Tourism and travel/France








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France - trendsetter, the home of champagne and cognac, glorified the world gourmet cuisine, luxury resorts, luxury hotels, where rest the royal person, film festivals, multiple exhibitions, the most expensive Formula 1 circuit, the famous cabaret Moulin Rouge and Crazy Horse, and so can you endless. Air France - it is Paris, Nice, Monte Carlo, Marseille, Cannes, St Tropez beaches and ski resorts of Courchevel and Chamonix. Tourists who have already traveled on holiday to France certainly will not refuse to visit it again. Acquiring sightseeing tours to France from Kiev, the first thing is to visit Paris - the city of romance and world-famous attractions. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Salvador Dali museum, the largest theater in the world of Grand Opera, the University of Sorbonne, the Elysee Palace, Arc de Triomphe, Versailles and the residence of the kings etc. For children and adults, tours to France will give a lot of impressions and pleasure of visiting the Disneyland theme park, an area of ​​1943 hectares.

Going on a seaside holiday in France from Kiev to your attention opened the Riviera luxury resorts and sunny St. Tropez. Here, at your option, you can stay in a luxury breathable Nice, or take evening stroll on the Croisette in Cannes luxury. Looking for a peaceful and quiet arrange picturesque village of Beaulieu-sur-Mer, Eze - where the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, peasant Roya valley and glorious island of Corsica.

Cheap ski holidays in France are in great demand among tourists. 101 resort offers a variety of trails in complexity, length and height. The most popular and famous - Chamonix and Courchevel. Chamonix is ​​situated at the foot of Mont Blanc. The highest point of 3842 km. 3000 hectares of trained and equipped slopes, the choice of 70 trails and 50 lifts will suit the taste and needs of any skier. Courchevel - luxury resort where the rest of the world loves the elite. Also good youth Val d'Isere, Meribel quiet, cozy Murzin and new Val Thorens.

Gourmets and connoisseurs of this taste buying trips to France, in order to taste the famous French brandy and wine. Dandies and ladies go to fashion week from the world's leading fashion designers, and then on to the best shopping boutiques and shopping centers in France.

Cost of the tour in France varies depending on your preferences and goals for the visit of the luxury and romance.

Full country name: French Republic

Area: 550,000 sq. km. km.

Population: 62 million.

Capital: Paris

People: 92% French, 3% North Africans, 2% German, 1% Breton, 2% Other (including Provencals, Catalans and Basques)

French, Flemish, Alsatian, Breton, Basque, Catalan, Occitan, Corsican,

Religion: 62% Roman Catholic, 6% Muslim, 2% Protestant, 1% Jewish, 26% do not belong to any religion (2003)

Form of government: Republic

Head of state: President Nicolas Sarkozy (since 2007). Head of Government - Prime Minister.

President elected by popular vote for a term of 7 years. National Day - July 14 (Bastille Day).

Symbols of France - the anthem of the "Marseillaise", the tricolor flag, Rooster, Marianne

Major cities - Paris (with the neighborhood - about 10 million), Marseille (about 1 million), Lyon (416 thousand), Toulouse (366 thousand), and others.

Administrative divisions: 22 regions (including Corsica), they are divided into 96 departments.

As part of France are "overseas departments" (French Guiana in South America, Martinique and Guadeloupe in the West Indies, Reunion in the Indian Ocean, several archipelagos in the Pacific) and the "overseas territories" (Mayotte, Saint Pierre and Miquelon).

Sectors of the economy: oil refining, steel, cement, aluminum, agriculture and food (wheat, buckwheat, corn, cheese), production of luxury goods, chemical industry, machine building industry, energy

Main partners: EU (Germany, Italy, United Kingdom), USA

Mains voltage: 220V, 50Hz

Weights and measures: metric (meters and kilograms).

Currency: Euro. (Prior to 2002 - the French franc).

Far from Kiev at 1:00.

Health risks: The main danger may be tan, the ability to hurt your feet, insect bites and upset stomach due to overeating or excessive drinking. Major cities - Paris (with the neighborhood - about 10 million), Marseille (about 1 million), Lyon (416 thousand), Toulouse (366 thousand), and others.

Elegant and eternally young Mademoiselle France, fragrant scent delicate, subtle fragrance, France - charming hostess, offering exquisite gourmet French cuisine, France - perfectly knowledgeable about wine, invites travelers from around the world on a romantic date in its many outdoor restaurants and cinemas, because France is also the birthplace of cinema.

France leads tourists to its irresistible charm and cosmopolitanism, culture, different eras and bold for its time, contemporary. Fontainebleau and Versailles, the Louvre and the castles of the Loire, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame and the "Grand Opera", enchant visitors, trying to get to the observation deck of the alluring lights of the Eiffel Tower, from the heart of France - Paris is presented in full view in all its charm.

Sentimental and wise France has enriched the world culture masterpieces of art and literature, educational ideas and research, rocked in his time the public: the French Revolution, painting impressionist, realism Balzac and more controversial and debates until today.

The capital of world fashion trendsetter of style and form of France, the world dictates canons of beauty and aesthetics, formulated by Coco Chanel and extended by new generations of designers.

No less glory of France and brought gold voice of Edith Piaf, Mireille Mathieu, Charles Aznavour, Joe Dasena, ascended to the rank of French language of love.

Elegant and refined in France, it is cast entirely dissimilar provinces, each of which has its own unique culture and history, is attractive to tourists of different tastes.

