Tourism and travel/Netherlands








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The word "Netherlands" means "Low Countries". It appeared in the back at the end of the Middle Ages, and in a very vague sense, describing not the country, which in its present form did not exist, and the geographical area, which lies in the delta of the so-called "big river" (the Meuse, the Rhine and the Scheldt).

Actually, the Russian word "Netherlands" - not quite sure. Nederland (so, in the singular) - that's the name of the country which in our modern native language is most often called "Holland". Netherlands, as such, plus Belgium, Luxembourg and the north-west of France. International name "Holland" to refer to the country was born, according to the most common version, thanks to foreign seamen to sail to the coast, on which the current provinces of North and South Holland. Dutch themselves call their country Neyderland and himself - neyderlanders (much rarer - Holland and hollanders respectively).

Statistically, the current population is 16 million people, the area - 41,526 square meters. km. (Which makes the Netherlands the third - after Bangladesh and Taiwan - in population density in the world, and the first - in Europe).

The country is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen, in accordance with the law, is a member of the government for the whole period of his reign, but formally in the leadership of the state, it does not take much, performing mainly the "business card of the country."

Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus

Modern administrative Netherlands consist of twelve provinces. Smaller units - the so-called "community." They are very different from each other and the size and number in their territory of persons: agglomeration pair of sleepy villages to "Communities of Amsterdam" with a population of about 800,000 people. As part of the Kingdom and the Overseas Territories, left over from the time of colonial conquest: the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.

Although legally the capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam, the actual management of the country and protocol contacts with the outside world are made from the Hague - a seaside town in the province of South Holland (such a case, which has, however, a solid historical reasons). Here is the king's court, most ministries, embassies, various international organizations (such as the headquarters of Europol and the famed International Court of Justice), and the States-General - a bicameral parliament. The country is a member of several international associations: including Benelux, NATO, the European Community, is in the zone of the European currency. Dutch army for several years is not "honorable duty" and is formed on a contractual basis. Dividing it take part in military operations, NATO-led.

Of course, in the Netherlands is still building ships, and in fairly large quantities of fish.

Agricultural production is excellent - especially meat and milk of it, but also thriving and plant (other than pure food in huge quantities grown ornamental plants - tulips and other affordable luxury items.)

There is a national trait, which can not fail to mention - a passion for hoarding or rather that the child described by the word "hamster". Therefore, the desire to know that how much in advance a response from the part of the population that is currently in the role of sellers: for all (with rare exceptions) are present product price tags, which compares favorably with even the most sureznye Dutch stores from Paris and Kiev boutiques on Many of selling meant something like "It was a 100, and was for 50!" Tea in a restaurant or cafe is not allowed to give - all included in the price. Exhibition performances are not welcome. Those who wish to excel can directly before leaving modestly put on the table, as do not mind.

High taxes and intention have money with them as possible, and to stay, give bread army of tax advisers, which reduce the loss of its customers to a minimum.

Quite a large part of the country is built almost bare hands - with wheelbarrows and shovels, I mean famous reclaimed from the water and marsh land. Hydraulic engineering and engineering talent have achieved almost unbelievable - life below the sea level has become for many the norm. Build a dam and pump water over them to create pastures, fields, towns and villages was not easy, but it is only half the battle: reclaimed space require constant supervision in the form of removal of ground water. Many of the windmills, picturesque flapping wings to the delight tourists - this is, strictly speaking, pumps, wind draft.

Drainage Mill

Now however, the practical value they have little - so that revolve Beauty - and the water is pumped by electricity.

Kingdom of the Netherlands ... Windmills and Flemish painters, constitutional monarchy and industrial giant "Philips", conservative Hague and kafeshopy of marijuana, cultivation of tulips and legalized prostitution, Dutch cheese and permitted by law euthanasia, many dams and liberal Amsterdam. All this is the Netherlands, generally similar to many European countries, but have their own unforgettable flavor.

Information on the flight: At the airport you have to be 2.5 hours before departure. You yourself go through the passport, customs control and check-in, which ends 40 minutes before departure. Free baggage allowance for different airlines may vary. Please specify the baggage rules, the airline, the flight of which is your flight.

