Tourism and travel/Spain








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Tours in Spain - a hot sun, azure sea, scorching guitar rhythms, the sound of flamenco heels and clatter of castanets. Tours in Spain is an unforgettable experience, turbulent emotions and the sea of ​​delight.

Spaniards are very active and open, and their hot temper is known throughout the world. Zest for life and love for the thrill on the brink of life and death, religious fanaticism and passion for sensual pleasures, is the best characterized passionate Spanish temperament. Tours to Spain is the best way to experience the culture, traditions and cuisine of this original country.

For lovers of a beach holiday in Spain, offers tourist resorts with the most advanced infrastructure on the Mediterranean Coast - Costa del Sol, Costa Brava, Costa Blanca, Costa Dorada.

For thrill-seekers from Ukraine, a little pepper to rest in Spain will add traditional bullfights - "bullfight", and a national custom "ensero" - a rite of passage into young man, is regarded as a sign of courage and bravery.

In turn, the fans of the national Spanish cuisine will bring true pleasure delicious food and wine tours in Spain.

If you go on holiday to Spain with children, you have not lost with the choice of the country. Real children rest on the sea can not be imagined without visiting attractions, zoological parks, maritime museums and aquariums. Spain has something to boast of in this respect. For example, an amusement park Monte Igueldo, aquarium Palacio del Mar, Nature Park Cabárceno (El Parque de la Naturaleza de Cabárceno) and many other activities will provide a lot of impressions your child. Therefore, the choice of the country for a family holiday in travelers from Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk and other cities of Ukraine obvious.

Spain holds the 2nd place in Europe for cultural sites and attractions. Tours in Spain from Ukraine include sightseeing tours to historical sites, exploring the cultural and historical heritage of the country: art, architecture, painting, music.

Capital - Madrid.

Territory: 505.9 thousand square meters. km

Time - behind Kiev at 1:00 (Canary Islands - 2 hours).

Population - about 40 million people.

The flight from Kiev ~ 4:00 (Canary Islands - ~ 7 hours).

Language - Spanish.

Currency - the Euro.

A trip to Spain!

More than forty-eight million visitors come each year to Spain, which is the third most visited countries in the world. Trip to Spain - a meeting with the sun, with good food, hospitality and joy of life, but other than that and the opportunity to discover its rich heritage - monuments, traces of different civilizations that have survived under a sky of Spain, as well as enjoy its unsurpassed and dazzling nature, beautiful and diverse landscapes. This is also an opportunity to get acquainted with the customs of her people and take part in traditional folk festivals and celebrations. Travel in Spain - is to become the main character in a variety of adventure travel that will forever remain in the memory. Spain therefore produces a compelling impression and always attracts the people from all over the world, and many people visiting this country once and come back here again to join us once again enjoy the climate, nature and culture, which create a very special living conditions. On the Spanish coast, there are over two thousand beaches of Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Costa del Sol and the Canary Islands (Tenerife) Balearic Islands (Mallorca)

Canary Islands: beautiful islands of volcanic origin, affecting travelers with its amazing diversity and uniqueness. Volcanic origin and the particular situation in the Atlantic define their unique geological and botanical features and landscapes which are different from the European, and from Africa. These natural characteristics also determine the favorable climate with mild temperatures, which are not very different at different times of day and year. Thanks to a rest on the islands can enjoy year-round gorgeous beaches on the 1500-kilometer coastline, with excellent opportunities for sports and recreation in the water. Canary Islands can be visited throughout the year. Year-round have all amenities of the seaside resorts and mountain walks. But the peak season starts from late July to early October, and then to a huge number of people coming here at the end of February at the Carnaval de Tenerife, lasting until mid-March. The archipelago consists of seven large inhabited islands and several smaller ones. In the center is the largest island - Tenerife (2057 sq. km.). To the east is Homer (378 sq. km.), Hierro (277 sq. km.) And Palma (728 sq. km.). Historically, the Canary Islands belong to Spain, which is located in the north-east of them to a distance of 1,500 km, and geographically they belong to the group of volcanic islands along with the Azores, Cape Verde Islands and Madeira. The mild climate in ancient times attracted people to the Canary Islands. The Greeks believed that there are gardens of the Hesperides, for centuries they were called "Happy Island". At the end of XIX century. known islands increased due to the fact that they have become a place of rest and treatment of many diseases. Currently, the Canary Islands are one of the most important centers of European tourism.

