Tourism and travel/Sri Lanka








Sri Lanka





Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka or Ceylon is one of the most amazing parts of the globe. Tours in Sri Lanka - it is the endless green fields, high mountains, mountain river, immersed in the green of the forest, the lovely waterfalls, strange birds and animals, the incredible temples, golden beaches and the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Tours to Sri Lanka from Kiev is a wonderful opportunity to see and appreciate the beauty of this picturesque island.

Sri Lanka as if designed for lovers. Many couples go to Sri Lanka from the Ukraine to the honeymoon or for the commission of the most unusual wedding ceremony. In harmony and full communion with nature to love whole world opens up. No wonder Sri Lanka compared with the biblical Garden of Eden.

Sightseeing tours to Sri Lanka from "Travel Club" is a great opportunity to learn the culture and life of Sri Lankans, to make a pilgrimage to the holy places, to feel awe and admiration from visiting Buddhist shrines and temples to witness unexplained phenomena and mysteries of Sri Lanka.

The diversity of flora and fauna of Ceylon is impressive. Choosing a ticket to Sri Lanka should visit national parks and reserves - Yala, Bundala, Udavalave. In Sri Lanka, home to about 90 species and about 230 species of birds, and 24 species are found only in Sri Lanka. A large number of reptile species (171), freshwater fish and amphibians (106). And imagine - more than 240 species of butterflies!

Due to the diversity and magnetic energy Ceylon hot tours to Sri Lanka will leave extraordinary experience for every traveler who decides to visit this wonderful island.

Tours in Sri Lanka - a priority tourist destination of "Travel Club".

Feed back to Sri Lanka depends on the preferences and objectives of the visit to the island. What more you like and what you expect from a holiday in Sri Lanka - tour with a visit to the holy places and shrines of historical and cultural monuments, beach holidays, ecotourism, diving, ayurveda and yogic practices, health spa treatments, wedding ceremony or honeymoon months.


SRI - LANKA - an island nation in the Indian Ocean, located north of the equator and near the southern coast of India, from which the island is separated and Manarskim Polkskim straits.

The total area of ​​65.6 thousand square meters. km. Most of the island is low-lying plain. The entire southern part of the island is occupied by medium-high speed of the Massif Central mountain country with a strong articulation of relief and lined mountain tops. The slopes of the extensive stands of forest and cut short but turbulent rivers. The highest point of the island - Mount Pidurutalagala (Pidurutalagala) (2524 m). Mostly low-lying coast of the island, the lagoon, fringed by coral reefs.

Administratively, Sri Lanka - divided into nine provinces, and they, in turn - to 22 the district.

Of the 130 world historical values ​​protected by UNESCO, seven are located in this paradise. This is not surprising, since, according to legend, this is where the Old Testament Garden of Eden Adam and Eve, as well as many places connected with the name of the Buddha. Hundreds of kilometers of beaches and unique underwater world put the island of Sri Lanka - in a number of the world's largest beach resorts. Cultural - Adam's Peak (2243 m) - the holy mountain of Sri Lanka, a rock with footprints of the Buddha, the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy (tooth of the Buddha), Anuradhapuraderevo "Bo" (below the Reclining Buddha). Museums with collections of historical artifacts - in Colombo, Kandy, Ratnapura, Anuradhapura, Galle, Trincomalee. The presidential palace, a mosque Yami-ul-Affan, State University, a Buddhist university Vidyalankara, National Museum, Art Gallery.


Sri Lanka - is located in the tropical belt and is protected by a powerful mountain range of northern winds. Here the climate is hot, the average annual temperature in most regions from +25 to +30 degrees C, with the exception of mountain areas, where it falls in the winter to +10 C. The best time to swim in the sea resorts of the south-western coast of Sri - Lanka runs from October to April. Monsoon season - from May to July, in November - December rains are possible. Average water temperature is 26 degrees C.


Kiev ahead to 4:00 in the winter and 3:00 in summer.


The official currency is the Rupee. 1 Rupee is equal to 100 cents. Outstanding bills of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 rupees and coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 cents and 1, 2, 5 rupees. Large hotels and shops accept payment by major credit cards. It is recommended to exchange money at the airport in Colombo. Check received at the official exchange rates should be maintained until the end of the trip. In this case, the departure from Colombo you have the opportunity prokonvertirovat unspent money in the bank at the rate of airport shopping. You can also change money at any hotel and bank. Banks are open Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00-15.00.


Official language - Sinhalese, is an Indo-Arabian roots. In the business community has also adopted English. Virtually all of the population speaks English.