Seamless in its beauty France boasts a Côte d'Azur, the most aristocratic beach holiday destination and most fashionable ski resorts, which usually spend their holidays representatives royalty.

Hence it is clear why almost all of humanity wants to go to France, to walk the streets and feel Pissarro heady atmosphere of freedom and grandeur.

Geographical location:

The state is located in the west of Europe. In the south, bordering with Spain and Andorra to the south-east - with Monaco, in the north-east - with Belgium and Luxembourg, in the east - with Switzerland and Italy, in the east and north-east - with Germany. In the south, bordering the Mediterranean Sea in the west - the waters of Biscay, in the north-west - the English Channel and the Pas de Calais. France belongs to the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as four overseas departments - Martinique, Guadeloupe, Reunion, French Guiana, Overseas Territories - French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and several archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean. The total area of ​​the country's 551 000 km2.


The western and northern parts of the country are located mainly on the plains. The mountain ranges occupy France: the north-west (Ardennes), southwest (Pyrenees), the south-east (the Alps), the center and the east (high mountains). The highest point in the country - Mont Blanc (4807 m). The major rivers in the country Seine, Rhone, Loire (longest river in the country - 1012 km) and the Garonne. Lakes in France a little, the largest of which is Lake Geneva (mostly located in Switzerland). The climate is generally temperate, although it is subtropical Mediterranean coast and in the east in the mountains - continental. Impact on the climate is air mass moving in from the Atlantic. In most parts of the country (excluding mountains) winter temperatures are positive, there is usually no snow, the river does not freeze. The average January temperature is +3 ° C, in July - +22 ° C. The average annual rainfall in most parts of the country is 600 - 1000 mm, the precipitation is in the country, with the exception of the Mediterranean coast, evenly. The main mineral resources: coal, iron ore, bauxite, zinc.


About a quarter of the French territory is covered by forests. On the Mediterranean coast is dominated by tropical plants (palms, tsitroso-high, agave, olive trees). In the rest of the country grow walnut, birch, spruce, cork, oak.


Fauna of France is pretty poor. Among mammals, there are rabbit, squirrel, fox, wild boar, badger, deer, birds characteristic of partridge, magpie, pigeon, grouse, pheasant.


France - a member of the UN, NATO and the EU. France - Presidential republic. Head of state - the president appoints the prime minister (head of the Council of Ministers). Legislative power is vested in a bicameral parliament, consisting of the Senate and the National Assembly. Administratively, the country is divided into 22 regions (Alsace, Aquitaine, Auvergne, Burgundy, Brittany, Centre, Champagne-Ardenne, Corsica, Franche-Comte, Ile-de-France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Limuzen, Loire, Lorraine, Midi-Pyrenees, North, Basse-Normandie, Haute-Normandie, Picardie, Poitou-Charentes, anbn Provence-Cote d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes), divided, in turn, in 96 departments. In addition, a part of France includes the overseas departments: Martinique, Guadeloupe, Reunion, French Guiana, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and the Overseas Territories - French Polynesia, New Caledonia, the island of Mayotte, Wallis and Futuna. Capital - Paris (9400 thousand).. Major cities: Marseille (1200 thousand people.), Lyon (1200 thousand people.), Lille (1000 thousand people.). Bordeaux (400 thousand people.), Toulouse (380 thousand people.), Nice (350 thousand people.), Nantes (300 thousand people.), Strasbourg (270 thousand people.), Toulon (250tys. people .), Rouen (200 thousand).. The country's most important ports of Bordeaux, Le Havre, Dunkirk, Rouen. Major political parties: the Radical party, the Union for French Democracy, the National Front, the French Socialist Party, "Green", Rally for the Republic.


France - a highly developed industrial-agrarian country. France ranks 4th in the world in the export of capital and the 5th - in terms of industrial production. The country is mined iron ore (5th in the world), coal, natural gas, uranium, bauxite, zinc, lead, tungsten, and gold. There are powerful modern enterprise refining ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy. Electrometallurgy developed and nuclear sectors. Engineering produces aircraft (third in the world), rockets and space technology (4th in the world), cars and buses, all kinds of weapons, helicopters, engines, ships, locomotives and rail cars, motorcycles and bicycles, all kinds machines, cuz-infinitely-pressing equipment, electrical and electronic equipment, audio and video equipment, computers, communications equipment, tractors, agricultural machinery, household electrical appliances. The chemical industry produces various types of plastics, synthetic rubber, synthetic fibers and fabrics, detergents, acids, all kinds of fertilizers, medicines, perfumes and other well developed textile and clothing industry. The country ranked 4th in the world in the production of leather shoes. Ubiquitous food (released wine and cognac). The forest industry produces paper, cardboard, furniture. Agriculture is highly technical equipment and productivity. Wheat, barley, oats, corn, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables. Development of horticulture and viticulture, growing olive and citrus trees. Livestock is meat and dairy. Milk production France takes 1st place in Europe for the production of meat - 2nd. Cattle, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, pigs and poultry. Significant catch of fish. To collect oysters country ranks 1st in the world. Importance in the national economy is tourism. Exports: machinery and transportation equipment, aircraft, chemicals, pharmaceutical products, iron and steel products, wine. Imports: machinery and equipment, crude oil, vehicles, chemical products. Major trading partners: Germany, Italy, USA, UK, Spain. Currency - the euro.


