held up by the mountains, bring here in the autumn and winter moisture falls as rain. The impact of the sea affects the Sahel - the coastal strip to the east of Tunisia, where the cool winds weaken some summer heat.

When in Tunisia break hot southern winds blowing from the scorching Sahara, dry heat and dominated the entire country down to the northern coastal areas. The most severe in southern withering sirocco wind that blows annually for many days. When it comes to the sirocco, in areas where the average maximum temperature is +30 ° C, +40 ° C, observed temperature to +53 ° C and higher. At such times, often killed crops of grain, withered grapes, dry fruits fruit trees.

The tourist season in Tunisia begins in late April and ends in early November. It is related to water temperature and air temperature. In late April, the air is heated in a resort area to +23 ° C, +25 ° C.

At the height of summer (July-August) in the resort area of ​​Tunisia is quite hot (+35 ° C and above). Comfortable season begins in September and lasts until mid-October.

In resort areas tourists dress up easily, prefer comfortable shorts.

Calmly walk behind the person if he was on his knees, prays.

Do not consider closely veiled women. And do not take photos without permission.

Do not take photos as objects with a national flag, presidential suites, police.

Do not drink on the streets of beer cans and wine bottles.

Do not talk loudly and do not make loud scenes in the streets and in the hotels.

In the hotels and shops made hello, even if you are not familiar. You can welcome the stranger or the stranger in any language. You also understand and answer greeting.

It is considered impolite to face-eating man, is on the run or standing.

Do not take to the beach money and valuables. Take a bit of stuff to buy drinks. Will you go swimming, and your bag and belongings will be unattended. And they can "tune up" "merchants" souvenirs and fruit, which, unfortunately, sometimes appear on the beach.

Do not change the currency on the beach. You can fool the one who "deft hand." Do not buy fruit at the beach. They are very expensive and may not be well washed. There is a bar on the beach.

Leaving the beach, collect all the garbage in the package and reported it to the nearest trash can.

Try to be in the shadow from 11.00 to 15.00. The sun is deceptive, a burn can be obtained for some 30 minutes. So try to sunbathe gradually sunbathing in the morning and in the afternoon. We recommend always using different sunblock every hotel a great choice.

Best Place to Buy - bazaars, which sell everything: leather and olive wood, gold and silver, copper and bronze, carpets and clothes, shoes, and antiquarian. In the market, bazaar, in the shop craftsman can and should haggle. Remember that the first price that will call a trader can be different from the price at which you conspired in 5-10 times! Therefore advice: Stick to your price at which you would buy a souvenir.

In the shops and stores, where prices are clearly indicated (this applies to all modern boutiques in the capital, most of the shops in Hammamet, Nabeul, Sousse) trade is not: product and its price to you, you decide yes or no.

Shops are open daily (except Sundays) from 9.00 to 19.00. Break for lunch, usually from 12.00 to 14.00.

Drink water from the tap is not recommended.

To avoid stomach upset, do not brush your teeth with tap water (buy bottled mineral water), wash the fruit thoroughly, preferably boiled water, peeled.

Epidemiological situation in Tunisia is relatively quiet, but before you go, it is advisable to be vaccinated against yellow fever and malaria.

Tunisia had absorbed the culture of classical antiquity and the Byzantine Empire, felt a profound influence of Islamic civilization. History lovers will find in this country ruins of ancient cities, aqueducts, temples, ancient sculptures, castles and forts, medieval Arab bazaars and mosques, ethnographic and historical museums and much more. Here is the famous Carthage, built by the Phoenicians and later destroyed by the Romans. Followed by the Romans on the ground visited Tunisia Byzantines, Turks, French, Italians, Germans.


Tunisia has received worldwide fame thanks to Carthage. In 814 BC Phoenicians from the city of Tyre came to this country at the head of his Princess Alice and bought the king Berbers (indigenous people of Tunisia) piece of land for the construction of Carthage. The city began to grow rapidly, and soon began to compete with Rome. But in 146 BC during the Punic War it was destroyed by the Romans. The winning Rome shortly rebuilding Carthage again, and it is part of the Roman province of "Africa". Today, Carthage is a suburb of Tunis. Have survived mostly the remains of Roman buildings - Capitol Theater, grandiose term Aktonina and Byzantine churches. The finds from the ruins of Carthage are stored here in the Museum "Lavizheri."

Tunis - the capital and main port of the country

This city consists of the medieval part with variegated Muslim markets, neighborhoods and modern port structures. The oldest part of the city - Medina - founded in the VIII. It is located around the mosque Oliva (in Arabic - Zeitun), built in 703, the second earliest monument of Tunisia - cubic domed mausoleum Harasanidov. There are lots of small mosques (built in the twelfth century. And later), there madrassas and Zawiya. Palaces of Dar-al-Bey (XVIII c.) And Derby-Abdallah (XVIII-XIX centuries.) Finished in polychrome marble, carved thud, painting. In the country palace Bardot (XVIII-XIX centuries.) Is a national museum "Allawi." It has the world's largest collection of Roman mosaics. In the palace of Dar-Hussein is the Museum of Islamic Art.


It is 120 km from the capital, you see, perhaps, the most interesting and best-preserved ancient center of Tunis - the ancient city of Dougga. Dougga - Phoenician (IV c. BC. E.), Then Numidian (II c. BC. E.) And, finally, the Roman (from 46 BC. Oe.) City. Here you can see the Punic mausoleum, a monument erected in honor of the three gods - Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, the temple of the goddess Juno Celeste, a Roman bath, a triumphal arch and other ancient buildings. Special impression wide arcs of stone steps to the theater three thousand people.


