Tourism and travel/Tanzania








Sri Lanka






Tanzania is famous national parks, natural reserves, long sandy beaches, sightseeing tours of the ancient city, the ruins of ancient castles and villages. Tours in Tanzania offers safari, beach holidays, eco-tourism and trekking, climbing volcanoes, scuba diving, deep sea fishing, hunting. Most eco-tourists choose tours to Tanzania in the Serengeti National Park, the only park in the world where you can see the natural migration of birds and wildlife. Local landscapes are savannas and forests. It is home to 35 species of mammals. Not far from the park of Serengeti Ngorongoro. Here is the world's largest volcanic caldera of Ngorongoro. In the vicinity of the volcano Maasai people living in the villages can learn about the way of life of this ancient people. Olduvai Gorge, where he first discovered the bones and skull of Australopithecus, who lived 1.5 million years ago.

Going to eco-tours to Tanzania, it is recommended to visit Tarangire National Park, Ruaha, Gombe. Kilimanjaro National Park offers snow-capped peaks and the highest point in Africa - Kilimanjaro volcano. Tour to Tanzania to conquer the highest point in the 5895 km choosing experienced climbers and climbers. Beach Holidays in Tanzania preferred in the east. The coastline of 804 km. The sandy beaches of the Bay Oyster Bay located 10 km from Dar es Salaam. South of the city beaches of Ras Kutani, north Kunduchi. The most popular resorts are located on the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia. The main dive sites - dive sites of Zanzibar, Mnemba and about. Pemba. Most welcome in coastal waters - whale sharks. Also in this area from September to March, to do deep-sea fishing. Catch up bonito fish, barakkuda, marlin, yellow tuna, pelagic fish. Hunting in Tanzania is allowed in 50 locations. Special tours to Tanzania from Kiev for hunters send in a reservation Selous. Everyone who wants to go hunting in the country, on arrival to obtain a permit. 1 day hunting for one type of animal or bird will cost $ 1500.

General information:

A half century ago, East Africa was a place of mystery and the unknown. Information, revenue in Europe was like a legend. Because few believed to a German missionary who claimed that they saw a huge mountain, the top of which was covered with snow. World fame one of the most beautiful places of the world received not only by grief, sung by Hemingway in "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."

Tanzania - the valley is bounded by steep high ledges, extinct volcanoes with huge craters, vast plateaus, rich fishing lake and developed river system. Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro gained fame pristine nature reserve, home of thousands of animals and birds.

Diverse fauna of Tanzania has made the country an ideal safari. Especially coveted trophies safari "big six", the strongest and most dangerous animals in Africa: lion, elephant, rhino, cheetah, leopard and buffalo. Pleasures of the Tanzanian safari to appreciate very famous people: Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt and Ernest Hemingway.

For an introduction to Tanzania animals in their natural habitat tourists ideal conditions. In almost all the reserves and parks have mobile camps, Camp and comfortable hotels, lodges. Seems to be their nature intended, so they fit perfectly into the landscape.

Climate Tanzania:

Equatorial monsoon. The best time to visit the country - from December to mid-March and from July to November. The main rainy season is at the end of March - May (in Zanzibar to mid-July). Small rainy season - November - early December. The islands climate is tropical and humid, the average daily temperature - 28-30 degrees plus, sea breezes make the weather very pleasant. The water temperature in the Indian Ocean - 24-26 degrees. In the central part (1200-1700 m above sea level), the average temperature - plus 22-25 degrees, the nights can be cool.

When to go:

In Tanzania, you can ride all year round, even in the rainy season. When choosing travel time should be given to information on the migration of animals, as well as the hunting season, which is usually closed from April 1 to June 30. Climatic conditions better to postpone the trip to the south of the country in February and March (the rainy season), as the rains wash away the soil and make the area inaccessible.

How to get there:

In Tanzania, two international airports, one in Dar es Salaam, the former capital of Tanzania, and the other - in Arusha, near Mount Kilimanjaro. Of these cities begin travel itineraries for Tanzania. From Kiev to Dar Es Salaam flights fly many major airlines, most convenient flight with KLM (via Amsterdam).