Flight time: approximately 3:00

Far from Kiev - 1:00

Customs: Import and export of currency is unlimited. When entering from countries outside the EU, the amount over 10,000 euros are subject to mandatory declaration. Can be imported duty-free up to 200 cigarettes or 100 small cigars or 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, 1 liter of alcohol strength of over 22%, or up to 2 liters of alcohol strength to 22%, 250 ml Eau de Toilette, 50ml perfume 500 g of coffee, 100 grams of tea, as well as articles of personal use of the rate of 175 euros per adult and 90 euros per child under 15 years. Without permission is prohibited importation of drugs and narcotic drugs, medications, firearms, ammunition, explosives, some food products, plants with soil, animals and birds, as well as notions and souvenirs made from endangered plants and animals.

C May 1, 2009 in the EU is forbidden to import products containing meat or milk, including sausages, canned food, fat and even chocolates. The ban does not apply to baby foods or drugs needed for people with certain chronic medical conditions (in this case the products have to be packed, and their weight is less than 2 pounds). In the case of meat and dairy products, they will be confiscated and the passenger will have to pay a fine. When importing drugs for personal use does not require any permission, but many med. medications must have a prescription issued by a physician and certified by a notary. Pets must have a certificate of vaccination and veterinary certificate issued not earlier than 10 days prior to departure. Banned the import and export without special permission objects and items of historical and artistic value, weapons and drugs. Communications: Telephone service is high, calls can be dialed from any phone booth, located anywhere. Pay for coins (automatic green) or telephone cards (automatic blue). Phone cards can be purchased at post offices and kiosks. In shopping malls, banks, and the most visited tourist sites are pay phones that accept credit cards.

Transport: National Railway Company ("NS") provides passenger transportation between cities. According to numerous freeways ply coaches. The country can move and hitchhiking. About three quarters of the Dutch bikes are widely use them. Cyclists on the roads of the country is separated into the track, and around public buildings, shops, museums, a special place to park bicycles. You can rent a bicycle for him to travel the country. In all the cities of the country has a unified pay scale and uniform samples of tickets, ie tickets purchased in this city, are valid in the rest. This is very convenient, especially for tourists traveling to the country. In the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam of the ticket applies to the subway. Ticket compostable on one transport, valid for an hour on all modes of transport, ie during this hour you can make any number of transplants within the same area of ​​the city. To travel to a neighboring area have to send two tickets for a trip through one zone have to send three tickets, etc. In the metro, the same rules. Tickets for travel in the Netherlands, it is most advantageous to buy tobacco shops, post offices, stations, subway. Car Rentals: the minimum age for renting a car, as a rule, is 21. To drive a premium car or luxury minimum age should be 25 years. Reservation is valid, if the age of the driver, which you pointed out, is adequate. You may not receive the selected car group, if the information provided is incorrect. Additional driver must also meet the requirements for age. Young driver surcharge for on-site for the office rental company. Your national driver's license must be accompanied by an international driving license. Driving experience should be at least 12 months. When car driver must present the credit card in his name one of the payment systems that are widely accepted: VISA, AMEX, Diners club, Master Card. Electronic cards are accepted.

Money: The currency - the euro. You can exchange money at any bank, hotel, airport or train station (to be charged an additional percentage, the night rate less profitable), as well as in the private exchange offices (less advantageous rate and fees above). The most favorable exchange rate in banks and post offices (the exchange is made at the official rate and the lowest fees are charged). Currency exchange and cashing traveler's checks and credit cards can be made at the offices of "GWK" (Central exchange offices) - the main financial institution of the country, focusing on transactions in currency.

Banks are open from 8 to 16 hours on weekdays, and time - from 12 to 13.30. On Fridays, some banks close for an hour before. Offices "GWK" work from 8 to 20 hours, Sunday - from 10 to 16 hours Credit cards are the world's major systems are accepted almost everywhere, they can be cashed in most banks and offices in all departments "GWK" (including border crossings). Student ISIC cards or youth FIYTO currency exchanges are made without deduction of commissions.