The population of the island has about 19 million people and continues to grow rapidly. In ethnically majority of the population - Sinhalese (75%), and Tamil (16%), Arabs, Malays, Burghers (descendants of mixed marriages with the Sri Lankans originating from Europe) Veddas (ancient indigenous ethnic group of islands), and others. There is a high flow of the Tamil population in India and other South Asian countries.


About 70% of the population - Buddhists - 15% Hindus (Tamils), 8% - Christians, 7% - Muslims. The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but gives dominant Buddhism as "occupying a dominant position."

Useful information for tourists

Shopping: Sri Lanka is known worldwide for its precious stones: sapphires, rubies, topaz, etc. Purchase jewelry advise in specialized stores, requiring a corresponding receipt or certificate. Also known around the world Ceylon tea, spices, handicrafts masks, batik, leather goods. In the cities you can also buy cheap textiles. Markets, private shops, etc. you can haggle on the price. You can reduce the price by 30% relative to the initial one. However, this is not permitted in state stores, supermarkets, shopping malls and shops "DUTY FREE". Shops are open from 10.00 to 22.00.

Tipping: Tipping is not necessary. However, the receptionist at the hotel or a waiter in a restaurant will be happy few additional cents.

Emergency numbers: Emergency Service - 120, Fire - 122 Police - 133 Ambulance - 144, information and help - 11,811 (within the country), 11 812 (outside the country). Emergency service - 120 Fire - 122 Police - 133 Ambulance - 144, information and help - 11 811 (within the country), 11 812 (outside the country).

Transportation: Roads in Sri Lanka with a good coating, but narrow, with right-hand traffic. For personal trips you can rent a car. Car Rentals from $ 20 a day. The location of the nearest car rental agency you can find at the hotel reception. However, for your safety we recommend using the services of a driver or call a taxi.

Tea in Sri Lanka: Tea industry of Sri Lanka has always been the core of the economy. Until 1839 in Ceylon tea is grown. Only in 1839, the British colonialists brought to the island of tea plant seeds, before the main export crop was coffee. British planter James Taylor as the father of the tea industry of Ceylon. According to its exceptional characteristics Ceylon tea as the best in the world and maintains an excellent reputation for more than a century. The climatic conditions of Sri Lanka can produce tea in a variety of its taste and aroma. Picking tea is held throughout the year. The main and the best tea plantations are located in the central part of the island, in the highlands.

Diving in Sri Lanka, engaged in diving in Sri Lanka can be seen not only corals but also wrecks. In the south of a huge variety of corals that are home to marine life such as angelfish, fish ball, clown fish, grouper, sea ruff, seahorse and many others. Visit shipwrecks near the underwater rocks and reefs adds divers thrill. Large dive centers mainly open from November to February.

Clothing: It is recommended to wear light cotton clothing, comfortable shoes, a hat. Recommended to use sunscreen, sunglasses and lotion from sunburn. If you plan to visit mountainous part of the country, then we should take a sweater with pants, because at night the temperature can drop to 14-15 degrees.

Rules: The country has banned hunting of animals and sea creatures. Each month, the full moon day is a religious holiday. On this day, the sale of alcohol in shops and hotels.

Excursions to the island of Sri Lanka can be ordered from the representative of the host country (the coordinates specified in the voucher and additional information about the meeting.) Price of the tour depends on the number of people in the group and place of residence of tourists. Below we provide a general list of tours to Sri Lanka.


On the shore of an ancient lake in the distance, the snow-white glow is a dome Dagobah. So at first glance to offer you Anuradhapura, located in the North Central Province and founded in the IV. BC the first capital of Sri Lanka. With the golden age of Anuradhapura linked prosperity in Sri Lanka. Religion and secular art and architecture, carvings and sculptures, paintings and inscriptions, partly preserved after more than 15 centuries, allow travelers to experience the magnificence of Anuradhapura that time. Lunar rocks, which form the first step to any building or shrine, are largely unique to Sri Lanka, especially decorative stones. Serene stone Buddhas, playful elephants stone, wood carved columns that once supported the palace, "conceived in heaven." Above all these majestic Dagobah Ruvanveliseya, Jetavana, Thuparama their spiers tall as a pyramid. In the courtyard of one of the temples, surrounded by a golden fence, stands the sacred Bo tree ("the tree of the Buddha") process which was brought from India in the III. BC At night, the sounds of singing songs monkeys and smell of incense filled the air, making Anuradhapura legends come to life in the moonlight.