Information about the country

Official name:

United Republic of Tanzania.


Dodoma. Former capital - Dar-es-Salaam.


Tanzania is located in eastern equatorial Africa, bordered to the north with the countries of Kenya and Uganda to the west - to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burgundy, runs along the southern boundary of Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi.

Most of the country - the high plateau. In Tanzania, is the highest mountain in Africa - Kilimanjaro (5890 m), climbing to the top of which is available for almost any tourist.

But in Tanzania are also marshes, forests, low hills and high mountains, volcanoes and coral reefs. Tanzania passes through the territory of the Great Rift Valley.

Area Country:

945.1 thousand square kilometers


In Tanzania, home to nearly 35 million inhabitants, the population of mainland Tanzania is composed almost entirely of Africans Africans after the most significant part of the inhabitants are from India and Pakistan, there are only about 120 ethnic groups.

On the mainland, and 45% of the population - Christians, 35% - Muslims. On the island of Zanzibar - 99% Muslims.

Time difference:

The time difference with Kiev - absent.


The official language of Tanzania - Swahili, English is also widely spoken.

Mobile Communications:

In Tanzania operate a GSM phone European operators.


Tanzanian shilling exchange rate - 1 $ = 920TSH.


Ukrainian citizens for entry to Tanzania require a visa, which can be obtained at the airport upon arrival, or border crossings (in combination with the Kenyan tour) it costs $ 50


The import of foreign currency is unlimited, national - is prohibited. Duty-free import of cigarettes - 200 pcs., Alcohol - up to 1 liter., Food, household items - in the range of personal needs. Subject to a 100-percent duty Audio, photos and video. The import of firearms, drugs, pornography. The export of ivory and its products, rhino horn, skins of wild animals, gold, diamonds, pink (without proof of purchase.) The export of jewelry made of gold and silver, stamps, coins, food, between personal needs.

Tourist Areas

Selous National Park is an 8-hour drive south of Dar es Salaam and is the largest in Africa (55,000 square meters. Km.) And one of the largest in the world. There are a huge number of wild mammals and birds, including 120 thousand species of elephants, buffalo, 160 thousand and two thousand rhinos, also a high concentration of hippos, hyenas and crocodiles.

Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kilimanjaro National Park.

Mount Kilimanjaro - is the crown of Tanzania. Rising just above the flat plain covered with snow caps at the top, often covered by clouds, it has become a classic of African painting. At a height of 5890 meters, it is the highest African mountain and the highest peak in the world, that I can walk. The diameter of the base is as much as 60 kilometers.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro can be performed throughout the year, but it is believed that this is best done from August to October and January to March.

Arusha National Park - one of the smallest parks in Tanzania. It is just 32 km from the town of Arusha. There are three points of interest Momela Lake, Mount Meru, and Ngurdoto crater. Park is renowned for being resident in the 400 species of birds, both local and migratory black-and-white colobus monkeys.

Serengeti National Park - the most famous park in Tanzania, according to some estimates, the best in the world. Serengeti is known primarily because of the annual migration of thousands of animals, especially the wildebeest, the total population in the park are approximately 1.5 million individuals. During the dry season, they migrate from the south to the north and west, and during the rainy season the opposite. Along with migrating antelopes and predators, for which the weak and sick animals are easy prey.

Ngorongoro National Park. Ngorongoro Crater is unique in that for many years it formed its own habitat for many species that are not able to get out.

Lake Manyara National Park. This national park is located 130 kilometers from the town of Arusha, between national parks and Ngorongoro Tarangire. The main attraction of the park - lions can climb trees. Extremely rich and glorious world of birds Manyara, especially near the lake. Here you can see a large number of fish-eating birds.