In VI. BC territory inhabited by tribes of the Gauls. After the Roman conquest in the I. BC created province of Gaul in the Roman Empire. In 406 here invading Germanic tribes, and in 497, the Frankish state form. Charlemagne (King of France) in 814 blocks most of Western Europe, and creates the Holy Roman Empire, which in 843 was divided by the Treaty of Verdun. France was in the West-Frankish kingdom. In the X-XI century. country experienced a period of feudal fragmentation, which ended in 1226 - 1270 years. the centralization of the state under Louis IX. In 1302 was created the first French parliament - States-General. "Hundred Years War" with England 1337 - 1453 years. ended in victory for France. In the XV century., After joining the French Burgundy, Picardy, Provence, Brittany, complete territorial unity of the country. In the 1562-1598 years. in the country are religious wars between Catholics and Protestants, followed in 1572, "Bartholomew night." In 1610, the official religion of the country is Catholic. Since the middle of the XVII century. France is the most powerful monarchical power in Europe. During the reign of King Louis XIV (1661 - 1715 gg.) - The heyday of French absolutism. At the beginning of the XVIII century. France participated in the War of Spanish Succession, and in 1756-1763 years. in the Seven Years War, in which France loses input most of the colonies in India and Canada. People with taking the Bastille July 14, 1789 begins the bourgeois revolution. In 1792, France declared a republic, and in 1793, the country had abolished serfdom. Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799, commits a coup, and establishes a dictatorship in 1804, proclaims himself Emperor Napoleon I. As a result of the wars of conquest he subordinates the rule France almost all of central and western Europe. Trekking in Russia in 1812, the defeat ends the "Great Army" of Napoleon. In 1814, Russian troops take Paris, which leads to the restoration of the Bourbons. In 1815, Napoleon was a short period returned to power ("One Hundred Days"), and after the defeat at Waterloo, he finally loses it. France returned to pre-revolutionary borders. The revolution of 1830 lead to the establishment of a bourgeois monarchy. In 1848, after the next revolution proclaimed the Second Republic. Emperor Napoleon III in 1852, reviving the monarchy. In 1853 - 1856 years. France participated in the Crimean War against Russia. As a result of the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 - 1871 years. it loses Alsace and Lorraine. In 1871, the creation of the Paris Commune and its defeat. The Constitution of the Third Republic, adopted in 1875, in 1914 - 1918. France participates and wins in World War I, returning himself to the Treaty of Versailles of Alsace and Lorraine. Also received the Saar region, Togo and Cameroon. During the Second World War, the country was occupied by German troops: it is divided into two parts (the occupied territories and the autonomous French government). In 1944 he landed in Normandy, Allied forces and liberate French territory. In 1946, the adoption of the Constitution of the Fourth Republic. In 1949, France takes NATO. During the colonial war 1945 - 1954 years. France lost in Vietnam Indochina. In 1957, the country joined the EU. In 1958, a new constitution (5th Republic), expand the right executive. In 1960 began the process of disintegration of the colonial system of France, accompanied by the war in Algeria (in 1962 Algeria gained independence), attacks right-wing extremist groups in the metropolis itself. In 1966, France withdrew from NATO's military organization. In 1970 - 1990 years. France - an active supporter of

European integration.


One of the main attractions of France are medieval chateaux of the Loire. Cultural center is Paris, which houses the country's main museums: the Louvre, the Pompidou Center for the Arts, the Picasso Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, Rodin Museum. Paris is famous for its architectural monuments: the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Versailles Palace, the Notre Dame de Paris, the Elysee Palace.

A sightseeing tour of Paris

Paris "this is not a city, it is the whole world", - stated Carl V. True, Paris, he called it the same name - Lu, which in Greek means "white."

Tour will introduce you to the history of two thousand years of ever-young city and will assess its diversity and harmony.

During the tour you will see the main historical and architectural monuments such as the Palais de Justice, the Conciergerie, the Sorbonne, the Luxembourg Gardens, the Pantheon, Place de la Concorde, the Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Trocadero, the Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars, the Ensemble of the Invalides, Pont Alexandre III, Small and large palaces, Place Vendome, the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Old Paris Opera, and Place de la Bastille, a new modern center of La Défense.

Masterpieces of the Louvre

Passing through the centuries, the Louvre changed its purpose and its image, and every perception of the Louvre - the, individual. He was once a fortress, and the main residence of the kings of France, and the Academy of Fine Arts. Royal palace became a museum in 1793, after the revolution, when the entrance to the Louvre was opened to the public. Now it is one of the largest museums in the world, and there are thousands of works of art.

Currently, in the Palace of the Louvre hosts several museums, or the so-called divisions - the Ancient East, Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquities, the world of sculpture and painting. Tour of the Louvre museum will introduce you to such masterpieces as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Venus de Milo and Nike of Samothrace, and reveal to you many secrets of painting, sculpture and art history in Europe.

Montmartre - a walking tour (3 hours)

One of the most beautiful and interesting areas of Paris. Throughout the nineteenth century and the beginning of XX century, he was a kind of bohemian mecca of the world. On the boulevards, passing directly at the foot of the hill and Monmartskogo known as the "red light district", you can go to places where there were workshops of artists and their favorite restaurants, see the Sacré-Coeur Basilica, built on public donations, dedicated to the Sacred Heart - a unique place where since August 1, 1885, day or night does not stop prayer before the symbolic image of the heart of Jesus, the Church of St. Peter's on the Hill, the Hill area, with its artists and caricaturist, surrounding streets, where every sign, every reproduction revives the unique history Montmartre. However, the charm of Montmartre, not only in its history, and that this district was able to save his soul: the inhabitants of the quarter to know each other, meet in small bistros, develop quarterly parties and celebrations, such as the grape harvest of Montmartre in the first output October. Some restaurants and cinemas are owned by people of cinema and theater, so do not be particularly surprised if the next table sits down Claude Lelouch with his older children or Geraldine Donon.