When the X century fell Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka's capital moved south-east, in Polonnaruwa. It reached its peak a second golden age of civilization in Sri Lanka. Polonnaruwa less than its city counterpart, but the monuments are more available and often better preserved. Among the attractions of Gal Vihara, whose huge statue of Buddha, carved into the rocks, were named "the best sculptures of the world," "House of maps" Lankatilaka with well-preserved reliefs, ruins and chapels Vatadage Hatadage, two ancient temples of Lord Shiva and a variety of ancient art carvings of granite, dating from the XII and XIII centuries. Nearby is the Parakrama Samudra reservoir XII century, the largest internal reservoir in Sri Lanka.


Last ancient capital of Sri Lanka, the last stronghold of the Kings Lanka Kandy bastion was conquered by the British in 1815. Here, art, culture and tradition of the Sinhala reached its full flowering and survived to the present day. This is the "capital of the hills," Sri Lanka, built around an artificial lake, like a jewel. Visit the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic at the lake, where the chapel under the golden canopy resting sacred relic of the Buddha's Tooth. Hence, in the July full moon begins its march flare Perahera procession of drummers, dancers and elephants. The city, with its bazaars, the center of arts and crafts, jewelry and lapidary museum, perfect for shopping and sightseeing. Close views of legendary mountains are magnificent Buddhist and Hindu temples.


Dambulla is evocative of the past. First of all, the attention of tourists are attracted active Buddhist temple, built in the I century BC Here, in an amazing cave church, for centuries, more than two hundred statues of the Buddha tell us about the main events in the life of the founder of a great religion. The very same monastery is situated on a picturesque wooded hill in the bush is here and there are numerous funny monkey frolic.


Majestic mountain Sigiriya (protected YUNESKO) is one of the main attractions of Ceylon. Built in the V century stone castle was a safe haven for the king. After a small rise of the stone steps eyes the 11 amazing murals of topless women whose images were applied specially formulated with natural dyes. Inspired by the beauty and the young beauty, climb on top of the "lion" rocks, which still retained a giant throne.


Founded by Arab traders, reinforced by the Portuguese, the Dutch conquered, rebuilt as an impressive British capital, Colombo, in equal measure is a city of old colonial past and the vibrant business center of this. In Colombo, home to over 1 million people. Colombo architecture is elegant and sometimes eccentric lighthouse in the middle of a business street and surrounded by skyscrapers, magnificent colonial buildings dating back more than 500 years, Petty Bazaar, where, as before, you can make a good deal. We invite you to visit the impressive Hindu and Buddhist temples, the National Museum, as well as one of the best zoos in Asia (Dehiwela). In Colombo, you can also visit a few major shopping centers.


Negombo fort was originally built by the Portuguese, and later was conquered by the Dutch, who became their stronghold. This historic building was later used by the British as a prison. Southern coast of Negombo is a very popular place for fishing for exotic fish. In Negombo are also traditional fishing villages, whose character does not change with age.

Botanical Garden (Peradeniya)

The Royal Botanic Garden is one of the most beautiful tropical gardens in the world. The history of the garden starts with 1371g., When members of the royal family decided to move the court at Peradeniya and is located in the gardens here with pleasure strolling kings. Subsequently, the garden was named Royal. Geographical location of the garden increases the varieties of foliage plants. There is a spectacular palm alley, House of Orchids, double coconut tree, a huge derevozont, fig tree, and about 3,000 species of plants and trees. To keep the memory of his visit to Sri Lanka many famous visitors in the garden planted trees. Today the garden is world-renowned for its history as well as his collection of plants.

Elephant Nursery in Pinnavele

In Pinnavele in Elephantiasis nursery refuge as very young (3 months), and adult elephants. Here, mainly coming young elephant babies left without parents. In the nursery, care for them, grow and prepare for adult working life. Visitors have the unique opportunity to observe the elephants in their bathing or, if lucky, very tiny elephants feeding from a bottle of milk. Not far from the state nursery is a small private elephant nursery, where you can ride on elephants.

Nuwara Eliya

In April, when the hot weather did Colombo uncomfortable, British officials and merchants went to the hill resort of Nuwara Eliya, to enjoy the atmosphere great British summer day. The city, with its picture of golf courses with eighteen holes, the colonial government buildings and rural houses built in the English style, still deserves the title of "little England". Nuwara Eliya is also the heart of the tea country of Sri Lanka. On the nearby slopes, studded with waterfalls, the best in the world is grown black tea. It is also located Pidurutalagala highest mountain of the island.