Geographical position

Spain South European countries, occupying five-sixths of the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Pyrenees mountains and difficult to isolate Spain from other European countries, except Portugal, located in the western part of the peninsula. Spain by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. By land borders Spain and Portugal to the west, France (Pyrenees along the crest of the mountains) and the tiny country of Andorra to the north-east, with Gibraltar in the south. Due to its geographical position of Spain is a kind of a continent in miniature, with a varied and full of contrasts of nature, it can truly be called a bridge between Europe and Africa. Spain (after Switzerland) - the most mountainous country in Europe, mountains and plateaus make up 90% of its territory. In the country there are more than 400 nature reserves, which maintain key ecosystems of the peninsula and islands. Spanish coast is very versatile: it can be found and dunes, cliffs and long beaches - sandy or pebbly. Part of the coast of Galicia like the Norwegian fjords and the northern Atlantic coast is full of limestone headlands and tiny caves. On the Mediterranean coast, despite the huge number of hotels, there are also desert lagoon. Largest cities: Madrid (capital of Spain is situated on the banks of the Manzanares River in the heart of the country, so it is well communicated with all the Spanish provinces), Barcelona (the largest port city in north-eastern Spain, the historic capital of Catalonia, is located between the rivers Llobregat and Besòs on the Mediterranean Sea. This is the second city after Madrid, the number of inhabitants in the country), Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Malaga. The country consists of 17 Autonomous Communities (Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, the Basque Country, the Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castile and Leon, Castile-La Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, La Rioja, Valencia Community ) and two cities (Ceuta and Melilla), located in the north of Africa, and with the status of autonomy.

The national flag of Spain consists of a red, yellow, and red horizontal stripes with the emblem in the middle. According to legend, the king of Aragon, who wished to have their own flag, inspected the various projects banners and stopped at one - with a smooth golden field. He then ordered to bring a cup of fresh blood of animals and, dipping into it with two fingers, held them on the yellow flag, which received two red stripes. Later Aragon flag became the national flag of Spain. Emblem Spain - consolidating its entire history. It presents all of the kingdom, which combines modern Spain: Castillo symbolizes lock; Leon, Asturias and Galicia - lion Aragon, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands - four red stripes on a gold background; Navarre presented in the form of chains, Andalusia is shown as a grenade ( vIspanii it grows mainly on the ground only of Granada - the last Muslim state, seized Christian kings during the Reconquista). Crown, crowning emblem - a sign that Spain - the kingdom: and stamped the lily is the king and his family. Columns represent Heracles Pillars - formerly known as Gibraltar, which at one time was considered the end of the world. The inscription "Plus Ultra" (or rather "nec plus ultra") means "above all."


In most of Spain the climate is subtropical Mediterranean - with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. However, the climate varies from north-west to south-east, and also depending on the height above sea level. Besides a large number of mountain ranges, the climate affects the close proximity of Africa. The average annual temperature in almost all of the country ranges from + 14 to + 19 ° C. But if in the northern and central Spain, the average January temperature range from +8 to +10 ° C and the hottest month (July) - +18 to +20 ° C, on the Mediterranean coast winter temperatures range from + 10 to + 14 ° C, and July are +26 ° C. In southern Spain, the average temperature +25 ° C almost 200 days a year. Most rainfall occurs in the north and north-west of the country, and the central and south-eastern areas - dry, so conventionally divided Spain in the "wet" and "dry." In the Balearic Islands, Mediterranean climate, less dry than on the mainland, and the summer is a little bit cooler continental. In the Canary Islands, predominantly tropical climate, the average winter temperature of + 25 ° C (water + 22 ° C).