One of the most interesting neighborhoods of Paris, associated with the origins of the Christian religion, the history of the Russian army in 1814, and later - with the life of the great masters of modern avant-garde art. It was in Montmartre lived and artists such as Renoir, Degas, Pissarro, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Toulouse-Lautrec. And later, in the early 20 th century: Modigliani, Picasso, Braque, and others. Retained the charm of the old quarter of the suburbs of Paris with windmills and vineyards.

Le Marais quarter - a walking tour (3 hours)

Tour one of the oldest quarters, remained virtually unchanged since the Middle Ages to the present day. Quarter, where the kings lived in 14-16 centuries. In the 17th century Le Marais was the most prestigious and expensive Parisian aristocracy quarter. Vozgezov area appears to us in the same form, which admired the Parisians at the time of Louis the Great. Part of Le Marais - is the Jewish quarter, where the preserved synagogue, and virtually no change remains Rozier Street. Traditionally, there remains a lot of shops and restaurants with a kosher kitchen and observed the Sabbath.

It is also possible to visit two interesting museums - Museum of the History of Paris (Carnival) and the Picasso Museum (collection of works by Picasso, Cezanne, Matisse, Duane).

Legends of the Old Paris - a walking tour (3 hours)

Sieve - the heart of Paris and France. Visit the Notre Dame Cathedral. Stroll along the waterfront of the island, where towering Conciergerie - part of the royal palace of Philip the Fair and Saint-Chapelle (Holy Chapel) - palace church with the oldest stained glass windows of the city. Latin Quarter - now it is the student district with colorful small restaurants and unforgettable streets, and once there raged a Gallo-Roman Lutetia province.

Saint-Jacques Street, built by the Romans in I century BC, the oldest part of the city with its churches - Saint-Julien-le-DAMAGE (XII) and Saint-century Sevarin (XIII century), Roman baths, the University of Paris Sorbonne , based in XIII century and the Pantheon, the resting Voltaire, Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Zola ... beautiful church of Saint-Etienne-du-Mont (XVI century) and the Luxembourg Palace and Gardens. Boulevard Saint-Germain meets us memories of the Musketeers and the Parisian celebrities. World history is in contact with the world of fashion and literary cafe atmosphere.

Paris Gourmet - a walking tour (3 hours)

The tour starts with a "Womb of Paris" - a picturesque district of Les Halles - visit the church of St. Eustace - visiting Paris market - shopping is the best pastry chef in Paris Pierre Erme - Bakery, the owner is a famous baker Kaiser - Palais Royal, where the restaurant «Le Grand Velour» , Chef Guy Martan in 2002 awarded the title of best chef in France. The tour ends with lunch at customer's choice - in the House of Truffles or gastronomic restaurant «Scribe» (chef Jean Francois hand).

Parks and gardens of Paris (4:00)

4.3 visit parks chosen by the customer.

Tuileries. Garden and park ensemble, created a great master of André Le Nôtre in the heart of Paris. This garden was dispensed to Catherine de Medici, so it does not miss his native Tuscany. In 1664 Lenotr who adored perfect geometric lines and shaped trees, changed the look of the garden. Tuileries became a public park, there were lounge chairs for relaxing.

Luxembourg Gardens, where the artist works from Italy - very romantic place in Paris (17th century) and a favorite place for walks Parisians. Lovers sit under the plane trees in the Medici fountain or walking near the central pond where carp.

Parc Monceau - One of the most elegant parks, no less elegant surroundings.

The Duke of Orleans, one of the members of the royal dynasty, ordered the creation of his was here long before the French Revolution. By this time, and the ancient ruins around the pond. Beautiful park of the 18th century, where there is a fairly strong influence of English landscape painters.

Famous parks of Paris of the late 19th century - Buttes Chaumont and Montsouris.

Park Des Buttes-Chaumont Osman created on the ruins of the gypsum mine. Uneven terrain was the perfect foundation for a rocky park at the center of an artificial lake that rises 50-meter "mountain", its top is crowned by a temple. From the mountain, with a height of 20 m waterfall crashes down, fenced artificial stalactites.

Montsouris Park (Parc Monsouris) - the second of the park, created by the Ottomans in the 19th century. 16 hectares of its area is covered with soft grass carpet. It liked to walk cubist painter Georges Braque and Vladimir Lenin, who lived nearby on Rue Marie-Rose.

Lesoparkovy ensemble Bois de Boulogne (Bois de Boulogne). In the western part of the Bois de Boulogne, a park Bagatelle (Park de Bagatelle). Gardens in this magnificent park: June 8 thousand scents of roses, and in May, on a fenced plot blooming irises.

Versailles (4:00)

Versailles - the French capital for 107 years ... the largest palace in Europe ... caprice young Sun King or subtly thought-out policy?

The fame of the creators of Versailles spread across Europe and does not need further reinforcement, but no less interesting, and life at the royal court at Versailles XVII century.

You can visit the Palace of Versailles to the apartments of the King and Queen, a gallery of mirrors and luxurious interior, large and small Trianon, a stroll through the magnificent gardens, is talking about the whole world.

