Tourism and travel/Britain








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Britain is in the British Isles and is separated from the mainland by the English Channel. Includes three historic regions - England, Scotland and Wales. Here - green hills and meadows, picturesque valleys and rugged coastline. Here peace and quiet suburbs alternate rhythm of big cities. And for hundreds of years, a respectable, prim London did not change its appearance ... Capital of the UK is the largest city in Europe. You will not find anywhere else so closely intertwined with a thousand-year history of the world most exciting shopping, nightlife and restaurants. London - is a business and financial center of the world.

Art galleries and museums are an invaluable treasure of art, fine architecture and historic buildings preserved against time, spacious green parks - the sources of fresh air among the non-stop hustle, and through it all calmly River Thames.

You can go to the Thames water bus, a ride on a boat through the channels Regent's and Grand Union, dine in a small floating restaurant. Pogartsevat the English horses. Visit the racetrack, big horse racing is a very curious spectacle. Among other things, stands London racecourses become podium to introduce new products haute couture London's leading lights.

Country Name: United Kingdom

The capital of England, London

Residents of England: Anglo-Saxons, Scots, Welsh, Irish, West Indians, Pakistanis, Indians

Languages: English

The population of England (millions): 50 million.

Area (sq. km.): 129,720 sq. km. km.

Currency UK: Pound Sterling (GBP).

England state system: Parliamentary democracy

Religion of the country: the Church of England supporters, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu and Sikh

Sectors of the economy: banking and finance, steel, transportation equipment, oil, gas and coal, tourism

Major political and economic partners: EU (France, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland), USA

Other large cities: Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow

Far from Kiev at 2:00

The tension in the household mains: 220V, 50Hz Weights and measures: Metric (with the exception of beer, which is measured in pints)

UK - is a country where the rules of conduct, painted for each social and age group. They must adhere to, or even know about. First of all, when crossing the street in a designated place not forget to look first to the right, and on the wrong side of the left.

Location: UK - the island on which are England, Scotland and Wales, forms, together with a number of smaller islands, the archipelago of irregular shape with a very varied landscape and nature. Northern Ireland, which is politically complements the United Kingdom, located on the second largest island of Ireland.

UK climate is mild and humid. In the spring and summer weather is changeable, warm and the sun are replaced by rain and wind. Optimal clothing - light woolen clothes, jacket is required if the cool weather. Autumn morning and evening cool. In winter, there are bright and refreshing days, severe winters do not exist. The average temperature of 4 in January to 25 in July.

Medicine. Each tourist must have an insurance policy, the rules of which you should be familiar and comply with them. If you or your loved ones with an accident (the disease), you must: Be sure to call the customer service number to report their insurance policy and tell us about your insurance claim. Then you need to see a doctor. When medical expenses you will have to collect all your receipts for reimbursement of the insurance company.

Call from London to Kiev via code 0038-044 - and a number. Learn unknown number of the subscriber you need, please call: 118 500 or 118 888. Make and out of the hotel, this will help you the operator, but it will cost more. Remember, from 20.00 to 8.00 runs a reduced rate.

Holidays in England, tours in England:

Tours to England this tour to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, consisting of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Tours to England this tour to London. This Windsor Castle and the River Thames and the Thames - Thames is, sir! Tours of London is the royal palaces of Kensington Palace and St. James Tower and Buckingham Palace. Tours to England a tower of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament at Westminster, and Westminster Cathedral - the seat of the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church. Tours to England this palace Lambert - the residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, is the Cathedral of St. Paul, the patron saint of London and Tower Bridge Gothic. Tours in London is Trafalgar Square and Westminster Abbey. Tours in England is a treasure of the National Gallery and the British Museum is a museum of Sigmund Freud and home of Sherlock Holmes. Tours in England is a town in Lincoln, with the ancient fortress of England. Tours in England is the city of Bath, the ancient Roman baths and the city of Chester, founded by the Romans 2000 years ago. Tours in England is a medieval city of York, with a magnificent Ministerial council. Tours in England is the legendary Stonehenge (3000 BC) and the natural wonder of the world - Giant's Causeway - Basalt ladder extending to the sea. Tours in England is the White Cliffs of Dover. Tours in England is Edinburgh Castle - the symbol of Scotland and Edinburgh Zoo, the world's largest collection of penguins. Tours in England is Harlech Castle, on the rock in the center of Wales. Tours to England and tours in London - it's your choice.