Adam's Peak

Adam's Peak is the object of worship for many. Buddhists believe that the mysterious footprint, located on top of the sacred mountain, belongs to the Buddha, others believe that the print belongs to the biblical Adam. Those who dare to the difficult, sometimes to the limit, climb to the top will be rewarded with beautiful, breathtaking views from the top of the mountain, especially at dawn.


The name means "the city of jewels." For hundreds of years in the seemingly inexhaustible mines of Ratnapura mined rubies, star sapphires, "cat's eye", tourmalines and infinite abundance of other stones. Ratnapura is the mines and lapidary, where the eyes of visitors from stones mined from the earth, by treating, shaping and polishing of any true thing of beauty.

Galle Fort

Fort Galle live "World Heritage of the country" Dutch track in Sri Lanka. Walking through the Fort, a walled, you feel calm, peaceful atmosphere, which carries on one or two centuries ago, in the era of Dutch colonization.

Turtle Farm

Near the coast there Kocgody five species of sea turtles. Tortoiseshell on farms located nearby, collected along the coast of the deferred turtle eggs. Then after hatching, young turtles are fed in 3 days of age released into the ocean. It offers a view of the newly hatched turtles day to adults. Visitors are invited to also look like small turtles released into the ocean.

Coral Gardens Hikkaduwa

City Hikkaduwa (Hikkaduwa) on the south coast called "Preserve coral." "Coral" magic word which is found in almost all Hikkaduwa hotel name. Coral reefs attract divers many species of fish and turtles. In the crystal clear water enough snorkeling to see the amazing underwater world of bright colors. Here you can also admire the fabulous underwater world, riding on a boat with a glass bottom.

Yala National Park

The most famous of the Yala National Park (Yala) National Park, famous for the fact that on its territory there are five known species of turtles. Except for a set of birds in the park you can find elephants, wild buffaloes, leopards, spotted deer, wild boars, monkeys, crocodiles, peacocks, flamingos, pelicans and many other animals and birds. Excursions to the park at the open jeep.

Spice Garden

Lankan cuisine is unthinkable without the chilli and curry. See how to grow these and many other spices, and you can buy them in the gardens of tiny specialized spices plantations.

Waterfall Hunas Falls HUNAS FALLS

Waterfalls, tall 175 pounds, in the immediate vicinity of the hotel with the same name. It is located in a beautiful mountainous area with beautiful nature, lush tropical forests, tea plantations and spice gardens. The tragedy of Sri Lanka lies in the interpretation of ethnic intolerance and religious philosophy with militaristic positions. Sinhalese - mostly Buddhists, Tamils ​​- Hindus. There is also a large community of Muslims and Christians (descendants of Dutch colonists). Sinhalese speak Sinhalese, Tamils ​​and most Muslims speak Tamil, Christian, mostly English-speaking. Muslims settled on the island and are considered descendants of ancient Arab and Indian traders. They often stand apart from the civil conflict, while in the east there were clashes between Muslims and Tamils. Tamils ​​living in the mountainous part of the country, there is much here recently and were brought by the British to work on tea plantations. They have nothing to do with the Tamils ​​who live in the north of the island for the past 1000 years. Tamils ​​from the highlands avoided involvement in ethnic conflicts.

Classical architecture, sculpture and painting in Sri Lanka are Buddhist. In rural areas, scattered numerous stupas, there are also some very large sculptures of Buddha, the most famous in Aukane and Buduruvagala. These two cities are known for their archaeological sites and cultural center of modern times is the city of Kandy. Samples preserved colonial architecture is Dutch forts, canals, churches and English at home, the clubhouse and the courts. Wonderful city in colonial style is the city of Galle.

Sinhalese dancing is very similar to the Indian, but include elements of acrobatics, movement and symbolism for the transmission of artistic ideas. Kandy - a good place where you can admire the mountain dances, and in Colombo and Ambalangoda can see the "devil dances", accompanied by the ritual of exorcism. In the popular theater combines dance, theater masks, drums and the rituals associated with the expulsion of evil spirits, but the content is folklore theater in Sri Lanka. Wood carving, weaving, pottery and metal working - highly crafts, Sri Lanka is also famous for its precious stones. Masque is best to look in Ambalangoda, and the center of trade in precious stones is Ratnapura.

Rice and curry sauce, often very hot, dominate the national cuisine to the table always served small dishes of vegetables, meat or fish. You can also try Indian sauces, for example, vegetable thali, biriyani and cool with a subtle flavor and boiled, fried or dried combo. Unique meal in Sri Lanka are the hoppers, like pancakes, served with eggs or honey and yoghurt. In coastal cities often cook fish, many tourists enjoy eating local tuna. There is a large selection of tropical fruit, delicious tea and perfectly acceptable beer.