Saint Genevieve de Bois (3:00)

September Genevieve de Bois - a suburb 30 kilometers south of Paris. There, in 1927, was created Duchess Mescherskaya Russian House. Now, in the cemetery of Saint Genevieve de Bois rest 20,000 sons and daughters of Russia. Among them, the White Guard officers, several members of the Romanov family, and many other famous people whose names are linked to Russia - Ivan Bunin, Felix Yusupov, Serge Lifar, Alexander Galich, Andrei Tarkovsky, Rudolf Nureyev ...

Castles of Vaux le Vicomte and Versailles (8:00)

Vaux le Vicomte palace, located 35 km from Paris, built for himself in the XVII century, the Minister of Finance of the Sun King - Nicolas Fouquet. The master of the Palace - the character is far extraordinary in the history of France, not just a steward of the royal treasury, but most educated people of his time, a connoisseur of art, patron of writers and artists and shrewd financier. He asked for the construction of the palace three geniuses: architect Le Bo, painter Le Bren and gardener Le Notre. Fouquet was the forerunner of the palace of Versailles, and the park around it - a masterpiece of regular French parks: it calculated all the main line, the use of relief allows you to see the full reflection of the facade of the palace in the water mirror pool although they are separated by several hundred meters! Fountains, statues, classical music in the evenings - the best backdrop for a romantic walk ...

It is true, unfortunately Fouquet, the palace with a park were too good ... envied them, still young then, the Sun King: Fouquet was sentenced to life imprisonment, and an architect, artist and gardener who built Vaux le Vicomte went to build Versailles. Who owns the palace Count Patrice de Vogue. In summer, Vaux le Vicomte in the evenings arranged romantic candlelit visit: the palace and the park put up 2000 candles and music sounds.

Vaux le Vicomte. Visit the "Little Versailles" and the museum crew. Gastronomic dinner at one of the famous restaurants.

Versailles. Visit the private apartments of Louis 15, inside the chapel and the opera. Visit the main apartment, mirror gallery, Hercules Hall, the Queen's apartments. Stroll through the gardens of Versailles.

Castle of Chantilly

The most interesting tourist attraction is the castle Chantilly - Castle north of Paris, unique in many ways. The palace is located on the former island in the middle of the pond - still surround ponds and channels. The owners of the palace - the families Montmorency, Bourbon Conde and Orleans - it was a collection of paintings, which is the value of the work is in second place after the Louvre. The collection - paintings by Raphael, Piero di Cosimo, there is also a mosaic from Pompeii, and the stained glass windows of EQUAL. Henry of Orleans created in Chantilly library of 30,000 books and 700 rare manuscripts. In the stables of Chantilly, which are themselves a work of art of the XVIII century, situated Living Horse Museum. This is the most famous stables in France. They can be visited today, as well as horse racing, regularly held in Chantilly. Visit the large apartment, furnished to the Prince of Conde in the Small Palace of the XVI century, and a visit to the Museum of Conde in the palace of the XIX century to the park - a great opportunity to get acquainted with the interiors of the time and works of art.

In addition to art lovers and connoisseurs interested in horses Chantilly and gourmets, as the local whipping cream are famous in all of France. Not accidentally, the word "Shanti" in French, is a synonym of whipped cream.

Vaux le Vicomte

Vaux le Vicomte palace, located 35 km from Paris, built for himself in the XVII century, the Minister of Finance of the Sun King - Nicolas Fouquet. The master of the Palace - the character is far extraordinary in the history of France, not just a steward of the royal treasury, but most educated people of his time, a connoisseur of art, patron of writers and artists and shrewd financier. He asked for the construction of the palace three geniuses: architect Le Bo, painter Le Bren and gardener Le Notre. Fouquet was the forerunner of the palace of Versailles, and the park around it - a masterpiece of regular French parks: it calculated all the main line, the use of relief allows you to see the full reflection of the facade of the palace in the water mirror pool although they are separated by several hundred meters! Fountains, statues, classical music in the evenings - the best backdrop for a romantic walk ...

It is true, unfortunately Fouquet, the palace with a park were too good ... envied them, still young then, the Sun King: Fouquet was sentenced to life imprisonment, and an architect, artist and gardener who built Vaux le Vicomte went to build Versailles. Who owns the palace Count Patrice de Vogue. In summer, Vaux le Vicomte in the evenings arranged romantic candlelit visit: the palace and the park put up 2000 candles and music sounds.

Russian Paris

Many historical places in Paris are inextricably linked with the history of Russia and the names of the Russian people. This is indicated by the name of the 51 streets and squares of Paris.

It is known that in 1051 Anne of Kiev - the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise - was married to the King of France - Henry the First. She was educated and very special to rule France, until grown son-king.

Peter I after his arrival in France in 1717, decided to open the Russian embassy here and since then the relationship does not end the story of two such seemingly different countries. France has always been attracted to history, art, architecture, and a mild climate, and Russia enchanted spaces and mysticism. If, after the French Revolution, Russia has hosted many French immigrants, after the October Revolution, France has pushed those who sought asylum from her.

After the Second World War in France were many Russians, and in the seventies, found refuge here many dissidents.

Montparnasse area famous for being in the twenties lived here and met many Russian artists and writers.