It is believed that this ancient city of Carthage. In Sousse, located on the site was founded in the XI century. BC. e. Phoenician city, well preserved city walls (IX cent.) with a 30-meter tower Al Khalifa. Interesting square Ribat, Grand Mosque (built in 850), the mosque Boo Fatata (IX cent.). There is also a museum of archeology and Islamic art. In the vicinity of Sousse are remains of Phoenician tombs, Roman houses, Christian catacombs.


This ancient city was founded about five centuries ago. It has grown from a small fishing village. Now it is one of the largest equipped resorts of Tunisia. Very interesting is the old fortress of Medina, located on the beach. It was built in the XV century. to protect the city from the Christians.


Within the boundaries of the city of Kairouan (founded in 670), the first capital of the Muslim rulers of Tunisia, attract attention built a small stone arch "Mosque three doors" (866) and Zawiya of Sidi al-Ghariani (XIV c.) Outside city ​​- Zawiya Sidi Sahba and pyatikupolny Zawiya Sidi Amar Abbas (XIX c.). The city has a museum of Islamic art.

Bizerte (hour from Tunis) - the old seaport, above which rises the Spanish bastion. Here you can see the area of ​​the Martyrs, Moorish house and a beautiful fish market. Towering over the city with him extinguished volcano is under the protection of the International Fund for Environmental Protection.

Djerba is the oldest synagogue. It was built in the VI. BC Today Djerba - a beautiful resort that is associated with the continent of the old Roman road.

In southern Tunisia, the most interesting object - Matmata. In the surrounding area you can see numerous underground dwellings built Berbers. In most of these caves dug to a depth of 10 meters, is still inhabited.

In founded in 916 Mahdia survived the Great Mosque, the ruins of the palace and the arsenal, the castle Burj al-Kebir (XVI c.) With three bastions.

Safetula - the ruins of the Roman and Byzantine city near current Sbeitla. In Safetule can see the remains of the Roman Forum and the Capitol with the temples of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, Byzantine churches.

Tunisia called pearl lovely blue and white Arabic village of Sidi Bou Said. It is located in the corner of Carthage and a meeting place for artists. Unparalleled views of the Gulf of Tunis, attracts many tourists.

Utica - one of the first Phoenician colonies (1101 BC), the remains of Roman houses, an amphitheater, a term; Phoenician cemetery.

City Fisdrus now El Jem, is located halfway between Sousse and Sfax. It perfectly preserved oval (148h122 m) building Coliseum, surrounded by a three-tiered arcades (height - 36 m).

In Tozer, next to the 5-star hotel "Dar Chraiet", the Museum of "1001 Nights" - Arabic Disneyland.

The currency of Tunisia - Tunisian dinar.

Tunisian dinar is approximately equal to one U.S. dollar. The course is almost fixed. Dinar has 1,000 millimes. Notes in circulation at 10, 5, 1 and poldinara. Coins in denominations of 5, 1 poldinara, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 Mill. Import and export dinars prohibited.

Foreign currency, checks, credit cards and so on are taken without restrictions. Foreign currency can be exchanged for dinars in banks, exchange offices at ports, airports or hotels at the fixed rate of the Central Bank of Tunisia.

Banking Hours

winter from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 to 11.30 and from 14.00 to 17.00, on Fridays from 8.00 to 11.00 and from 13.30 to 16.00

summer on weekdays from 8.00 to 11.00.

Currency exchange offices are open in the tourist areas, airports and hotels.

Tunisian cuisine is closer to Europe than the traditionally Arab. The only hot spices - Harissa - served in a separate bowl with the olive oil. Taste like Caucasian adjika, but without salt. Harissa eat, dip the bread slices in it, and the amount of pepper will depend on the trajectory of your hand and force pressure on the contents of the plates. As for the bread, then the two types of "pita" and "loaf" (long). Tunisians break bread with his hands and drink lots of it.

The meat is sold in the form of doubles. In most cases, this is beef and lamb, but here and there you can try and camel. The only product of the meat is minced kebab. In other cases, pieces of meat is cooked on a spit, skewer ilireshetchatyh braziers.

Traditionally, fish and seafood are preferred meat, though more expensive last. The cheapest are tuna, sardines and mackerel. Eel, shrimp and shellfish are more expensive. The flesh of the octopus and cuttlefish sea belongs to the category of gourmet.

Rich food washed down with tea. Because of the ban on eating pork, applies to all Muslims, you will not find it in the menu, public restaurants. This does not mean that it does not exist at all.

Traditionally, Muslims do not drink alcohol, but to this "issue" is a liberal - although the Tunisians do not appear on the street in a drunken state, but no one would think to arrest you just for the fact that you allowed yourself to "a drink." Moreover, the country has produced wines (dry and table), and a few beers. Large selection of imported alcoholic beverages, prices are quite high.

Most Tunisians his favorite dish is called the traditional Arab Maghreb dish called couscous. Also, many people like brick - "cheburek" of unleavened dough stuffed with eggs or something to replace it. Soups then cook in the French manner - puree. Do not be surprised if the offer melon soup - this also happens here.

Dairy products in splendid isolation is cheese (sometimes several species).

Many sweets (most of which is made from molasses derived from dates), which is not similar to those offered in the Middle East.

Lots of different vegetables and fruits. In summer you can try the cactus fruit (just do not pick them yourself - almost imperceptible at first glance thorns, glaring in your fingers spoil the impression of the product.)

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