The climate in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka's climate is monsoon in the north and east of sub-equatorial in the south and west - the equatorial. The air temperature in the plains of 26 - 30 ° C in the mountains down to 15 - 20 ° C throughout the year varies slightly. Sri Lanka is located near the equator. Therefore there year round is held flat heat. In the lowlands the average temperature is 26 - 28 ° C. The difference of temperatures of the hot and relatively cool months does not exceed 2 - 5 ° C.

One of the coldest places on the island - the mountain resort of Nuwara Eliya, situated at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level. This city is called the island . The average annual temperature is kept around +15 °. Seasons in Sri Lanka are not determined by temperature changes, and on the differences in the mode of precipitation. The greatest number of them is in the summer - when the dominant moisture-laden south-west monsoon winds. Summer monsoon begins in May and falls in September. At the height of the monsoon period, June - August, rains daily, it is often violent downpours.

Most rain (up to 5000 mm per year) falls on the southwestern slopes of Highland, in the foothills of the mountains - up to 2000 mm. The least amount of rainfall (less than 1000 mm per year) - in the north-west and south-east coasts. In spring and autumn in many parts fall afternoon convective heavy rainfall. Rivers in Sri Lanka a lot, but they are all different volatility regime. In the rainy season they quickly overflow, causing sometimes devastating floods. They begin in the central highlands and flow in all directions, forming a waterfall in the mountains. Usually the length of the rivers is 100 - 150 km. They are of little use for navigation, they are used mainly for irrigation. This is a short deep rivers (the largest - p. Mahaweli Ganga - , has a length of 330 km).

Recreation and Entertainment in Sri Lanka

Annual growth of tourists coming to Sri Lanka to get new experiences, visit historic sites, relax on the ocean side, recharge and strengthen health. Resorts of the south-western coast of Sri Lanka, the monthly take tens of thousands of visitors from around the world. Among them, the English, French, German, Japanese, Dutch, Australians and our countrymen. Many tourists from Russia have long chosen the country for an amazing opportunity to combine relaxation in a hotel on the coast with a unique excursion programs in the country. The ancient methods of treatment - Ayurveda and Aromatherapy, proven over centuries, can relieve fatigue, cleanse the body of toxins, stimulate the immune system and have an amazing rejuvenating effect. Lovers of outdoor activities in Sri Lanka offers rafting, jungle trekking, rock climbing and trekking in the mountains, scuba diving, deep sea and river fishing, parasailing, surfing, vinserfing and many other water sports and activities. For honeymooners from around the world, Sri Lanka has become the most popular place for an exotic wedding, making this an important event in the life of unforgettable ...

Guests with Sri Lanka offers a wide selection of leisure and entertainment. In the daytime, in the resort areas, work centers and water entertainment, which offer banana boating, jet skis, water skiing, parasailing, boat and more. The most famous centers - CLUB INTERSPORT in Bentota, CONFIFI MARINA in Beruwela, BAY BEACH AQUA SPORTS in Weligama. For lovers of golf, in Sri Lanka there are several excellent golf world standard. Beginners will be offered a course of golf at one of the many golf courses. One of the oldest golf clubs in Sri Lanka - ROYAL COLOMBO GOLF CLUB in Colombo, VICTORIA INTERNATIONAL GOLF CLUB in Kandy, NUWARA ELIYA GOLF CLUB in Nuwara Eliya. Clubs jealously preserve their traditions and the special intimacy that distinguishes this game. In addition to playing golf you can ride a horse, ride a bike, enjoy tea or cigar in a cozy terrace ... Night life in Sri Lanka is mainly concentrated in the hotels. Nightclubs and discos often work until the morning and fill visitors after 10:00 most luxurious of them - BLUE ELEPHANT in Colombo (near Hotel Hilton), MY KIND OF PLACE Hotel Taj Samudra, ROCK CAFE in Colombo-3, LIBRARY at Trans Asia. Most hotels on the coast also has a disco or entertainment events are held. In Colombo, has about 20 casinos. Cards and roulette. For players, free admission, drinks and snacks. Most of them are open 24 hours a day. Most Popular - CONTINENTAL CLUB RITZ CLUB and the Colombo-3.

When traveling to Sri Lanka will certainly please be a good camera, because in Sri Lanka, you will be constantly assailed by the desire to capture a surprising nature of the island: the lush jungle, tea mountains, ocean and the extraordinary beauty of sunsets ... Great views can be caught, and in the afternoon and evening, during excursions, or simply while relaxing at the hotel on the coast ...

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