September Genevieve de Bois - a suburb 30 kilometers south of Paris. There, in 1927, was created Duchess Mescherskaya Russian House. Now, on the cemetery of Saint Genevieve de Bois rest 20,000 sons and daughters of Russia. Among them, the White Guard officers, several members of the Romanov family, and many other famous people whose names are linked to Russia - Ivan Bunin, Felix Yusupov, Serge Lifar, Alexander Galich, Andrei Tarkovsky, Rudolf Nureyev ...

The historic center of Paris

Many of the old quarters of Paris available for cars, so it was walking tours allow you to get to know the city.

Who does not know the name of the belly of Paris? In the XII century it housed a market that is gradually transformed into the wholesale market, as described by Emile Zola's novel "The Belly of Paris." The market was moved to the suburbs in 1969, but the quarter is interesting for its unique atmosphere, the church of Saint Eustace, a fountain innocent martyrs, as well as growing up nearby in 1977 the Centre Georges Pompidou and Place Igor Stravinsky.

Another familiar name - Place de Greve - center of city life from the Middle Ages, where today there is the City Hall. Near the island of Cité - the cradle of Paris, where in the III century BC, the Celtic tribe settled Parisi. The western part of the island has always belonged to the earth's power: first there was the palace of the Roman governor, and later the palace of French kings, and now the Palace of Justice. And in the east of the island always has representations "spiritual power" embodied now in Notre Dame - Cathedral of the Bishop of Paris. During the tour, you can see that survived from the Middle Ages on the island and what has changed over the centuries, to get acquainted with the history and architecture of the famous cathedral, which often holds services the Bishop of Paris - Cardinal Lustiger.

Left Bank has long been called the Latin Quarter. This is the area of ​​students and intellectuals, schools and bookstores.

Currently, the Latin Quarter is known for its pedestrian streets, where many restaurants serving traditional French cuisine.

Castles of Vaux le Vicomte and Versailles (8:00)

Vaux le Vicomte palace, located 35 km from Paris, built for himself in the XVII century, the Minister of Finance of the Sun King - Nicolas Fouquet. The master of the Palace - the character is far extraordinary in the history of France, not just a steward of the royal treasury, but most educated people of his time, a connoisseur of art, patron of writers and artists and shrewd financier. He asked for the construction of the palace three geniuses: architect Le Bo, painter Le Bren and gardener Le Notre. Fouquet was the forerunner of the palace of Versailles, and the park around it - a masterpiece of regular French parks: it calculated all the main line, the use of relief allows you to see the full reflection of the facade of the palace in the water mirror pool although they are separated by several hundred meters! Fountains, statues, classical music in the evenings - the best backdrop for a romantic walk ...

It is true, unfortunately Fouquet, the palace with a park were too good ... envied them, still young then, the Sun King: Fouquet was sentenced to life imprisonment, and an architect, artist and gardener who built Vaux le Vicomte went to build Versailles. Who owns the palace Count Patrice de Vogue. In summer, Vaux le Vicomte in the evenings arranged romantic candlelit visit: the palace and the park put up 2000 candles and music sounds.

Vaux le Vicomte. Visit the "Little Versailles" and the museum crew. Gastronomic dinner at one of the famous restaurants.

Versailles. Visit the private apartments of Louis 15, inside the chapel and the opera. Visit the main apartment, mirror gallery, Hercules Hall, the Queen's apartments. Stroll through the gardens of Versailles.

Castle of Chantilly

The most interesting tourist attraction is the castle Chantilly - Castle north of Paris, unique in many ways. The palace is located on the former island in the middle of the pond - still surround ponds and channels. The owners of the palace - the families Montmorency, Bourbon Conde and Orleans - it was a collection of paintings, which is the value of the work is in second place after the Louvre. The collection - paintings by Raphael, Piero di Cosimo, there is also a mosaic from Pompeii, and the stained glass windows of EQUAL. Henry of Orleans created in Chantilly library of 30,000 books and 700 rare manuscripts. In the stables of Chantilly, which are themselves a work of art of the XVIII century, situated Living Horse Museum. This is the most famous stables in France. They can be visited today, as well as horse racing, regularly held in Chantilly. Visit the large apartment, furnished to the Prince of Conde in the Small Palace of the XVI century, and a visit to the Museum of Conde in the palace of the XIX century to the park - a great opportunity to get acquainted with the interiors of the time and works of art.

In addition to art lovers and connoisseurs interested in horses Chantilly and gourmets, as the local whipping cream are famous in all of France. Not accidentally, the word "Shanti" in French, is a synonym of whipped cream.

Vaux le Vicomte

Vaux le Vicomte palace, located 35 km from Paris, built for himself in the XVII century, the Minister of Finance of the Sun King - Nicolas Fouquet. The master of the Palace - the character is far extraordinary in the history of France, not just a steward of the royal treasury, but most educated people of his time, a connoisseur of art, patron of writers and artists and shrewd financier. He asked for the construction of the palace three geniuses: architect Le Bo, painter Le Bren and gardener Le Notre. Fouquet was the forerunner of the palace of Versailles, and the park around it - a masterpiece of regular French parks: it calculated all the main line, the use of relief allows you to see the full reflection of the facade of the palace in the water mirror pool although they are separated by several hundred meters! Fountains, statues, classical music in the evenings - the best backdrop for a romantic walk ...

It is true, unfortunately Fouquet, the palace with a park were too good ... envied them, still young then, the Sun King: Fouquet was sentenced to life imprisonment, and an architect, artist and gardener who built Vaux le Vicomte went to build Versailles. Who owns the palace Count Patrice de Vogue. In summer, Vaux le Vicomte in the evenings arranged romantic candlelit visit: the palace and the park put up 2000 candles and music sounds.