Tarangire National Park is located in the north-east of Tanzania, 120 km from the town of Arusha on the eastern shore of Lake Manyara. Tarangire is famous for a large concentration of wild animals especially during the dry season, which lasts from June to September. During this season, thousands of animals - zebras, elephants, buffalo and others come from the desert Masai Mara to drink water in the river Tarangire.

Meserani Snake Park is located about 20 km to the west of the city of Arusha. Snake In The Park - a unique collection of snakes and other reptiles.

Zanzibar island - the main island of the archipelago of the same name, as well as the capital of the island part of Tanzania, one of the best resorts in the Indian Ocean. The coral reefs surrounding the island, with their unique underwater world - a paradise for divers. On the island a large number of hotels to suit different tastes.

Pemba and Mnemba island, the island of Mafia and small coral atoll islands around it, which constitute a unique marine nature reserve, offering holidays in unspoiled nature. Mnemba Island - virtually uninhabited.


Kitchen in Tanzania is different refinement. Usually in restaurants serving British food (soups, steaks, fried chicken, boiled vegetables, puddings and instant coffee). In Asian restaurants usually cook better, but not much.

National holiday:

New Year - January 1

Zanzibar Revolution Day - January 12

Unification Day - April 26

Workers Day - May 1

Industry Day - July 7

Farmers Day - August 8

Independence Day - December 9

Christmas - December 25

Boxing Day - December 26

Good Friday holiday

Easter Monday

IddiElFitry - 2 new moon

IddiElHaji - one new moon

MaulidDay - one new moon


Tourists arriving from South America and Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Togo, the Central African Republic), and planning to visit Zanzibar, clearly required to be vaccinated against yellow fever (and carry the certificate). Tourists arriving from other countries, a certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is a recommendation.

Recommended for ten days prior to departure to start taking pills for malaria.

Fruits and vegetables require a very thorough washing with boiled water.

Tap water and bottled at not drink.

Visa: Visa to Tanzania can be directly obtained at admission. The whole procedure takes a couple of minutes - at the airport or on the Kenyan border to fill out a form and pay 50 USD.

Currency: Tanzanian shilling (TSh), equal to 100 cents. In the course of banknotes of 10,000, 5,000, 1,000, 500 and 200 shillings, and coins of 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 shilling and 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 cents. In Tanzania, you can import any number of currencies, but the local currency after the exchange can not be exported. Prices in Tanzania are changing quite frequently and without warning. Credit cards are only accepted in major hotels and in very few stores.

Exchange: Banking hours: from 08.30 to 16.00 from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 13.00 - Saturday. Credit cards have limited circulation. Travellers checks can be cashed at registered dealers or exchangers

Customs: Import and export of local currency is prohibited, and all the foreign should be declared. Also banned the export of ivory, rhino horn, skins of wild animals, gold, diamonds, and some spices, such as cloves (without proof of purchase.) The import of firearms (without permission), drugs and pornography. Gold and silver, stamps, coins, food can be brought out only within the limits of personal needs (for jewelry should be accompanied by receipts from the store). Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, liters of alcoholic beverages, food and household items (within personal needs).

Transport: To say that traffic in Tanzania is dangerous - it does not say anything, given the state of the roads, depreciation of the local fleet, and local driving conditions. Both people and animals crossing the road, not paying any attention to the traffic, so the large number of road accidents. Is the national sport in Tanzania slalom between potholes and road rules are forgotten by all and forever. Therefore, a strong recommendation - to hire the services of a professional driver, but it will be especially necessary if you have to ride in the countryside, in the savannah. Stir in Tanzania the left. If you are going to drive in Tanzania require international law. Foreigners are required to carry a driver's license, even when operating a motorcycle. In addition to the car to move around the country you can take advantage of two branch lines: the first - the route of Dar-es-Salaam - Kigoma with branches to Mwanza and Mpande, the second - the railway Tazara (Tanzania - Zambia). Delay trains for 12 hours in the country - a common occurrence. Of land transport preferred buses, and some companies, for example, Scandinavian, they are more than comfortable: driving in crowded facilities conditioned cabin by local people, move around on donkeys or in overcrowded vans-Matata, the tourist feels really white man. But away from the big cities goes easier transport, and in the depths of chilling trip to "Matata" is inevitable, if not a car with a personal driver.

