Tourism and travel/America








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America followed Europe is the leader in the international tourism market, although the development of the tourism business here is relatively recent - after the Second World War. But the state of the tourism market in the region is directly linked to a differentiated and with the level of socio-economic development of the region. The highest degree of economic development, including tourism infrastructure, all modes of transport different North America (U.S. and Canada). Latin American countries have relatively weak presented in the tourist market in the region. The reasons: the distance from the main tourist markets, particularly those of the Old World, the low level of development of vehicles and domestic communications, and in general low level of economic development, tourism infrastructure and services, the lack of economic stability in many countries.

In America, there are about 50 States and Territories. Governing Territories, mainly island, located in the Caribbean Sea: Netherlands Antilles, Aruba (Netherlands) Bermuda, the Virgin, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat, the Turks and Caicos Islands (UK), Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (U.S.) Martinique, Guadeloupe (France) and others. They are the "fragments" of the once vast colonial possessions in the region. On many islands created metropolitan beautiful resort areas (Bermuda, Puerto Rico).

America is located between three oceans: the Atlantic, the Pacific and the North Arctic. This vast region includes two continents - North and South America with their affiliated islands. On the vast territory stretched variety landscapes of their natural features are a natural base rich recreational resources.

North American mainland (24.3 million km ²) has a complex topography. In the western stretches of the Cordillera mountain range (the maximum height of 6193 m - Mount McKinley). It is often the case of earthquakes, there are active volcanoes. The eastern part is occupied vast plains and high mountains. Indented coast uneven. More irregularity of the different Pacific and Atlantic Canada experienced glaciation, in which there was formed a complex system of fjords. Atlantic coast of the United States is replete with large beaches, lagoons with well-heated water. On its southern section (Florida) bank buildings formed of coral and mangrove thickets.

Variety of climates in North America - from the Arctic in the far north to tropical in the West Indies (island in the Caribbean sub-region). Coastal climate area is under the influence of the oceans, in the interior of the continent is growing its continentality. Most rain falls on the Pacific Coast Alaska and Canada - up to 3000 mm per year, the minimum (100-200 mm) - in the valleys between Cordillera. Winter north 42є with. sh. formed steady snow and possibly development of winter sports. In the mountains, ski resorts are found down to the south U.S. border

In North America had developed a dense network of rivers. The largest river system - Mississippi - Missouri (length 6420 km). Other important rivers: the Holy Lawrence, Mackenzie, Yukon, Colombia, Colorado. Rivers flowing to the west and north of the mainland have mountainous character - rapid, full of rapids and waterfalls. Such qualities contribute to the development of sports tourism rafting (rafting). In the northern part of the continent many lakes: Great Lakes (Superior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, Erie), Winnipeg, Large Slave, Great Bear.

Differences in geography, climate, relief structure predetermined formation of different zones. A vast area of ​​the continent is covered with forests - taiga (in the central regions of Canada), mixed and broad (in the Great Basin Lakes), tropical evergreen (south-east). In inland areas dominated by steppe and semi-desert vegetation.

North America - densely populated and highly urbanized sub-region, so in many areas of natural landscapes gave way to cultural. But to preserve nature as well as for tourism organized numerous (over 50) National Parks. Is especially true for the U.S., where in 1978, the Law The National Parks and Recreation. But the beginning was supposed to environmental in 1916 is now in the U.S. alone, there are about 350 different parks, occupy 3.2% of the country. The most famous national parks: Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, Sequoia, Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Carlsbad Cave (USA), Wood Buffalo, Deer Island (Canada). The relief of the Americas presents a combination of high mountains and vast plains. Cordillera mountain belt, which stretches along the Pacific coast of the continent, is called the Andes in South America or the Andes. The highest peak is not only the continent, but also the entire western hemisphere - Mount Aconcagua (6,960 m). For most of the mountain ranges are Statement by numerous volcanic cones, including acting. The rest area mainland occupy the plateau (Guiana, Brazilian, plateaus of Patagonia) and plains, including the largest in the world - the Amazon.

South American continent is spread mostly in the low latitudes, provides it with the release of large amounts of solar heat. So here dominated by tropical landscapes. On the mainland, dominated tropical rainforests, Savannah, with a surprisingly unique and rich flora and fauna. Only the extreme south of the continent comes in the temperate zone. Overall, South America - the kingdom tropical nature. It should be noted that natural recreational resources utilized and used in the region is uneven: good - in the U.S., Canada and countries Caribbean, is not enough - Central (Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras etc.), and South America. A cultural and historical recreational resources of America, which formed under conditions of ethnic and cultural diversity of indigenous peoples and European colonization. By the time of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus (1492) in its territory there was a state with a highly developed civilizations: the state of the Aztecs (in Mexican highlands with its capital in Tenochtitlan), Maya (the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico) Inca (on the west coast of South America, with its capital in Cusco). At the end of the fifteenth century. begins colonization of the continent by Spain and Portugal. Most modern states America - the former colonies of Spain, hence the widespread Spanish in the region. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. On the east coast of the Atlantic settled came from England. From the seventeenth century. in the New World begins with the requirements of the uprising independence. In 1776, the U.S. won independence. In the early nineteenth century. as a result of the war of independence in much of Latin America by sovereign States. Features colonization explain the selection continent, the two main historical and cultural regions: Anglo-Saxon, which includes U.S. and Canada, and Latin - all states south of the Rio Grande (ie, the border of Mexico and USA).

European colonization was accompanied by the destruction of the traditional culture and way Aboriginal life, so the monuments of pre-Columbian civilization in America are few (Chichen Itza, Machu Picchu, Cusco, Nazca). However, interest in the history of modern American and tourists from other countries contributes to the preservation of objects that tell about the past America. Indian settlements, towns, prospectors times "gold rush", the towns "Wild West" - all this is hard to recreate, protected and used in the tourist U.S. industry. Demand for entertainment contributed to the emergence of specific tourist facilities like theme parks. Many of them have areas dedicated to the history America. Tourist facilities are showing all structures and institutions, allows you to touch not only the past, but also demonstrates the modern achievements and lifestyles of American Civilization (Hollywood, the White House - the residence of U.S. President).

Among the factors that influence the development of tourism in America, should be noted: distance from other regions and, above all, the main tourist market - Europe. Therefore tourism in the New World is largely intra-character, especially intensive exchange of tourists is between the U.S., Canada, Mexico. Prospects of development Tourism in the United States associated with the overall economic growth, increasing incomes, improving the quality of life and, as a result, growth in demand for travel. It should be noted that in recent times the development of tourism affects terrorism. It is not just the terrorist attacks September 11, 2001 in the U.S., but on terrorism as a global events threaten the life and safety of residents and visitors of any country. In the inter-American leaders travel to Europe (UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain). But for many Americans, a trip to Europe - expensive. The growing interest of American tourists to exhibit ATP actively visiting China, together with Hong Kong, Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Australia. In America, tourism flows are presented as meridional and latitudinal directions. Intraregional travel have meridional direction at crossing state borders, but in the future they are "fans" spreading over the territory host countries, and gradually acquire latitude. Latitudinal also contribute to tourism flows from Europe, Japan and other countries in the Pacific basin.


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