Russian Paris

Many historical places in Paris are inextricably linked with the history of Russia and the names of the Russian people. This is indicated by the name of the 51 streets and squares of Paris.

It is known that in 1051 Anne of Kiev - the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise - was married to the King of France - Henry the First. She was educated and very special to rule France, until grown son-king.

Peter I after his arrival in France in 1717, decided to open the Russian embassy here and since then the relationship does not end the story of two such seemingly different countries. France has always been attracted to history, art, architecture, and a mild climate, and Russia enchanted spaces and mysticism. If, after the French Revolution, Russia has hosted many French immigrants, after the October Revolution, France has pushed those who sought asylum from her.

After the Second World War in France were many Russians, and in the seventies, found refuge here many dissidents.

Montparnasse area famous for being in the twenties lived here and met many Russian artists and writers.

September Genevieve de Bois - a suburb 30 kilometers south of Paris. There, in 1927, was created Duchess Mescherskaya Russian House. Now, on the cemetery of Saint Genevieve de Bois rest 20,000 sons and daughters of Russia. Among them, the White Guard officers, several members of the Romanov family, and many other famous people whose names are linked to Russia - Ivan Bunin, Felix Yusupov, Serge Lifar, Alexander Galich, Andrei Tarkovsky, Rudolf Nureyev ...

The historic center of Paris

Many of the old quarters of Paris available for cars, so it was walking tours allow you to get to know the city.

Who does not know the name of the belly of Paris? In the XII century it housed a market that is gradually transformed into the wholesale market, as described by Emile Zola's novel "The Belly of Paris." The market was moved to the suburbs in 1969, but the quarter is interesting for its unique atmosphere, the church of Saint Eustace, a fountain innocent martyrs, as well as growing up nearby in 1977 the Centre Georges Pompidou and Place Igor Stravinsky.

Another familiar name - Place de Greve - center of city life from the Middle Ages, where today there is the City Hall. Near the island of Cité - the cradle of Paris, where in the III century BC, the Celtic tribe settled Parisi. The western part of the island has always belonged to the earth's power: first there was the palace of the Roman governor, and later the palace of French kings, and now the Palace of Justice. And in the east of the island always has representations "spiritual power" embodied now in Notre Dame - Cathedral of the Bishop of Paris. During the tour, you can see that survived from the Middle Ages on the island and what has changed over the centuries, to get acquainted with the history and architecture of the famous cathedral, which often holds services the Bishop of Paris - Cardinal Lustiger.

Left Bank has long been called the Latin Quarter. This is the area of ​​students and intellectuals, schools and bookstores.

Currently, the Latin Quarter is known for its pedestrian streets, where many restaurants serving traditional French cuisine.

Castle of Fontainebleau and Barbizon (8:00)

Fontainebleau - one of the oldest royal residences. From the Middle Ages there has hunted the kings of France, and to this day came dungeon XIII century - the oldest fortified part of Fontainebleau, where the king bedroom. Under Francis I at Fontainebleau Italian artists worked, there arose the first school of the French Renaissance. Still preserved frescoes and Rosso Primatiche XVI century. Under Henry IV of Navarre there also worked well-known masters, and create a second school of Fontainebleau. In addition, the Fontainebleau - one of the favorite residences of four Napoleon I. There, he signed his first abdication of April 6, 1814. Getting in Fontainebleau with the royal and imperial apartments as well as a park, part of which is divided on the basis of the French, and the part on the basis of an English garden - a real discovery for lovers of history and art. Napoleon first called Fontainebleau "secular home," lived in the palace all the kings of France from François the First to Napoleon III. Visiting the palace: the gallery Francois I, King's Hall, the royal apartments, the courtyard of "white horse", oval courtyard etc. Gastronomic dinner at one of the famous restaurants of Barbizon. Walk with a visit to the main attractions and museums.

Malmaison (4:00)

Malmaison - the former residence of Napoleon I and Josephine, located 20 km from Paris. Palace interiors are elegant Empire style. And the interior of the palace highlights impeccable taste of the Empress Josephine. By visiting this tour, you will not only enjoy a wonderful walk through the palace and the park, but also learn the most romantic love story of the 19th century.

Locks of Picardy - Pierrefonds and Shanti (9:00)

Chantilly Castle - the most interesting tourist attraction is the castle Chantilly - Castle north of Paris, unique in many ways. The palace is located on the former island in the middle of the pond - still surround ponds and channels. The owners of the palace - the families Montmorency, Bourbon Conde and Orleans - it was a collection of paintings, which is the value of the work is in second place after the Louvre. The collection - paintings by Raphael, Piero di Cosimo, there is also a mosaic from Pompeii, and the stained glass windows of EQUAL. Henry of Orleans created in Chantilly library of 30,000 books and 700 rare manuscripts. In the stables of Chantilly, which are themselves a work of art of the XVIII century, situated Living Horse Museum. This is the most famous stables in France. They can be visited today, as well as horse racing, regularly held in Chantilly.

Visit the large apartment, furnished to the Prince of Conde in the Small Palace of the XVI century, and a visit to the Museum of Conde in the palace of the XIX century to the park - a great opportunity to get acquainted with the interiors of the time and works of art.