A sightseeing tour of London

"For me, London - the most interesting, most beautiful, most wonderful city in the world"


One of the most interesting excursions.

During the tour you will see the panoramic sights of London such as the Albert Hall - one of the most famous concert halls in the world, Albert Memorial - neo-gothic monument to Prince Albert,

Victoria and Albert Museum, Westminster Cathedral, Trafalgar Square with a column of Admiral Nelson and more . You will see a changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace - one of the most picturesque sights of the city.

The tour also includes an interesting historical places - Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the Wellington Arch. The bus will take you through the most ancient part of the city - City where intertwined whimsical narrow alleys, old churches and modern sparkling business centers.

Tower of London

Tower - one of the oldest and most popular monuments in London, was introduced under the protection of UNESCO in 1988.

During its history, the Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a repository of the royal jewels, weapons arsenal, a mint, a prison, an observatory and even a zoo. Tower is a reminder of

Britain's bloody past. Tower - a massive medieval fortress with watch towers, battlements, - was built in the XI century, to ensure the safety of the capital. Tower construction began in 1078 by King Henry III with the White Tower, which is considered the heart of the fortress.

Tower has survived until today in the traditional features of the medieval clothing Beefeater (soldiers armed), and in traditional ceremonies, held in the castle.

As part of the tour you can admire the treasures of the royal treasury, and meet with an exhibition of ancient weapons.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace was the London residence of British monarchs since 1837. It was originally a town house, which belonged to the early eighteenth century, the Duke of Buckingham.

Today, Buckingham Palace - the symbol of England, the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II, which are royal receptions and other festive events.

When the Queen is in the Palace, on the roof waving flag of Her Majesty.

The state rooms of the palace are open to visitors during the Annual Summer season, in August and September. They are lavishly decorated by some of the greatest treasures of the Royal Collection

- paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens, Vermeer, and sculptures by Canova Chantry, graceful Sevrez of china, and examples of the finest English and French furniture in the world.

Westminster Abbey

Coronation and burial place of the kings of England (in 1066 - the coronation of William the Conqueror). It is here found their final resting most celebrated scientists, musicians, poets, England (world famous Poets' Corner).

It is impossible to overstate the symbolic importance of the Westminster Abbey in English history and culture. Here the nation honors its heroes, both political and cultural life.

To erect something similar in significance in Paris, would join Notre Dame, Panteon and the Pere Lachaise cemetery in a unit, and may be partly to add to it the Invalides and Versailles.

Abbey still retains some traces of the Norman monastery, although the building was rebuilt in the 13th century and underwent various changes over the centuries Entrance fees to museums included.

National Art Gallery

Collection of the National Gallery is exceptional - it contains all the major European schools of painting from the early Renaissance and ending with post-impressionism. In Gallery 4 wing. The east wing of paintings devoted to the 1700 and 1920., West Wing - painting XVI and XVII centuries. In the west wing of the gallery is a newly built wing Saynzberi. Here, in particular, exhibited paintings XIII-XV centuries. In the basement, under the northern wing, the part is exposed huge fund, which could not fit in the main halls. Original paintings by Rembrandt are on the first floor of the wing Saynzberi, here works by Michelangelo, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci. The building is the National Gallery are cafes, a bar, a huge store and mikrogalereya (all works from the collections of the National Gallery transferred to microfiche, which shows the title, artist's name, place of origin, corresponding to the era and style).

The British Museum

The British Museum is one of the world's first public museum, established by Parliament in 1753g. The basis of the collection of Sir Hans the package Sloan.