The average density of population in Spain, where more than forty million people, is about 80 inhabitants per square kilometer, which is below the average of he country of the European Union. The uneven distribution of the population across the country has led to large differences between regions, where there is a different level of population density. There is a strong trend towards the concentration of population in the peripheral areas near the coast and to a reduction of the interior, with the exception of large cities, with the process of urbanization and industrilizatsii.


A rich variety of Spanish nature, its geographical, climatic and environmental contrasts clearly evident in all regions of the country, which sometimes can be divided into groups in terms of the common characteristics of tourism. For example, you can select the Green Spain, born thanks to global efforts in Galas, Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country, where there are common features of the landscape, climate, gastronomy and attractive places for tourism: beaches, mountains, sports areas and rural areas. The most developed regions for tourism in Spain "sun and beach" are Andalusia, Murcia, Valencian Community and Catalonia, which have high-quality and diverse tourist infrastructure. At the same time in other parts of Inner Spain (such as Aragon, Castile and Leon, Castile-La Mancha and Extremadura) offer tourists to explore the historical city, many of which are included in the list of heritage site. Tourists expect artistic and architectural monuments, trips to nature, beautiful scenery and culinary diversity. Other autonomous regions such as La Rioja, Madrid and Navarre, also charming and rich traditions. Visitors can find here with a lot of natural and cultural attractions. Spain is an island, no doubt, one of the favorite holiday destinations for tourists. Balearic Islands, located in the heart of the Mediterranean, have a stunning coastline, where you can spend time enjoying the beach and water sports. In turn, the Canary Islands, located near the Atlantic coast of Africa, thanks to its beaches, natural parks and volcanic exceptionally favorable throughout the year the climate is poistene paradise.


Undoubtedly, one of the most admired tourist attractions in Spain is its cuisine - or rather, many regional specialties, each of which has influenced the climatic conditions and the local way of life. In general, the so-called "Mediterranean diet", using fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood and olive oil, is recognized worldwide and is considered one of the most beneficial for a healthy lifestyle. As for Spanish wines, all of them - a worthy competitor to their French and Italian counterparts. Spain can be divided into eight gastronomic zones, each of which is characterized by certain foods and beverages. In the North - prepare fish dishes of the Basque Country, it is the famous cod "pil-pil" or cod Biscay, Asturian fabada, cheese and cider. In the area of ​​the Pyrenees wonderful ham, Catalonia - hot "kasuela" garlic sauce "alioli" and savory smoked sausage "fouettes." In Andalusia you can try excellent cold vegetable soup "gazpacho" and excellent ham "Jabugo" the province of Huelva. Valencia is famous for a variety of rice dishes, among which the most famous "paella" (rice with vegetables, meat, fish, shrimp). In the central zone - baked meat and the best sausages in Spain. In the Canary Islands, a kind of fish cuisine, widely used tropical fruits (bananas, avocado, papaya) in the main course and dessert. The Balearic Islands have drugged flavor dishes of pork buns air puff "ensaymadas" and sausages "sobrasada". Spain is one of the world's three largest wine producers. The country has 39 wine producing areas with special soil and climatic conditions in which wine produced outstanding performance. Wines assigned mark, a certificate of authenticity guaranteeing their origin and quality distinctive characteristics. Andalusia supplies the world market famous sherry, also known as sherry. In Catalonia, made a special champagne - kava, and produces excellent white wines, fruit punch on the basis of red wine - sangria. Wine in Spain is usually quite inexpensive. A very special place not only in the Spanish gastronomy, but also in the traditions of Spain, is the ritual of "tapas". Tapas - traditional light snacks are served at any time of the day or night for beer, wine and other drinks. There are several legends about the invention of tapas. One of them claims that wont cover (tapar) sherry glass with a piece of ham, who was also a snack bar, appeared in one of Seville. At first, "tapas" served for free, then, with the emergence of an increasingly diverse snacks - for a fee. There is another version, according to which, first glasses and glasses of wine and beer for protection from annoying flies covered with small skeet - and then they were also impose tapas thirsty - that was followed by a repeat order ... Gradually, "tapas" turned an integral part of the Spanish way of life, and today it is impossible to imagine Spain without the traditional "PACE Tape" (walk to bars and tasting tapas). Typical "tapas" - olives, cheese, ham, sausages, and various salads.