In addition to art lovers and connoisseurs interested in horses Chantilly and gourmets, as the local whipping cream are famous in all of France. Not accidentally, the word "Shanti" in French, is a synonym of whipped cream.

Pierrefonds - very beautiful, impressive castle in Picardy, located in a picturesque setting on a hill near the lake, where once there were hot springs. This medieval residence begins its history back to the 12th century. With lock associated with many historical events of 14 - 17 centuries after it was owned by the royal family of Valois. In the early 19th century dilapidated Pierrefonds buys Napoleon I. Pierrefonds today - one of the most beautiful architectural ensembles in France, is the top skill-building castles forts.

Chantilly castle was built by Pierre Shambizh for the Duke de Montmorency in the 16th century in the style of the French Renaissance. The heyday of the castle associated with the name of Prince of Conde, son of Henry IV and Charlotte de Montmorency. Chantilly give special charm fountains, which are considered to be among the most beautiful in France. As the Prince of Conde was a patron of the arts, there have been frequent guests at the castle famous writers - Moliere, Racine, Madame de Savigny. And the current Conde Museum belongs to the world's best collections of art.

Normandy - Deauville and Honfleur (9:00)

Refinement and elegance Deauville immediately like your customers. This Norman city by the sea is fraught with many interesting discoveries. Port of Honfleur is proud of its largest wooden church in France, St. Catherine. You will see the salt warehouses of the 17th century, as well as the old quarters Enklo, the Old Port and Foburg St. Catherine. The museum Budena works by Courbet, Boudin, Dyuburga, Zhongkuda, Monet, Dufy.

Champagne - Reims and Epernay (9:00)

Reims - a city of art and religion, famous for its magnificent cathedral, which were crowned 25 French kings. Together with Epernay, these two cities are the most important in the province of Champagne. Wonderful drink "Champagne" shine your eyes, we are happy to offer our customers to taste the taste of champagne.

This tour Reims - visiting the Cathedral, a walk through the city, visiting one of the famous wine cellars and tasting in a private cabin. Gastronomic dinner at one of the locks. Check out on the road in Epernay Champagne vineyards. Epernay - visit the museum of winemaking.

Castles of the Loire (11 hours)

Residents of the area believe that the Loire Valley - the center of France, and thus the heart of history ... Not all agree with the French, but confirm that the Loire castles - is a wedding dress French ...

Luarskaya valley is famous for its ancient castles and historic ancient cities of Amboise, Chenonceau, Chambord, Chartres, Chaumont, Blois ... All transfer is meaningless - they okolo70! Places to go in at least some, to feel the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Chambord roof compared with fabulous palaces. It was built for King Francis I, and still affects not only the size - 440 rooms, 365 fireplaces, and architectural innovation. It is no accident he is considered a masterpiece of engineering and suggest that the first project developed by Leonardo da Vinci himself.

Currently, the forest around the castle - 5440 hectares - game reserve president of France. One of the original buildings of the Renaissance is Chenonceau Castle, which is located on the River Cher, a tributary of the Loire. He is also known as the Ladies Castle, since it is closely related to the fate of amazing women - Catherine de Medici, Diane de Poitiers, Louise Lorraine, George Sand ... Chenonceau is unique in its lavish interior and gardens, and because it is located literally on the water.

Amboise royal castle, built by King Charles VIII and his wife Anne of Brittany, has always played a significant role in the history of French kings. Also, it is a prime location on a high plateau above the Loire made it strategically unavailable for opponents. The castle is also known that, in the chapel on its territory remains of Leonardo da Vinci.

Vineyards and wines of the valley Luarskoy not so known connoisseurs as Bordeaux, Bourgogne and Champagne, but they certainly deserve attention. There are varieties of grapes are grown as Gamay, Cabernet, ko, sauvignon and chardonnay, of which produce white, pink and red, and sparkling wines.

You are struck by the beauty of Castles of Loire, celebrated by Balzac and Genevois. We suggest you watch the creation of a grand François the First - the Castle of Chambord, one of the largest castles of the Loire with a marvelous design and two pearls: Grand staircases and terraces. Driving further along the Loire, you will find yourself in the picturesque town of Amboise, famous for its 3amkom he lived in Leonardo De Vinci. Finish the visit we offer a wonderful castle Chenonceau, nicknamed "female lock" and is located on the river Cher.


Akvabulvar - Europe's largest water park with beaches in the open air and under the glass roof - a tropical paradise, is located almost in the center of Paris. Here you will find the world of water activities and attractions: multiple pools, including one with artificial waves, large and small slides, waterfalls, geysers, solarium, sauna, jacuzzi. Year round water and air temperature is 29 degrees. Akvabulvar - it is also a range of sports facilities, restaurants, cafes, bars and shops. Seen this water paradise - a real treat for children and adults.

Cruise by boat on the Seine ("BATEAUX PARISIENS")

Pier "BATEAUX PARISIENS" is in close proximity to the Eiffel Tower. Boats depart from the dock from 10.00 to 23.30 every 30 minutes. The route runs along the first left bank of the Seine towards Ile de la Cité and the islands of St. Louis and in the opposite direction along the right bank towards the Pont de Grenelle, ends near the Eiffel Tower. During the hour walk along the Seine, visitors have the opportunity to see the sights, both the left and right banks, such as the Invalides, the palace of the Bourbons, Musee d'Orsay, the building of the Ministry of Finance, the Bercy sports complex, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, Garden Tuileries, Place de la Concorde, and many others along the banks of the Seine. Walking is good in any weather.

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