The museum offers the world one of the largest collections of human cultural history and reflects the history of world civilization, and 2 million years, the museum has a collection of 94 galleries with a total length of 4 km. Here you can see the real gems, such as the Rosetta stone statue on Easter Island and the earliest known image of Christ.

In the halls of the amazing Egyptian mummies gallery you will see. Among the exhibits submitted by the Department of primitive society, you can see the "man of Lindow" - its almost untouched remains were found in a swamp Cheshire.

Before you brought the Roman bridge, gold cups of French and English kings, Japanese swords, Chinese coins, the Babylonian version, Islamic ceramics, Celtic vase, Rembrandt etchings and watercolors by Turner.

Tour of the City with a visit to the cathedral of Saint Paul

"Such a city like London, which roam for hours ... is something special," Engels

"City" - the heart of London and its cradle.

"City" - this city within a city with its own mayor and the police, is the center of social life in London, the British often refer to it as "one square mile", is an area located on the site, once surrounded by Roman walls. It survived many narrow alleys and mysterious dead ends, reminiscent of the Middle Ages.

You will see the famous St. Paul's Cathedral - which covers the entire British history of the last century. One of the attractions of the cathedral is a "gallery of whispers," where, my ear to the wall, you will hear the words spoken by your companion who are on you at 33 meters, and, moreover, in a whisper. And then the 62 steps will lead you to the review site, which offers stunning views of London.


Greenwich borough famous because of this place dates back time, and over the hill on which stands the Royal Observatory, is the prime meridian that divides the western and eastern hemispheres.

Greenwich Royal Observatory was founded by order of King Charles II, to study astronomy and locate vehicles.

Roof was installed in 1833 Bowl time, providing the first public time signal. Since the ball is clearly visible from the river, the court used the signal to check their hours.

In Observatory posted a rich exhibition of ancient astronomical instruments. Interest to visit as is the National Maritime Museum, Queen's House, and high-speed British clipper "Cutty Sark".

The journey from Greenwich you finish on a boat on the famous River Thames, which will give you the opportunity to explore the city in a new and unexpected way.

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle was built as a stronghold, embodies the grandeur and power of the monarch's power. Today it is a private home (summer) the residence of Queen Elizabeth II. When the members of the dynasty of Windsor are in the castle, visitors were not allowed, but at other times access to large parts of the open.

Within the tour you have the unique opportunity to visit this beautiful palace, to visit the royal chambers and in the chapel of St. George - the burial place of many of the kings of England, in the apartment the public reception, decorated magnificent tapestries and works by Van Dyck, Rembrandt and other famous artists, see the memorial to Prince Albert, to see the Queen Mary Doll's House (estate in miniature scale 1:12), an exhibition of royal dishes and much more.

Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Castle is one of the most valuable and best preserved monuments of the English palace architecture.

King Henry VIII had spent five honeymoons alternately with his five wives, and, according to legend, ghosts of two of them, Jane Seymour and Catherine Howard, continue to visit the palace today.

The castle served as a place for hunting and entertainment. There were banquets and masquerades, theater. Here put their plays by William Shakespeare.

Garden Hampton Court Palace is a classic example of a regular English garden Tudor (XVIvek) - grand complex with orchards, flower gardens, parade ground for tournament matches, fountains, fish ponds, home park, and the Privy Garden. The garden is the famous Hampton Court maze of green, in which the characters wander the famous novel "Three Men in a Boat of the Dog" Jerome K.Dzheroma.

Entrance fees are included.

Oxford and Stratford

To see the real England, to leave London

Tour is designed for all day and offers a visit to Oxford - an old, world-famous university town, which for centuries gives the world of outstanding in all areas of human culture. You will see the tower Kerfeks (XIVv.), which offers a picturesque view of the city, Magdalen College, high bell tower which is the symbol of the city, Breyznouz College Church. Mary and the other attractions of the city.