Time zone

The entire peninsula valid time zone of the Greenwich meridian (GMT), with the addition of one hour in winter and two hours in the summer. In the Canary Islands, acts directly Greenwich meridian time zone, with the addition of one hour in the summer, so there is always a difference of minus one hour compared to the time set for the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.


Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Spanish Constitution, but the vast majority of the population professes the Catholic religion.


From 1 January 2002 a new currency unit of Spain, and most other countries of the European Union is the euro. All banking facilities open to the public from Monday to Saturday from 8:30 am to 14 pm (except for the period from June to September, when they are closed on Saturdays), and exchange offices in major cities offer visitors the opportunity to exchange foreign currency. This service is available in most hotels and tourist agencies. Most hotels, restaurants and shops are also accepted traveler's checks, and the best-known international credit cards.


Ground Spain has an extensive network of highways (toll motorways, highways and motorways free) that allows you to comfortably get from the Pyrenees to Andalusia as along the Mediterranean coast and in Madrid, which is due to its central location, the main site of the country's transport systems. Developed networks of service stations, avtogriley and recreation offers a variety of services for travelers on their way to all traffic. Center for domestic airlines is the airport of Madrid, connected by air bridges with Barcelona and the major resorts of Spain and the Balearic and Canary


Train travel in Spain is a state company Renfe ( The length of the Spanish railways is more than 15,000 kilometers, they, like the roads, radiate from Madrid, covering the entire country. Existing highways (AVE and Talgo) give the opportunity to travel, combining speed with comfort, and a number of special tariffs attached to this trip even more attractive. Televisions and specially designed rail travel routes (Al Andalus Express, Strawberry Train Transkantabriko, train-hotel Elipsos). Mediterranean Sea Transmediterranea company provides a regular service between the peninsula and the northern part of Africa, as well as daily flights to the Balearic and weekly - to the Canary Islands.


Dialing code of Spain - 34, for an international call should dial 00. Pay phones work both on phone cards, and on the coins. There are phone centers Locutorio, where you can pay a call after call.


Monday - a day for most of Spanish museums. On other days they normally work from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00.


Typically, stores are open from Monday to Saturday from 9:30 to 13:30 and from 16:30 to 20:30, the large shopping centers are a break from 10:00 to 21:00. On the coast, during the tourist season trade enterprises remain open until 22:00. Large retailers make out checks Tax Free (for purchases over $ 90 Euros) to return at the border of 7% of the value of purchases made by customers residing outside the European Union.


National holidays - mirroring broad, active and reckless Spanish soul. This relatively small country inhabited by peoples with awe and reverence related to their regional holidays and celebrate them with great verve and panache. By the number of holidays in the year Spain has long been ranked number one in the world, they follow each other in different places and at different times of the

year, almost continuously, illuminating series of vivid kaleidoscope of everyday Spanish life. Traveler will always find the right time to take part in this magical effervescent dance carnivals, religious mysteries, fairs, folklore activities and festivals. The most important holiday is Fire Festival in Valencia, the April Fair in Seville, San Fermin in Pamplona. Religious holidays in

Spain have a special place, they all have their own unique features and truly blur the boundaries of centuries. Processions of religious brotherhoods, characterized by extraordinary beauty processions during Holy Week, especially known in cities such as Seville, Valladolid, Zamora, Murcia and Cuenca.

New Year in Spain - a relatively new holiday, and therefore are not associated with it some ancient rituals. Very often, the Spaniards spend New Year's Eve on the street, at various festivals, in restaurants and bars. Youth are often collected by the house of one of the participants in the festival. In Madrid's central square of Puerta del Sol is traditionally crowd gathers welcoming the first day of the new year. When the clock strikes midnight, start mutual congratulations and wishes.

New custom known Spanish: As the clock strikes must find time to swallow twelve grapes - then make a wish come true. Sometimes washed down with wine grapes. This tradition was once one of the

Spanish kings in a year of rich harvest of grapes, ordered to hand it to the new year to all his subjects.

Theatres and cinemas in the New Year do not work.

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