Between Dar es Salaam and the islands of Pemba and Zanzibar, as well as Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika Niasse there ferry service. True, the steam can be as high-speed machine-beast with all the amenities, and a rusty trough - it is possible to predict in advance except for the ticket price. Usually overnight ferry worse daily. Network of domestic flights can get to almost anywhere in the country. Electricity: Electricity for internal use is 230 volts, 50 hertz. All equipment is the British standard, three-prong outlet two-pin flat or round.

Tipping: In Tanzania tipping. It is best to tip in local currency. In restaurants, they make up 10% of the total order value. If you decide to go on a safari, the tip amount to the equivalent of 5 - $ 10 per person per day. Porters give a tip about 1 U.S. dollar, and the maids in hotels - $ 1 a day.

As there is a meeting at the airport on arrival in Kenya: the procedure of the meeting, contact the host company and transfermenov prompting the sales managers Diving in Tanzania

Warm and clear waters of the Indian Ocean (the visibility is usually about 40 m, the water temperature is kept around 28 degrees. C all year) create excellent conditions for diving off the coast of Tanzania in general.

But the best places to dive are considered waters between Zanzibar and Pemba Island, where you can almost always find in addition to the variety of tropical underwater fauna and marine life such as manta rays, hammerhead shark, barracuda, tuna, a large green turtle, dugong, a great white shark and others.

Mnemba atoll islands. This narrow reef around the island offers excellent opportunities for diving among the underwater caves and grottoes steep, covered with beautiful coral gardens. Being located at a deep ocean bathes the island of Zanzibar, reef islands guarantees a meeting with a whale shark and the whale Humpbacks, especially during migration.

The island of Zanzibar. If you are not going to stay on the island of Mnemba directly, we can without loss of quality dive directly on Zanzibar. It is best to select an area and Matemwe area immediately adjacent to the island of Mnemba. Boribu Reef, for example, is known as a special place for the study of pelagic fish, giant sponges, gorgonians, giant moray eels and giant lobsters. Kichwani Reef - the best place to meet with the manta rays of different subspecies, as well as diving with sharks, and atkzhe otlichetsya huge variety of corals, among which we can easily see the brooding fish Napoleon. Reef called Manta Point speaks for itself. Manta rays are really large.

Pemba Island. The waters around Pemba islands are rich in marine life - thousands of species of tropical fish and other vibrant exotic animals (corals, sponges, mollusks, crustaceans, ...). Scuba, you may not even be necessary, the usual snorkelling in clear aquamarine water guarantees a lot of impressions. Pemba - an island reserve, untouched by civilization - small villages with the locals, a few small hotels, excellent harmony with the surrounding nature. Relative distance from the main tourist routes helps keep coral island with its wealth in the pristine beauty. Reef lagoon gives shelter to millions of smaller fish, and the steep walls of his deepwater dramatically lowered by more than 800 m and hide a multitude of mysterious creatures. Along the southern border of the island in the village of Panza fans wrecks can discover objects for study, attracting giant groupers and napoleon fish.

Islet Mesali. Located near Pemba Island Mesa draws its unique marine park. All lovers of beaches, snorkeling and scuba diving should definitely come here. Pristine reef and its inhabitants, organizing outings and meeting with the sea turtles - the special lure of the island.

Mafia Island. In the south, there is a group of islands of Zanzibar, the main and most famous of which is the island of Mafia. This wonderful beauty of the island is only a couple of hotels with a unique family atmosphere that attracts not only diving, but for all who value the personal service and relaxed atmosphere. Few divers I stop here, but the island has a lot to offer fans of the underwater world - a classic coral reef, steep underwater grottos, caves, which are easy to come across with a tiger shark. Compared to the other islands, diving requires more care because of the significant undercurrents.

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