





Sri Lanka






Tourism became popular in countries that are close to the regions of Europe, Asia and Russia, these countries include Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Morocco, Algeria and other North African countries. This is the closest to the Russian region of the continent, although the increasing importance for Russia at present is southern Africa, with which Russia has established the strongest ties. Although relations in tourism between Russia and the Southern African region are in the process of becoming, through the embassies mutually made the trip.

Russian-African relations as a two-sided, so multifaceted. The natural conditions of the African continent, rich flora and fauna, mild climate, the large number of excellent hotels, hotels and campgrounds in the country attract tourists from all over the world. Among the tourist attractions are the national parks, nature reserves, which occupy a large part of Africa. To attract tourists in many hotels are under construction, training of staff, held the road, are engaged in the Ministry of Environment, Tourism, Industry and Commerce, this work is also carried out by private companies. Their duties include the organization of tourism, including the development of tourist routes, in particular, visits to various attractions, such as housing Aboriginal Africa: Bushmen, Masai, Himba, pygmy Zulu, built the people of Niger-kordofanskoy, Khoisan group and bantuyazychnyh people. Travel agents are invited to cooperate in the protection of flora and fauna, nature, ecology, protection of historical sites. Foreign tourists are attracted by fishing and the opportunity to see whales, rich underwater fauna of the warm Indian Ocean in the coastal cities of Port Elizabeth, Durban (South Africa), Maputo, Beira, Lardy (Mozambique), Mtwara, Dar es Salaam, Tanga (Tanzania ), Malindi, Mombasa, Lamu (Kenya), and the uniqueness of nature here at the same time you can see the picturesque g cortical and waterfalls, canyons and caves in its original form, savannah and jungle.

Among the national parks and game reserves, the largest and the world famous nature reserve is the Serengeti National Park, which is located in Tanzania, which is connected to the Kenyan Masai Mara park, also in Tanzania is known, but take up less space preserves Arusha, Selous, Mikumi, Ruaha, Tarangire. In Africa there are also other large reserves such as Tsavo in Kenya, Kruger in South Africa and Etosha, Namib-Naukluft, Namibia, and Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls in Uganda. According to some reports the Kruger Park, which is located in the north-east of the Transvaal in South Africa has a large area, but not a large number of different animals and the richness of nature, in comparison with other countries in East Africa. Its area is more than 19 thousand square meters. km. Here you can see 137 species of animals, it is the elephants, lions, leopards, Buffalo, rhinos, including white, antelopes, more than 450 species of birds, 114 species of reptiles, including crocodiles, 40 species of fish, 33 amphibians and 227 species of insects ( some endemic). In the park, there are 20 year-round hotel for 7 thousand points of interest. In addition to the exotic African, tourists are also attracted to the low price, European comfort and well-known historical attraction places of residence of immigrants from Europe. Among the most frequently visited countries stand out, Egypt, South Africa, Tunisia, Cape Verde, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, Kenya, Ghana, Gabon, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Uganda, Seychelles, Mali and Mozambique.

Madagascar has 4 major centers of tourism: the islands of Nosy Be (north-west of Madagascar), the islands of Nosy drills (off the east coast of Madagascar), the seaport Taulanaru (in the extreme south-west of Madagascar) and in the capital state - Antananarivo. About a third of foreign tourists here combine leisure with business trips. In all these nations are home to a lot of Europeans who considered Africa as their homeland. Tourism development in these countries is one of the important tasks of economic policy, the stay of foreign tourists is provided not only local businesses, but also a number of European travel agencies. In countries with access to the Atlantic Ocean, clean sandy beaches, beautiful scenery and favorable climate, large bodies of water, mountains, covered with evergreens. Sahara desert, the Namib and Kalahari are popular among tourists with bikers verblyudoezdov, parachutists and film personalities. In these countries, organized by the national parks, surrounded by many kilometers of electric barbed wire, behind which one can observe diverse flora and fauna.

In Africa, you can drink the tap water, as in lakes, there is a particularly dangerous chemical substances. However, some Europeans do not quite trust the purity of the water and prefer it to boil. In Africa, you will find not a single village or settlement where the local people drink boiled water, they know where to get water for drinking and cooking. In European travel companies advise customers not to drink the tap water to the hotel could make money by providing people with water. In Lake Victoria and the Nile River, Kavango swimming is not recommended, there is risk of swimmers being attacked by hippos, crocodiles and water snakes.

It should also be noted that there is some myth about Africa, which came up with people who do not know this continent, and we are sad that our rich culture so carelessly. We are talking about historical events related to poverty, poverty, lack of water caused by drought. Causes of hunger in some African countries could be severe drought or military conflict. Based on this non-proper interpretation, I would like to correct some serious mistakes that I have noticed in many foreign media influence on the psychology of tourists and reduce the number of visitors to the mysterious continent. It should be noted that if one country or region is starving, it does not mean that the whole of Africa is starving. And if one country is at war, it does not mean that the whole of Africa is on the brink of war. Our modern society should not only respond to some sensation. I must say that in the world there is no country where there is no war, thirst, hunger, poverty, or any other problems. This is evidenced by the history of the ancient world, the history of the Middle Ages, the history of modern times, and in particular, the facts on the First and Second World Wars. A striking example can be considered as a problem of security and counter-terrorism in the world, which also prevents the development of tourism in different countries.

In the end I would like to say that Africa is in a very convenient location where you can find many treasures, unless you stick to false opinions. Good climatic conditions have a positive effect on the image of the African States, which contributes to the successful development of tourism.


                                                   Egypt                                                          Tanzania


                                                    Kenya                                                        Madagascar




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