Food: Traditional Dutch cuisine is famous for its "village" thoroughness, the extensive use of the combined small at first products, and excellent traditions in cooking seafood. Favorite food - "Haring" - a special way of cooking salted herring with a slice of pickle and onion. Also popular fried fillet of fresh herring with onions, braised in the oven perch with vegetables, smoked eel garnished with egg and lemon, fresh herring fillets - "maches" fried fish or meat meatballs "Crockett" and numerous dishes from river fish shrimp and clams (in their consumption of the country is the first in the world). For baked fish dishes are usually served lettuce or potato wedges free "potaten." The menu is usually a lot of vegetables and dairy products. In addition, to truly Dutch dishes is referred pancakes. The Dutch also have a favorite soup - fragrant pea soup in meat broth. Very very popular Dutch beer. Alcohol can be purchased at any time of the day. Bars work late and on weekends close early in the morning.

In the restaurants of Amsterdam presented cuisine around the world. Here you can try out all of the traditional Dutch dishes to Indonesian delicacies. About the dinner in the restaurant is best to take care in advance to reserve a table. Dutch cuisine in Amsterdam available at the restaurants: The Pancake Bakery Prinsengracht 191, Moeders Pot Vinkenstraat 119, Italian food in restaurants: Toscana Haarlemmerdijk 176, Rimini Lange Leidsedwarsstraat 75, Mexican cuisine in the restaurant Poco Loco Nieuwmarkt 24, Vedic cuisine Restaurant De Vliegende Schotel Nieuwe Leliestraat 162.

The Netherlands has legalized only "light" drugs - marijuana and hashish use, possession of drugs is punishable by law. Sale of "light" drugs allowed only in special schools - coffeeshops. Police constantly regulates the situation and the risk of a coffeeshop "heavy" drugs that are addictive, is zero. Abraxas (Jonge Roelensteeg 12-14)-one of the biggest coffee shops of Amsterdam. The territory of Abraxas - two houses and three floors. But in spite of such huge dimensions, quite cozy coffee shop. The third floor of the huge bushes grow marijuana, against which can be photographed. Dutch Flowers (Singel 387) - coffee shop is located at the intersection of Canal Singel. Small but cozy coffee shop, a little tables, expensive varieties of marijuana, a great atmosphere and the view from the window. Grasshopper (Oudezijds Voorburgwal 191) - a real coffee shop. Design and coffeeshop impressive, light-green tones, comfortable benches, huge veranda - all this gives the opportunity to truly relax. Greenhouse (Tolstraat 91) "Green House" - one of the oldest coffee shops in Amsterdam. They sell alcohol, which is not inherent in the coffeeshops, and strong marijuana. Coffee shop has a good interior and atmosphere.

Shopping: Shops are open daily from 9.00 am to 17.30 - 18.00 pm. Tuesday and Friday, shops close quite late. On Saturdays, grocery stores close at 16.00, remaining close at 17.00. Main shopping street Kalverstraat be called and runs through the message center of the city, the narrow streets of floods shops. Stretching over the street with the announcement that one should beware of pickpockets.


Mains voltage - 220 V, current frequency - 50 HZ. European standard outlet. The most striking and interesting gift for your friends probably will wear hemp. This gift is very practical, to the same range of options is simply amazing - T-shirts and shorts, dresses and slippers, hats and costumes. Note also Klomp - nice souvenir slippers, embroidered with embroidery and beads, as well as antique skates beginning of the century, who outlived her and turned into renovated and decorated with loving hands souvenir.

The second character is Dutch tulips and gift items with their image of the country as much. Wood and paper, the paintings and embroidery, and dried in a special liquid that preserves their

visual appearance over the years - are sure that you choose a souvenir of your choice!

Older horses of the 20th century, painted and transformed into a work of art.

Local porcelain, decorative dolls.

Football fans will appreciate the gifts and branded clothing Ajax.

EDIBLE presenters can be gift baskets of cheese and beer and cheese special spices and knives for cutting curly cheese.

People are better off traditionally imported from Holland diamond jewelry clean water - the local factory is famous for their mastery of cutting and original forms of jewelry.

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