The second part of the tour will be devoted to acquaintance with the Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace, a small cozy town that has not touched the hand of time. You will visit the Church of the Holy Trinity, in which Shakespeare is buried, will be able to see the house Anne Hathaway - wife of Shakespeare, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, the Harvard House.

Stonehenge and Salisbury

Salisbury, one of the oldest cities in England, one of the ten most visited sites in the UK. Cathedral Salisbury Cathedral - one of the most beautiful in the country. Pride of the cathedral - the spire, the highest in the UK (123m). The Council also holds one of the four existing copies of the Magna Carta. Every evening, the entrance to the cathedral is locked and can be opened only by the inhabitants of the city, each of which has a key.

At 10 km from Salisbury is Stonehenge - one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world. It consists of the embankments around the huge circle of standing stones and is sparked numerous studies and theories of scientists from around the world. Archaeologists think that the stones were installed between 2500 BC and 2000 BC, and the earthen embankment and ditch, which constitute the earliest part of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC

While ucheny arguing about the mysteries of Stonehenge, local legends say that the giant stones appeared thanks to Merlin and have healing power.

Warwick Castle

Castle Warwick - one of the most dramatic and best preserved medieval castles in the country.

Assembly of furniture, tapestries, paintings and armours make it an unforgettable sight. Not surprisingly, the castle attracts more than 800,000 visitors a year. You pass by the castle on bridge over the moat, to experience the atmosphere of exquisite banquets, knight battles and ceremonies. You can get acquainted with the exposition of a wax or stroll through the manicured gardens of the castle, with its rose garden in the Victorian style. The castle is also known for its ghosts, who found refuge in its dungeons.

After exploring the castle, we also recommend a walk along the ancient city of Warwick, which is a model of the British province.

London Eye

Camoe large Ferris wheel in Europe, the height of 135 meters, London Eye offers the best panoramic view of London. Since opening at the beginning of XXI century, the wheel has become the most visited attraction in London, with more than 3.5 million visitors annually. With the open-wheel review of 40 km in all directions.

You can special order a "flight with Champagne," rent a capsule for your family or for entertaining guests with traditional drinks English aristocracy. Price - on request.

Madame Tussauds

In the wax museum Madame Tussauds you will have a meeting not only with well-known, but also became notorious personalities, members of the royal family, the stars of pop music, and in a room of

Horrors - with executioners, dealt with its victims.

In addition to the many amazingly realistic sculptures, there are also many interactive temptations: You can score the winning goal for England under the supervision of Sven Goran Eriksson, a speech at the United Nations, along with Blair and Bush, or singing and dancing on stage with stars, using cutting-edge technology, you'll be able to fly through space in a virtual world.

River cruise on the Thames with a dinner and program

Going from one of the London docks, you can explore the city in the evening illuminations. You swim under all the bridges of London and see such famous sights as the Ferris Wheel, Westminster

Palace, Tower of London, Tower Bridge and many others.

Floating restaurant Symphony opens a wonderful view of London, while the dinner will be served a 3-course dinner with a final coffee.

This elegant event is accompanied by live jazz music spanning styles from the 60s to the present.

At the end of dinner, you will be able to "dance under the stars" in the heart of London, its pulsating "arteries" Thames.

Performance "Beefeater"

This royal medieval banquet held by torchlight in the vaulted cellars, near the Tower of London.

Where in London can be found competing knights and strolling musicians, singing medieval ballads? Where you can eat and drink in a historic setting, the same as in medieval times, where you are served by dancing girls, I invite you to join the fun?

Banquet "Beefeater" will provide you with all of these pleasures. Your host this historic view - King Henry VIII. He is joined in the troupe of colorful characters from the past in England. Relax and enjoy the view!

In medieval atmosphere you will be served a 3-course dinner, dessert, beer and wine - no restrictions. You will see King Henry VIII and his wives, jousting battles, singers, clowns and musicians. This cheerful unusual evening you will certainly enjoy.

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